Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 75: Hades Hottest Fashion’s

"Leon! You are back so soon!" Hama exclaimed after I summoned him, and I nodded.

"Yeah, then girls wanted to do some shopping," I said and pointed to them. "This is Mary and Lyra. You guys, this is Hama, our guide here."

"You have a guide?" Mary asked, and Hama nodded.

"Unlike your Grandmother, Elara, the Weaver, Leon has a level five membership. Your grandmother only became an Important Member 53 years ago. She is a divine being, so there isn't much she can't make on her own," Hama explained, and Mary nodded, but I was shocked that I was more important than someone like The Weaver of Tapestries.

"I see," Mary said, giving me a complicated look, then looking away when she noticed me staring back.

"So, what are we here for today?" Hama asked, and I hummed.

"Can we split up? I need to go see Greg, and then Anima, but the girls want to go shopping for clothes," I explained, and Hama nodded, and a map with a list of locations appeared in front of me.

"If you just think to summon your map, this will appear, and then you can mentally select a location. I will guide the women to go see Hades. His store has very good fashion, and sizes that will fit anyone!" 

I nodded and looked at all the locations on the map

  1. Security Headquarters
  2. Argrum's Alloys
  3. Greg's Printing Supplies
  4. Hades Hotspot Fashions
  5. Regal Core, Royal Golem Emporium [Locked to level 6 membership]
  6. Virgo's Heart, Crystal Artifact Store [Locked to level 6 membership]
  7. Waifuland, Anima's Pleasure-dise
  8. Lunar Luxuries, Moonstone Jewelry 
  9. Poseidon's Palace, Aquatic Treasures [Locked to level 6 membership]
  10. Olympus Elixirs, Divine Potions [Locked to Prime membership]
  11. Apollo's Artistic Creations, Paintings and Sculptures
  12. Ares Armory, Weapons, and Armor [Locked to level 7 membership]
  13. Second Floor [Locked to level 6 membership]

There were so many places, including the second floor that were locked behind membership. It made me wonder just what was inside Olympus Elixirs though. That place must be pretty crazy.

"Hey, so just spending money here increases my membership level?" I asked, looking at Hama.

"That does, but you can also take on offered quests from store owners. If you increase your rating with certain ones, they can recommend you to the next level. Unfortunately, Greg and Anima don't count, so you would have to build your ratings with Hades, Argrum, Lunar, or Apollo," The TV explained, and I nodded.

"All right, I am just going to go to the shops I said, so I will come to find you all after," I said after turning to the girls, and Lyra nodded.

Mary crossed her arms and huffed, "Well, don't expect me to be excited about shopping or anything! It's just practical to make sure Misty has decent clothes, that's all. I'm not doing this for you, Leon."

I just stared at her for a moment and then shook my head. This woman was being difficult as always, but it was different, so I decided not to push it. "Sure, Mary. Just do whatever you want."

With that, I mentally selected Greg's Printing Supplies as my first destination and felt a familiar pull as I was teleported to the shop.

After Leon left, Mary let out a frustrated sigh. She couldn't believe how easily he dismissed her efforts to help Misty, and now he had gone off to deal with his own business, leaving her and Lyra to handle the shopping. It wasn't like she enjoyed shopping or anything. It was just practical to ensure Misty had proper clothes, right?

As they followed Hama towards Hades Hotspot Fashions, Lyra skipped happily beside Mary. "I've never been shopping like this before! It's going to be so much fun, don't you think?"

Mary rolled her eyes. "It's just shopping, Lyra. Not some grand adventure."

Lyra pouted. "But Leon said we could have fun!"

Mary grumbled under her breath. "I didn't sign up for this. I'm not here to have fun. I'm just doing what needs to be done."

As they entered the fashion store, Mary couldn't help but be impressed by the variety of clothing on display. Hades Hotspot Fashions had everything from elegant dresses to casual outfits, and the colors and styles were dazzling.

A voice echoed through the store as they walked in. "Welcome, valued customers! How may I assist you today?"

Mary turned to see a well-dressed demon with sleek black horns and a friendly smile approaching them. "I am Hades, the proprietor of this fine establishment. If you need any assistance or guidance in choosing the perfect outfit, feel free to ask!"

Lyra clapped her hands. "Wow, Hades! Your store is amazing!"

Hades bowed gracefully. "Thank you, young miss. I take great pride in offering the finest fashion in the underworld. Now, how may I assist you both today?"

Mary crossed her arms. "We're here for Misty. She needs decent clothes. Nothing too flashy or revealing. Just practical."

Hades chuckled. "Ah, a practical approach. I respect that. Let me show you some options that will suit her needs."

As Hades led them through the store, Mary couldn't help but be impressed by his knowledge of fashion. He seemed to understand exactly what Misty required – modest yet functional clothing. Mary's initial annoyance began to fade as she realized that maybe she had been harsh with Leon. She had been the one to ask.

Lyra, on the other hand, was having a great time exploring the different sections of the store. She held up a fluffy pink dress. "Mary, wouldn't this look adorable on Misty?"

Mary raised an eyebrow. "It's too frilly. We need something practical, not cute. Misty is to become another hero to fight at Leon's side, not distract him."

Hades intervened. "I understand your preferences. How about this set of sturdy, yet stylish, outfits? They provide both comfort and coverage."

Mary examined the clothes and nodded in approval. "That should do. We'll take those, but what about the size? How do you know it will fit if the girl isn't even here?"

Hades smiled confidently. "Fear not, my dear. I have a magical sizing spell that can determine the perfect fit for any individual. Misty's measurements will be taken care of once she wears these garments."

Mary nodded in approval, appreciating the practical approach. "Good. We'll take the outfits then."

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