Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 76: Complicated Emotions

As Hades went to arrange the purchase, Lyra continued to explore the store. Mary followed her, and her eyes fell on a display of elegant dresses. She couldn't help but be drawn to a deep blue gown with intricate silver embroidery.

"Mary, look at this dress! It's so beautiful," Lyra exclaimed, holding the gown up to her.

Mary sighed. "Lyra, that's not what we're here for. We're getting Misty practical clothes, not fancy dresses."

Lyra pouted. "But what if she wants to feel pretty? Maybe Leon would like to see her in something like this."

Mary blushed, feeling a twinge of jealousy at the thought. "Misty must remain a virgin, or she will lose her powers. The last thing we want is Leon lusting after her."

Lyra stopped pouting, and then tapped her finger to her chin, but then stopped as a thought hit her. She turned to Mary and pointed at her. "What we get is you a dress! And me some sexy underwear! Tonight is my first night with Leon, so if you get a nice dress, maybe you can spend the night with him too, you like him right? Or you wouldn't be acting so mean to him, but also helping him? Don't you like spending time with Leon?"

Mary staggered back from the demon princess at her onslaught of questions that Mary wasn't mentally, or emotionally prepared for.

Thankfully, Hades, not only a master of the underworld, and fashion was also very good at reading people. Coming up behind Mary, the Demon Lord looked down at the little runt. She was a demon, but something had stunted her growth. Whoever this Leon was, Hades would like to meet him.

"Little one," Hades said from behind Mary, making both women jump. The Demon Lord snapped his finger and two female demons that looked like Lyra, but they had red and blue hair. "These two girls are my daughters, Princess Astra and Nova. Why don't you go with them, and they will help you find the perfect undergarments that you desire. I will tend to Miss Mary myself."

Lyra's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Really? Thank you, Hades! I'll make sure to pick something that will make Leon go crazy!"

Princess Astra and Nova giggled, leading Lyra away to the section of the store dedicated to intimate apparel. Meanwhile, Hades turned his attention back to Mary, who was still processing the unexpected turn of events.

"Miss Mary, it seems my daughter has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter. Shall we find that perfect dress for you?" Hades suggested with a sly smile.

Mary blinked, her mind still caught in the whirlwind of Lyra's questions. "I... I suppose. But I'm not doing this for Leon. It's just a dress."

Hades chuckled. "Of course, my dear. Let's focus on finding a dress that suits your taste."

As Hades guided Mary through the elegant dress section, he could sense the conflicting emotions within her. Despite her attempts to maintain a tough exterior, there was a vulnerability that intrigued him. Hades decided to approach the situation delicately.

"Miss Mary, may I offer a piece of advice?" Hades said, his tone gentle.

Mary glanced at him, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Sure, what is it?"

Hades smiled. "Love can be a complicated matter, especially when one tries to deny their feelings. Instead of resisting the emotions that may arise, why not embrace them? It might lead to unexpected happiness."

Mary frowned, unsure how to respond. "I don't... I don't have emotions for a man that I just met. He is so stupid, and doesn't even understand what he is implying by binding himself to me! Why would I want to embrace that?"

Hades raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps you're not giving him enough credit. People can surprise you, and sometimes the heart knows what the mind denies. Besides, a beautiful dress can make a woman feel confident and empowered. Let's find one that resonates with you, regardless of the reasons."

As Mary continued browsing through the dresses, she couldn't shake off the strange mix of emotions swirling within her. Hades, ever the astute observer, continued to guide her, offering suggestions and sharing stories of love and fashion.

Eventually, Mary found herself standing in front of a deep blue gown similar to the one Lyra had admired. The intricate silver embroidery sparkled under the soft lighting of the store.

Hades smiled. "That dress has a timeless elegance. It would complement your beauty wonderfully. What do you think, Miss Mary?"

Mary hesitated, her gaze fixed on the dress. "It's... it's not bad. But I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I don't care what Leon thinks."

Hades chuckled. "Of course, my dear. Let's have you try it on, and you can decide for yourself."

As Mary entered the dressing room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The gown clung to her figure with a cut in the back for her tails. The deep blue fabric draped elegantly over her form, and the silver embroidery accentuated her curves. Mary couldn't deny that the dress looked stunning on her.

As she stepped out of the dressing room, Hades smiled approvingly. "Miss Mary, you look absolutely radiant. The dress suits you perfectly."

Mary glanced at herself in the mirror, a rare moment of self-reflection. The gown gave her a regal appearance, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. "It's not bad," she admitted, though she quickly added, "But I'm still not doing this for Leon."

Hades chuckled. "Of course, my dear. Wear it for yourself. Now, let's go purchase the dress and the practical outfits for Misty. I'm sure your companion will appreciate the effort you've put into this."

Mary nodded, still grappling with the unfamiliar emotions swirling within her. She followed Hades to the counter, where he efficiently processed their purchases. As they left Hades Hotspot Fashions, Mary couldn't help but steal glances at herself on the reflective surfaces.

"Miss Mary, I hope you enjoy wearing the dress. Remember, embracing your own desires doesn't diminish your strength," Hades offered, his words carrying a hint of wisdom.

Mary simply nodded, still processing the unexpected turn of events. As they reunited with Lyra, who excitedly showed off her chosen lingerie, Mary couldn't help but wonder about the tangled web of emotions she found herself entangled in.

Meanwhile, Leon, unaware of the developments in the fashion store, continued with his own business.


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