Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 111: Mistakes Were Made

The next morning I woke up with Lyra and Shelli on either side of me, cuddled close. I closed my eyes again, since the sun was just rising up, and enjoyed the peaceful serenity. It was mornings like this that made me want to work my butt off!

"Leon! We need to talk! I messed up!"

I was sure I had just heard Daryle's voice from outside my window below, but I didn't like the words coming out of his mouth. So, I ignored him the best I could, but he kept yelling until my door banged open.

Mary marched into my room with a rock, not sure where she got that from, and then hung her head out the window. I heard Daryle scream as Mary threw the rock at him, but then Mary turned to me and the girls, who were now all awake.

"How long do you plan on letting him yell like that?" Mary growled in a cute pair of PJs.

"Is he still even alive to complain anymore?" I asked, but a pair of hands grabbing my window sill answered that question as Daryle's head popped into my window.

"Leon! I need to talk to you!" He shouted, but Mary put her for on his face, and kicked him back out the window, but then turned to glare at me.

"Go deal with him," she growled and then left the room.

"I wonder what happened that made Daryle so worked up?" Shelli asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't even have to guess. There is only one reason why this blathering idiot would come to my window and not the door. He clearly doesn't want to explain this to anyone but me, and I am pretty sure I know why," I said with a sigh, holding back my grin. That dirty dog did the deed much faster than I would have imagined!

"What is the reason?" Lyra asked, and I smirked, giving both women a kiss before hopping out of bed and equipping my clothing.

"For now I will keep it to myself. Once I know for sure, I will let you girls know!" I laughed and then hopped out of the window.

Daryle was waiting for me as I dropped down from my second-story window. It was clear as day that he had done something wrong, but there weren't too many things that it could be.

"So? I assume that you don't want to talk here?" I asked, and Daryle nodded as his levitation magic lifted us a couple inches off the ground.

Daryle flew us into the forest, and after a short while, we reached a smaller version of the metal house that Danielle had built. Once we got there, Daryle set us down and led me inside where a nervous pair of girls were sitting at a kitchen table much like the one in my own house.

"So, before I explain things, I just want to make one thing very clear," Daryle said with a serious look, but then his face fell to a worried look. "This was not my fault."

"By this, you mean what?" I asked, playing along.

Daryle gave me a long look and then looked at the girls, and both of them looked away with shame. "I think that Rosily should explain this since this is technically her fault, but the root of the matter is that Misty is no longer a virgin, and now I am a level 18 hero with a new blessing from my last one."

Well, this is what I wanted, kind of, but there were a lot of things here that I didn't understand. The two biggest things were Rosily's involvement in all of this, and that Daryle had just plummeted around 400 levels. The second problem was more alarming than the first, but I was more interested to hear Rosily's story.

"Alright," I said and walked over to the table, and took the chair at the back of it. After I sat down, Misty grabbed my hand with a worried look.

"This isn't all Rosily's fault. I didn't want to be a hero after watching you yesterday. I couldn't lose my leg like you did, and then go back to face the same monster! I even told Daryle about it, and he said he would talk to you today about it, but I was worried that you would try to convince me otherwise," Misty explained in a rush, and I patted her hand.

"If I am being honest, I really didn't want to drag you along behind me. A lot is coming, so when I saw you and Daryle get closer, I was kind of hoping this would happen, though, it clearly didn't happen in the way I assumed it would," I chuckled, and Misty sighed as I let go of her hand and turned to the nervous Rosily. "So, what is your place in all of this?"

Rosily's face turned tomato red, and she turned away, but Daryle was now standing over her, and turned her head back to me.

"I don't care how embarrassed you are, you can tell him. Considering how long this has been going on without my knowledge, I think you owe me that much," Daryle growled, and Rosily let out a defeated sigh. 

Just what had this girl done?!

"Alright, but if I am going to explain it, I need to start from the beginning," Rosily said and I nodded, sitting back in my chair.

"I am listening."

Rosily took a deep breath and then began. "I am sure that you are no stranger to Danielle's previous feelings for Daryle, right?"

"Yes," I said, motioning for her to continue.

"Well, Daryle and I have known each other for a very long time, and we have always liked each other. The thing is, we had to keep this from Danielle," Rosily explained but then turned to Daryle with narrowed eyes. "Some decided for both of us that it would be safer if we didn't have any bedroom interactions. Saying that it was for my own safety!"

Daryle put up his hands. "I still think Danielle would have killed you or worse if she would have caught you."

Rosily turned up her nose, but then sighed, her face getting red. "So, I took things into my own hands. I have urges too, and I know that he wanted to as well. So, at night, I would umm, sneak into his room," Rosily explained, getting redder, but Daryle put up his hand, and I nodded for him to speak.

"For context, it is unnaturally hard to wake me up. I have been that way since I was a kid. It is so bad that once, when Danielle and I were kids, living in the forest, I was almost eaten by a monster. Danielle had tried to wake me up, and I even got a mean gash on my leg, but didn't wake up till the next morning. Thankfully, Daniel was able to drag me away and get me into town... sorry for the long story, but Rosily would make any sense if I didn't explain it."

As I listened to both Rosily and Daryle, the image of what happened last night was starting to form. I had basically figured it out, but it was way more entertaining to listen to. I was also learning more about Danielle, so it was worth playing stupid for now.

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