Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 81: ISP

Back in my room, I sat in my computer chair with Mary behind me. 

We had ended up leaving the store with what I was sure was a quarter of the merchandise in Hade's shop. The man himself had never shown up, and Mary had just walked out from the back and got flustered at seeing me.

She had been about to run back to the changing room, but I had spoken up.

"Be a real shame to change out of that before Aria sees it, right? The color looks really good on you, and I am sure Aria will be thrilled to see it," I called out, and she stopped, seeming to calm down.

I took a moment to admire Mary in the dress. The blue fabric complemented her fiery red hair, and I couldn't help but appreciate how the dress hugged her figure perfectly. It seemed that Hades had a good sense of style.

"Thanks, Leon," Mary mumbled, avoiding eye contact but looking pleased nonetheless.

I decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. "Mary, we need to talk."

Her eyes widened slightly, and she shifted uncomfortably. "About what?"

I sighed, trying to find the right words. "Hades explained something to me. About spirits binding their souls to the same sex and the consequences. He mentioned that if a spirit binds to the opposite sex, the connection becomes unbreakable. It's a deep, lifelong commitment."

Mary's expression turned serious, and she nodded. "Yes, that's true. It's a significant decision."

"I didn't fully understand the implications when I offered you the chance to be with me," I admitted. "I should have discussed it with you first, and I'm sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position."

She looked at me, her gaze softening. "You're apologizing?"

"Yeah, I am," I said, giving her a serious look like no one else was in the room.

Mary blushed deeply and averted her eyes. "Well, it's not like I care or anything! I just... whatever, it's fine."

I chuckled, appreciating the tsundere act. "Anyway, I want you to know that I value our relationship, and I don't want to rush into anything without both of us being fully aware of what it entails. We can take things one step at a time, and if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to talk to me."

She nodded, still avoiding eye contact but looking more at ease. "Yeah, I get it. Just don't think you can back out of this commitment now, got it?"

I laughed. "Not planning to, Mary."

Back to the present, Lyra had asked for all the clothes but made Scarlet carry them. Then Lyra dragged my new golem off to show Shelli and Aria. Mary had stayed with me.

Confronting her had worked better than I had anticipated, but now she was just a bossy tsundere, rather than an emotionally confused one. I felt at a loss with her, but this was kind of better, but only slightly.

"Are we going to look or what? Do you want me to press the button?" Mary growled in my ear, trying to reach around and grab the mouse. "Stop daydreaming!"

I let out an anguished sigh and double-clicked on the portal icon before Mary could take the mouse from me. However, this seemed more playful since she was a million times stronger than me. It felt more of a chance for her to get close and be cute under the guise of being pushy and bossy.

The Interdimensional STL Portal (ISP) opened up on my computer screen, revealing a  collection of numbered files with pictures and names on each one.

  1. Fantasy Weapons and Armor
  2. Futuristic Gadgets and Accessories
  3. Home Decor and Furniture
  4. Mythical Creatures and Beasts
  5. Anime Character figurines
  6. Sci-Fi Spaceships and Vehicles
  7. Steampunk Fashion
  8. Everyday Items with a Twist
  9. Magical Artifacts and Relics
  10. Potions and Remedies 
  11. Cyberpunk Streetwear
  12. Gothic Outfits
  13. Superhero Action Poses

I looked over the different categories, and Mary leaned over my shoulder to look as well. It was a bit distracting to have her chest pressed into my back, but I was going to open my mouth to complain.

But before I could say anything, Mary reached out and put her hand over mine, selecting the "Gothic Outfits" category. The screen is populated with various dark and intricate clothing designs, ranging from elegant dresses to elaborate coats and accessories.

"Let's see what catches our eye," Mary said, scrolling through the images with the mouse still holding my hand.

As we browsed through the different designs, I couldn't help but marvel at the creativity and craftsmanship of the virtual garments. Each outfit seemed to tell a story of its own, with details and embellishments that went beyond conventional fashion. There were many different designs, and I didn't even know where to start.

"How about this one?" Mary pointed to a long, flowing black gown adorned with silver embroidery and lace. It had a Victorian-inspired design with a modern twist, giving it a gothic and elegant vibe.

"Yeah, that looks amazing," I agreed, and Mary clicked on the image. The file opened, revealing a detailed 3D model of the outfit along with specifications for the required materials and printing settings.

STL File Name: GothicElegance_Dress.stl

Material: Obsidian Silk Blend (Recommended for enhanced texture), Silver, [Addition Crystals can be added]

Print Time: 00:10:00

Printing Settings:

Layer Height: 0.001mm

Infill Density: 20%

Support Structures: Enabled for intricate lace details

Mary looked at me with a mischievous smile. "What do you say we make this one for me?"

Surprised at her request, I turned to her and chuckled. "Sure, why not? It suits your style, and I think you'll look stunning in it."

Mary's cheeks reddened slightly, and she looked away but didn't pull away. "Don't get too carried away with compliments, Leon."

With a grin, I proceeded to download the STL file and loaded it into my 3D printer's software. It appeared as a third icon on my screen after the download had finished. 

I looked at the setting, and everything seemed similar to when I was working before. Then I started to notice some other options. 

Opening up the support options I frowned. Normally, this would only have the type of patterns that the supports would be printed in, but this clearly wasn't a normal printer.

  1. Elemental Supports: Utilizes Fire, Water, Air, Ground, Lightning, or Gravity to support the print. The printed item gains an affinity for the chosen element, providing corresponding buffs to the wielder if it's a Weapon, Armor, Clothing, or Accessories.

  1. Bonsai Tree Supports: Small trees grow as supports, and their growth can be pruned to control aesthetics. The print gains infinite durability and can never be broken by anyone other than you. This support is exclusive to weapons.

  1. Shadow Supports: Creates shadow-like structures as supports, adding a mysterious and artistic touch. The print gains the ability to meld and interact with shadows, with a more pronounced effect when Shadow Type materials are used.

  1. Metallic Vines Supports: Thin metallic vines wrap around the print, providing sturdy support while adding an elegant and decorative element. This support grants the print a special Growth enhancement, allowing it to be Soul-Bound to its owner and grow with them.

  1. Holographic Supports: Generates holographic projections as supports for the entire print, giving it a futuristic and visually appealing touch. This also creates energy channels, making it easier to enchant or modify the print.

"What do you think of these? This is your dress after all?" I asked, and Mary leaned over me again.

Mary studied the options on the screen. "Hmm, I like the Elemental Supports. It adds a unique touch, and the idea of having elemental affinities sounds intriguing. Let's go with that."

I selected the Elemental Supports option, choosing Fire as the elemental affinity. The screen updated with a holographic preview of how the supports would look, showcasing flames delicately intertwining with the lace details of the dress.

"Looks good to me," Mary commented with a nod. "Let's get this printing."

"Hold on," I said, moving my mouse away from the print button, and stood up, turning to Mary. "Let's get some supplies first with my gacha!"

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