Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 125: Back Already?

After the two of us landed, I put Shelli down.

"I am going to go see Danielle, but then I would like to go work in my studio after that. If you wouldn't mind, do you think that you could make something to eat?" I asked, and Shelli leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips with a smile before she turned and headed for the house.

That left me alone, so I gave a good long stretch before I pointed myself at Danielle's dome-shaped laboratory. The building was nothing more than a nondescript metal half circle, but the top third of the down was glass. I was curious to see what Danielle had been up to, but I also wanted to spend some time with her.

I had been spending a lot of time with Lyra and Shelli. Aria and Mary I had to leave for now because of our power gap, and Ashagan was still in my head. That just left Danielle and Scarlet. I knew that spending time with Scarlet would be easy, but I had met Danielle first, and something told me that I would be in trouble if I moved out of the order of operations.

With a grin, the door to Danielle's lab slid open and I walked in to immediately shield my eyes from the blue-white arc coming from the center of the room. As I got closer, I could see that Danielle was welding something together. I wasn't sure what it was because of the bright light, but I wasn't sure if I would have been able to tell, even if I could see it clearly.

I waited until she finished, but then frowned when I noticed she wasn't wearing a welding mask. Then Danielle turned to me with strange dimly glowing lines that outlined her entire face, neck, and even her hands.

"Oh! You are back already?" Danielle asked but then looked up, then back at me. "I didn't think you would be back yet."

"Ran into a monster that looked like it would give me some trouble, but I did reach level 100, so that is a thing," I explained and then pointed at the strange object Danielle had been working on. "What is that thing?"

"Magic condenser for the main cannon on my warship. I am adding two more smaller converters to help the cooldown time between firing. Currently, as is, it takes almost a full three minutes to be able to fire again. I don't think I need to tell you that this is far too long," Danielle explained, and I nodded.

"Considering that you have to charge it before shooting, I don't think it is that bad, but I can understand what you mean," I said thoughtfully but then tapped my chin. "Though, don't you have any type of storage devices for magic? Like something the condenser can fill up?"

"A magic accumulator? We do have that ability, but why?" Danielle asked, and I pointed to the generator-shaped magic condenser.

"What if, rather than constantly having to recharge the weapon, you filled up the accumulators to hold enough magic for one shot beforehand. This way we can get a good stock ready before battle, and keep refilling them during battle," I explained, but Danielle just stared at me with a stunned look on her face, but then she pounced on me.

I probably could have caught her in my arms, but I let her take me down to the ground with a thump. There was no pain, but Danielle eagerly began to kiss me.

"Can... I just fuck... You right here?!" Danielle asked with heavy breaths, her voice husky and filled with lust and desire.

I pushed her back a bit with a smile. "How about we finish here, and have supper first?"

Danielle leaned down and kissed me again before standing up and offering me a hand.

"Sorry that I got carried away. I have just never met a man like you before," Danielle said and then looked back at her project. "If I were to explain this to anyone else, they would have just nodded along or acted confused. Some people make suggestions, but almost all of them barely help, if they help at all. Most people just annoy me, and laugh from the background."

Danielle hadn't turned back to me, so I walked over, slipped my arms around her, and turned her head back to mine. I leaned down and kissed her, both of us melting into each other for a brief moment.

After we stopped, Danielle rested her head on my chest. "I think that your idea is a very good one. I wish I would have got you to come sooner, but the few hours I have been working on this project haven't been for nothing. I will just repurpose this, but I don't know if I will have time to make a delivery system."

"Are accumulators volatile? What happens if one breaks open?" I asked, and Daniel shrugged.

"Nothing. It's not like the magic inside is under pressure. If one of the storage units were to leak or break, the magic would just seep back into the air. The worst that would pass would be a bad headache for anyone over level 100. While it would cause no damage, It would be like walking into a loud crowded room with everyone screaming," Daniel explained, and I nodded.

"Good, then I don't think you need to worry about a delivery system just yet. Maybe work on a good cart that makes it easy to load and unload the canisters, along with some type of way to connect and disconnect the accumulators that can be done fast in the heat of battle," I told her, but as I did, Danielle let go of me and pulled out a notebook to take notes.

"So transportation and loading mechanisms. Got it. I'll start working on the design right away," Danielle said, her excitement evident. "You've given me a new perspective on this project. I was so focused on improving the condenser itself that I didn't consider alternative methods to enhance its efficiency."

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