Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 80: The Demon Lord’s New Clothes

"So, what did you have in mind?" I asked, and Hades leaned back.

"Well, for the quest, I am looking for a special combination of items I currently don't have access to. The said items can be found on your world of Horus, Or Garlandia as that fake god calls it," Hades explained, and I raised an eyebrow. It was strange to hear someone else insult Garland, and I kind of liked it!

"Oh? You don't like Garland?" I asked, and Hades nodded.

"Because he gained his powers through nefarious means and trickery, he is stuck in his realm. Before his rise, we had a constant stream of supplies. Normally, an attempt like his would be punished by Him, but for some reason, he was only restricted to the small divine realm Garland is placed in. Others can enter, but they can no longer enter the world," Hades told me, and it kind of made sense.

"I guess that is fair. So, since no one can go, then I have to be the liaison between worlds?" I asked, and Hades smiled.

"You pick up fast. Good, I will send you the Quest, and you can look at it on your own time," Hades said, and as he did, a quest notification popped up, but I minimized it.

"So, what is the favor you are asking about?" I asked, and Hades waved his hand, causing the air to distort.

From the distortion, Mary's frozen body floated out, but she was wearing a blue dress now. Even with the scowl on her face, I had to admit that it looked really good on her.

"Like what you see?" Hades asked, and I laughed.

"Yes, but I couldn't tell her that! I would get ground into a paste, or maybe worse!" I laughed, but Hades gave me a serious look that made me stop.

"What do you know about demons and spirits?" Hades asked, and I shrugged.

"Not a lot, but why do you ask?" 

"I will just state this bluntly then. When a spirit binds its soul to the same sex, it is passed onto the child. When this happens, the host dies when the child is born, but the connection can be severed at any time. Now, on the other hand. If a spirit, say a female, was to bind her soul to a male, this connection would become unbreakable. In a sense, you two would be joined for as long as you both existed," Hades explained, and I just sat quietly, bowing my head when he was finished.

"No wonder she is acting like this," I mumbled, looking up at Mary's frozen form.

Now the blast of wind, the getting closer, the strange tsundere act she had put on all made sense. I guess it was like I was asking her to marry me... No, this was way more than just marriage... this was linking ourselves for eternity. I had really messed this up, but I should have talked to someone about this before making the offer. 

"Well, I guess there is that," I said and then looked at Hades. "Any advice? I don't have a lot of experience with women, and while I think the tsundere act is cool, I never really understood how to fix it. The books and manga always had clueless characters, but I guess I was just as much up until now."

Hades chuckled, the red pits of his eyes seeming to glow with amusement. "Love is a complex and delicate matter, my boy. It requires understanding, patience, and open communication. If you truly care for this spirit, then talk to her. Share your thoughts, fears, and intentions. Be honest with each other. Love is not about perfection; it's about embracing imperfections and growing together."

He leaned forward, his sharp gaze locked onto mine. "But remember, you're dealing with a spirit, and their emotions can be intense. Be prepared for a rollercoaster ride, and don't let fear hold you back. Now, as for the favor, I suggest you talk to Mary. As you can see, she has taken a liking to that dress, but I think that something that you made might serve her better. While I make perfect-fitting clothing, there isn't a lot I can do to enchant clothing in meaningful ways. That is where you come in."

"Me?" I asked, and Hades nodded.

"Your printer can use filaments and coating from Greg's shop, so you can essentially make better items than I. Your eye for detail might not be like mine, but it won't have to be," Hades explained, but I was only partially understanding what he was getting at.

"I mean, sure, I probably could, but I don't have blueprints for any dresses yet," I said, and Hades frowned at me like I was missing something,

"Have you not browsed the ISP? Interdimensional STL Portal?" Hades asked, giving me a confused look.

I thought about it for a moment, and then a look of realization washed over me.

"That portal icon on my computer! Man, I have been so busy that I really hadn't even checked that yet!" I exclaimed, slapping my hand over my face, making Hades laugh.

"Yes! The ISP is going to make your heart race and mouth water, my young friend!" Hades chuckled as my eyes sparkled, but then the demon calmed down. "How about this? Since you will be able to make your own clothing, I will give you anything the girls want out of the store."

Both of my eyebrows shot up at the word free, but then my brain kicked in, and my eyes narrowed. I was dealing with a demon, and I had just shown him that I was interested in that. There was no way he wasn't going to use that against me!

I guess my face had gotten tense because Hades put up his hands with a placating smile. "I like you, so I am not going to ask for much. Just that you stop by from time to time, and bring dresses for my two little girls. I would also like a suit if that was possible? In return, I will always give you and your girls the best I have to offer, no charge!" 

"Seriously?" I asked, not sure how I was supposed to believe this guy.

Hades laughed but then sighed. "You just don't know your worth yet, do you boy? Why do you think so many people have their eyes on you? Eldros is an old fart that barely ever speaks to anyone! To think that he would bless a hero, and you to boot!"

"What do you mean, blessed?" I asked, but Elara had said the same.

"Really?" Hades asked, then frowned. "Your system should have given you a notification?" 

I paused, and then sighed, shaking my head. The last notification that I got was when I had my entire screen filled with them. I never even looked at it. Mentally, I opened my notifications and pushed them out of my way until I found the one I was looking for. 

[Congratulations! Eldros, the Watcher has blessed you!]

[Divine Skill gained: Eye of Eldros: At will, summon a white orb that can see the weight of a person's soul based on the actions the being has taken in their life. This ability can only be used once per day. The orb can also replace one of your eyes' vision, and move up to 1500 feet.]

I mean, that seems slightly broken, but hey, it was extremely useful!

"As I was saying," Hades said after clearing his throat and I closed my notifications. "Many have their eye on you. I think the clothing that you will be able to print will be amazing. In fact, depending on what you use to make it, a single piece of clothing you make could be worth more than my entire shop!"

I just stared at him in shock. "Are you serious? That's... quite a statement. I had no idea my abilities were valued so highly. But I appreciate your honesty, Hades. I'll do my best to fulfill your requests and create some stunning outfits for your daughters and yourself."

Hades chuckled. "I knew you'd see the potential. Now, go back with the girls, and I will bring this fiery spirit out in a moment. Just remember everything we talked about, and I am sure you will get through to her in the next ten years or so."

"What?!" I demanded, but I was suddenly holding a red dress.

"What do you think, Leon," Scarlet asked, and I looked at her, and then at Lyra and the other two girls in surprise.

Hadn't I just been talking to Hades?

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