Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 74: What is This and That?

"So, Who is the new girl? Do we have to share your bed with her?" Lyra asked as she followed me upstairs.

"No. She is a helper that Garland so graciously decided to bless me with," I said sarcastically, but it flew over Lyra's head.

"That isn't like him to do something nice," She said, and I snorted.

"That's because it isn't. That girl hates all demons, so that means you, Mary, and all your kids," I explained, and Lyra grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"You aren't going to let her hurt us, right?" Lyra asked with a worried look, and I patted her head with my free hand.

"I won't let anything ever hurt you again, I promise. You are mine now, and I always do my best to protect what is precious to me," I smiled, and Lyra sighed, but then smiled, hugging my arm.

"So, what are we going to do?" She asked, her past worries gone.

"I need a weapon, and so will Misty," I said as we headed to my studio at the end.

"What? You just said she was dangerous to demons, and you are going to give her a weapon?!" Lyra demanded, suddenly pulling on my arm to stop me from going any further.

I sighed and then turned back to Lyra again. "I am going to teach her where she is to point her weapons. If there is one thing that Garland messed up with, it was telling her that she had to trust me. I am going to twist that and fix her perception, or what I call fixed."

Lyra raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "How do you plan on doing that?"

"By showing her that not all demons are her enemies, and that blindly attacking everything won't solve her problems. I need her to understand that there are good demons and bad demons, just like there are good and bad humans," I explained.

Lyra seemed to ponder my words for a moment before nodding. "Alright, that makes sense. So, weapons for both of you, then?"

I nodded. "Yes, and I need you and the others to help me. We need to make Misty understand that we're not the enemy. I want her to see that we're here to help and that there's more to demons than just being the villains in her story."

Then I sighed, shaking my head. "I just want to get her head screwed on straight and then send her off. Staying around us will not be good for her blessing. I am already worried about my kiss with Shelli in the bathroom. I don't want to tease her with my affection for the rest of you. At the same time, I just met you all, and I want to be cute with you all. I just want to do cute couple shit, print cool things, and relax, but that dumb sexless god always has another wrench!"

It was starting to feel like Garland was just trying to add more and more girls to my harem to the point I couldn't spend any time with any of them. It was frustrating. I really just wanted to say that Misty wasn't my problem, but that cocksucker made sure that she would be!

Lyra, noticing the frustration on my face, patted my arm. "It's okay, Leon. We know that you care about us. You pretend like you don't care, but I think you like helping people."

"Lies," I said, shaking my head. "If I help someone, then it is only to make my path to an easy life with you and the other girls. I don't want to help Misty. Sure I feel bad for her, but then why don't I feel bad for every poor and downtrodden person? Is it okay to just help one, and ignore the rest?"

Lyra tilted her head, considering my words. "I think it's normal to feel empathy and want to help those you come across, but it's not realistic to save everyone. You can make a difference in the lives of those you can help, even if it's just a few people. It's better than doing nothing."

I sighed, realizing the truth in her words. It was strange to have a creature like Lyra explain things that way considering her kind was considered demons. "Yeah, I know. It's just frustrating dealing with Garland's schemes. I never signed up for this hero business."

Lyra smiled. "Well, you're our hero, whether you like it or not. And we'll be here to support you. Let's focus on helping Misty understand and finding a solution that works for everyone."

I nodded, appreciating the support from Lyra. "Thanks, Lyra. Let's get to work on those weapons, and then we'll tackle the challenge of convincing Misty that we're not the bad guys."

Heading into my studio, we found Mary sitting at my desk. The moment I entered the room, we locked eyes, and then she pointed at the portal on the screen.

"What is this?" She asked and then pointed at the Hamazon logo. "And can we go here?"

"What is that?" Lyra asked, pointing to the computer Mary was sitting at, and I sighed.

"That is my computer. I haven't tried the portal yet, and as for Hamazon, why do you want to go?" I asked as Lyra and I walked into my studio and over to where Mary was sitting, her five tails flowing out of the chair.

Mary grinned mischievously. "Well, I figured if you're making weapons for Misty, we might as well shop for some new clothes for her too. She can't walk around in that ragged burlap sack forever."

Mary paused but then looked away, and I swore I saw her blush, but I was probably seeing things. "I haven't been there since the one time my grandmother took me..."

For an entire instant, I felt like I saw a different woman sitting in the chair. Not the gorilla-psycho-teacher that always had a bone to pick with me, but a girl. One that just wanted an excuse to go shopping and have a fun time. I blinked, and the moment passed, and she was back to her usual self.

"Hmph! Don't get any weird ideas, okay? It's just practical to have her in decent clothes. I don't want her embarrassing us with that tattered mess she's wearing," Mary muttered, avoiding eye contact and crossing her arms.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, Mary. We'll go check out this Hamazon place. But don't expect me to be your personal shopping assistant."

She huffed. "Who said I needed your help? I can handle it perfectly fine on my own. 

I just need you there so I don't get locked up like that bird-brained lab rat!"

Lyra giggled but then looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Can I come to, Leon?" 

I sighed and thought about it, but it should be fine. I would just have to make sure we left as soon as I started to feel sleepy.

"Sure, I will make a stop at Greg's while we are there to pay my bill and see if there is anything else there I need. We just can't stay there for a long time, or I will be laid up again," I said, and Mary nodded.

"I will be with you, and I will be able to tell when your Magical Power gets low," Mary explained, and I nodded.

"Good, now get up so I can sit down," I said, and she got up, but as soon as I sat down, she sat on my lap. 

I had thought that Lyra was going to sit on my lap, and Mary put a hand on my shoulder, but the fox just hopped on my lap. I gave her a look, but the one that was returned told me that death was better than asking for the reason for this.

Mary picked up Lyra and placed her on her lap, and I guess it made sense since the little demon princess was so small. Still, I don't know what was up with Mary since I had asked her to serve me instead of Aria, but I wasn't sure if it was a bad thing.

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