Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 78: Priceless

I scratched my head, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events. "Well, thank you, Anima. Still, is this really okay? This Golem has to be extremely expensive, right?"

"Expensive? I had planned on giving you her blueprint for 50% off, but even then she would have cost over 350,000 credits. Scarlet is a top-of-the-line Epic class model that can rank up with you. She currently outranks your class rating of Rare, but if you reach Legendary and Divine, she will grow with you," Anima explained, and my eyes nearly fell out of my head.

"...Umm, so are you telling me that I don't even have to print her?! Just how much for a service like that?!" I asked, feeling a bit faint, and Anima gave me a look.

"23,000,000 credits. This certain model is built using Legendary class materials along with Legendary class filaments and a coating. Everything about Scarlet is at its highest level," Anima explained, crossing her arms as I felt like I was going to be sick.

"...That is a lot of beans... are you really sure this is okay?" I asked as I stared at the ground.

Anime sighed. "Not as if I have a choice, but no more kissing the models! The print time on that model alone was 3 months! Scarlet has awoken and chose you as her master. I am biting the bullet for this because it is mostly my fault. I don't think this would have happened if I hadn't forced her to kiss you."

I scratched my head awkwardly, processing the information. "Well, I appreciate your honesty, Anima. I didn't expect this turn of events, but I'll do my best to take care of Scarlet. And, uh, sorry about the accidental awakening."

Anima chuckled. "It's fine. Golems are unpredictable, and sometimes they surprise even their creators. Just treat Scarlet well, and she'll serve you faithfully. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss or purchase from my shop?"

I thought for a moment. "Actually, Anima, Ashagan asked me to talk to you about her new body."

"Ah, is that why she is hiding within you today? Too bad, it is for her own good, and yours as well," Anima said with little remorse, and I heard Ashagan start cursing Anima from inside me. She had been quiet since my last trip here, but that wasn't unusual.

"Okay, well I guess that is all I need," I said, and Scarlet hugged my arm, her big breasts swallowing it. I could get used to this!

"Before you go, I would like to show you one product. It will be useful for you tonight, and you should buy something, considering how much I have given you for free," Anima said, stopping me as we were about to leave.

I turned back with a weary smile. "As long as I can afford it. I have to save some money to pay for the girl's clothes. I am sure they got a few things."

"Well, a little birdy told me that you are going to be having some fun with that little demon princess, Lyra, yes? Are you worried about anything?" Anima asked, not batting an eye, and I nodded. Lyra must have been talking about it at Hades's shop, but I couldn't blame her. 

I was also pretty excited, but I was a bit worried. In the back of my mind, I had been worrying about sleeping with Lyra in her current form. Sure, she had a mature face and body, but she was still so small. Part of me worried that I might back down at the last minute. I wasn't into kids, and that fact was suddenly coming up now that it was so close to happening.

"If I am being honest, Lyra's body is... Childish," I said slowly, and Anima nodded.

"I am glad. Some creatures don't seem to mind things like that, but I think it is disgusting. Now, come with me," she said and waved me to the back of her large store with Scarlet still hugging my arm.

We reached a section that was all bottles of pills for all sorts of things. All of them were things I had never seen before, but Anima picked up a glass bottle filled with bright green liquid and handed it to me.

"Growth Serum?" I asked as I read the bottle. 

"Yes. This will temporarily cause the body to grow depending on the dose. No matter how much is taken, the effect only lasts from the first drop. 1 hour is the maximum time it can be in effect, but it can be canceled at any time with a simple dispel spell of any type," Anima explained, and I nodded along.

"Interesting. So, if someone takes this, they'll experience temporary growth? That could be useful. How much does it cost?" I inquired, studying the bottle in my hands.

Anima smirked. "For you, my dear customer, I'll offer a special discount. It's usually 30,000 credits per bottle, but I'll give it to you for 8,000 credits. Consider it a little gift for being a frequent visitor."

I winced at the price since it was more than any of the Epic class filaments that I had gotten from Greg, but it was a good slash on the price. "That's quite a discount. Are there any side effects or risks associated with using this serum?"

Anima chuckled. "Oh, there are always risks with magical potions, but this one is relatively safe. The only side effect is a temporary surge in appetite after the growth wears off. It's like the body compensates for the energy spent during the growth process. Other than that, it's a straightforward and reliable product."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, I'll take one bottle. I am glad that I don't have to worry about tonight as well."

Anima grinned. "Excellent choice! Here you go." She handed me the bottle, and I carefully stowed it away in my inventory and then looked at my credits with a sigh.

[Total IHSR Credits: 6,000$]

"As always, it's a pleasure doing business with you, Leon. If you ever need anything else or have questions, feel free to drop by," Anima said, and I gave her a nod of gratitude.

"Thank you, Anima. I appreciate your help. I'll be sure to keep your shop in mind for any future needs." With that, I left Anima's Pleasure-dise, Scarlet still hugging my arm.

Well, that put a dent in my pocketbook, but being able to fully enjoy my time with Lyra was priceless. Now that I was done, It was time to see how my little princess and my grouchy fox were doing. I also had to introduce Scarlet, but the girls should like her, I hoped.

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