Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 94: Rules Were Meant to be Followed

When I got downstairs, I was hit with the aroma of eggs and bacon, making my mouth water almost instantly. I wandered into the kitchen with a dreamy look to find Danielle and Aria cooking up a storm.

Danielle wore a low-cut, white apron that showed off her cleavage

Aria wore a blue apron that matched her eyes and didn't show much but it still looked cute on her.

They both turned around looking at me in surprise. "You are up early," Danielle said with a frown as I walked over and kissed both girls on the cheek. With Danielle I was casual, but I went slow with Aria. If I went too fast she could have easily killed me by accident, but I was in a good mood this morning.

Aria blushed furiously and then turned away with a cute flustered smile. Danielle beside her took over the eggs Aria had been cooking and then pushed me away.

"Go sit down with Mary and Shelli. Food will be ready soon. We have a lot to talk about over breakfast before you leave to train," Danielle instructed, but then I remembered something.

"Where is Misty?" I asked. "I haven't seen her since I left her with Shelli."

Suddenly, both Danielle and Aria looked nervous and went back to cooking. Suspicious.

"Misty? Who is that? I have been in my lab all night! I have no idea what you are talking about!" Danielle said as she accidentally flipped a piece of bacon out of the pan.

Highly suspicious. I looked over at Aria, but my eyes were drawn to the new eggs she was cooking, or that was what they were supposed to be. Her hand was moving faster than I could see no matter how hard I focused. The eggs had been frothing, but it looked like they were turning into another form of matter now.

"Aria, do you know where Misty went?" I asked, and Aria's hand stopped, and a gust blew through the kitchen.

The eggs, which had become a swirling ball of white and yolk-colored energy, sucked together. It created a small little omelet monster that came to life and started hopping back and forth in the hot greased-up pan. I tried to scan it, but Aria slapped the spatula down on the creature and it ceased to exist.

"No, I have not seen her," Aria said, and calmly went back to cooking, passing Danielle some eggs to crack.

Sus, but I didn't want to end up like the omelet monster, so I headed for the dining room where Mary and Shelli were sitting and talking while drinking tea. As soon as I entered, both women looked up at me with a smile. Shelli I expected, but it was a nice change to see a smile on Mary's pretty face.

"Shelli, do you know what happened to Misty?" I asked, and Shelli instantly looked nervous. 

"Alright, what is going on here? Did one of you throw her off the island or something? Or did you bury her body somewhere?" I asked, looking over at Mary, whose smile had vanished as she crossed her arms and turned her nose up at me.

I was about to pry more, but there was a yawn from behind me. I turned to have Scarlet bump into me, but I grabbed her and prevented us both from getting knocked over. After straightening ourselves, Scarlet kissed me.

"Good morning, Leon," Scarlet purred and then hugged me, her soft cannons pressing into my chest.

I returned the hug, letting my hands slide down to squeeze her bum, making her purr more. "Good morning, Beautiful," I said with a smile but then pulled back before I got too distracted. "Have you seen Misty?"

Scarlet nodded, and I sighed, wondering where that girl had gotten to. "Yes, she is still tied to the tree."

For a long moment, I just stared at Scarlet, who stared back. I wasn’t sure if I had heard her right or not.

"The what?" I asked back stupidly, and Scarlet repeated herself.

"Mary?" I asked as I turned around, knowing she had to be responsible for this. "Why is Misty tied to a tree?"

"If you break the rules, there are consequences. She tried to sneak into the demon's longhouse last night. What do you think she was going to do with the kitchen knife that she had in her hands?"

I stared at Mary for a moment and then nodded. "I agree with what you did," I said and Mary frowned.

"You do?" She asked in surprise, and I nodded but turned back to Scarlet, who was still in my arms.

"Can you go untie her, and bring her over for breakfast?" I asked my golem girl, and she nodded with a smile.

"At once!" She smiled and then kissed me before pulling away and leaving. 

With a sigh, I turned back and took a seat, looking at Mary. "I trust you, so next time just come out and tell, rather than making all the girls feel nervous. I am actually glad it is you dealing with her and not me. I don't think she takes me seriously."

"Are you still taking her out with you today?" Shelli asked, and I nodded, leaning over to give her a kiss.

"Yes, but only for today. I plan on collecting a bunch of crystals today so I can make everyone's phones. These are devices that will allow us to not only talk to each other, but see each other, and what we see at long distances. There are also things called Apps on them that require magical power. Basically, they are devices packed with potential to help everyone get stronger faster, and without fighting," I explained, but Mary frowned and then stood up to come take the seat on the other side of me.

"How does a person level without fighting monsters?" She asked curiously, leaning into me. She sneakily kissed me and then pulled back, trying to act normal, but Shelli giggled on the other side of me, making Mary blush and puff out her cheeks.

One of the satellites I built has a game that users can play. They gain real-world experience and items from playing. There is even an option that could help people like Aria and you, who are at high levels. There are a bunch of other things, but you should wait. Half the fun will be checking out everything!" I laughed, and Mary seemed surprised.

"That... is amazing. You mean that you are going to make one of these phone things for the other hero?" Mary asked, and I nodded.

"Pretty much. I plan on taking her out with me today to get some levels, but after today, I will just have her grind on the game. One thing all the Apps have in common is a need for Magical Power. That means that a low-level person either wouldn't be able to use it, or they would get tired faster than they could benefit from it," I explained.

Both women seemed to understand now, and Aria walked in with plates and Misty trailing behind her. She was now free of the ropes, and looking a bit worse for wear.

"Hey everyone!" She said, and Scarlet came from behind them to set down plates for all of us.

"Did you enjoy your time outdoors?" I asked dryly as Misty sat down.

Misty was silent as she sat down, so I kept talking. "You know why you were tied to that tree right? I told you that everyone on this island is a part of my family. The fact that Mary only tied you to the tree and didn't throw you off the island, or just kill you for trying to attack one of our own is a blessing on you. Next time, I can't see her being so patient, and I won't stop her. There are rules to living here."

"I understand," Misty said softly, her eyes downcast, her tail flicking slightly between her legs. She didn't seem so sure of herself anymore.

As we ate our meal, talk turned to other subjects and everyone laughed and joked around except for Misty. She picked at her food but didn't seem to have much of an appetite. 

Eventually, we finished eating and Aria started clearing the dishes when a yawn echoed through the room. 

Everyone turned to see Lyra enter, her white hair flowing behind her like a waterfall as she stretched lazily. She padded over to me and plopped down in my lap with a contented sigh. I smiled down at her before moving my hand to run through those silken strands of hair absently as she nestled against me. Her ruby red eyes flickered open and met mine for just a moment before closing again as she laid her head on his chest with another deep yawn that seemed to shake her entire body. I couldn't help but notice something different about those eyes now - they were no longer bottomless voids but had taken on a brilliant red hue that reminded me of glittering rubies.

Mary continued to devour the leftover food, seemingly ignoring the tension in the air, while Shelli couldn't help but glance nervously at Misty every now and then. Aria's cheerful demeanor had momentarily vanished as she carefully cleared away the dishes with a sigh. I was sure she was frustrated about Misty, but I would try to fix that today.

The dining room was warm and cozy, filled with the smell from the kitchen of freshly baked bread and steaming soup wafting through the air. Lyra's purring could be heard from where she snuggled up against me, content and heavy with sleep. It was moments like this that really made coming to this world worth it.

Moments like this were also meant to be interrupted.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door that made everyone jump slightly. It was early in the morning on a floating island, so none of us expected visitors. I rose from my seat, Lyra still in my arms, and walked towards the entrance. Opening it revealed a smiling Daryle and another short green-haired girl with a lab coat and glasses.

"Daryle? Why did you knock?" I asked in confusion.

"This is your house! Who knows what kind of parties you might be having with so many women! I built my own place in the woods for Rosily and me! Thanks again for making my sister so happy!" Daryle cheered, and Rosily blushed, while smiling nervously, but then jumped when Danielle's voice came from behind me.

"So that is where you two have been hiding!" Danielle declared, pushing past me.

All I could do was watch with a horrified look that both Daryle and I shared as Danielle approached her assistant.

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