Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-11-Don’t Kill The Author. Please?

Yuki grew even more fearful and started shaking as she asked, "Why do I need to reset my cultivation, ma'am?"


Looking at her like she was an idiot who could not understand what I was saying, I said, "Do you want to cultivate the techniques of this mountain or the one that you are cultivating right now?"


My words caused both Raina and Yuki to look at me in shock before Yuki asked, "Are you going to teach me the technique that you made?"


Hearing the question, I nodded while saying, "What other technique would I use? Besides, only those who are part of this mountain will be able to cultivate these techniques, and they can not just start cultivating them mid-way through. They need to be cultivated from the start."


After I finished speaking, Raina took the opportunity to persuade me to stop by using some level of logic. "Did you not say that the best technique for someone to practice is one specifically made for them?"


I then countered her logic by saying, "That is if you have started aspecting your cultivation. However, the first two realms of the cultivation technique I made are not aspected and will enhance any technique practiced after them. They are also made to be practiced together instead of switching using a different body tempering technique to the Qi-Gathering technique I made."


Raina looked like she wanted to try and convince me more, but Yuki stopped that from happening by saying, "I'll do it then."


Raina did not give up and tried to convince me once more, saying, "Are you certain about this?"


Looking between Raina and Yuki with a mad grin spreading across my face, saying, "Oh, I am very certain."


After I said this, they looked at the grin plastered across my face and my tail slowly swaying behind, causing them to shiver slightly before Raina reprimanded me, saying, "You should not use your subordinates to test cultivation techniques."


Looking again at Raina with a mock expression of hurt on my face, I said, "I would never tell anyone under my command to do anything that would cause them permanent harm or block any of their future progress at cultivation."


Either I was really good at acting, or Yuki did not see many problems with cultivating the body-tempering technique I made and backed me up by saying, "The technique is not an untested one, and according to the contract, I will do whatever my mistress tells me to do."


I was not happy with Yuki calling me mistress, but I ignored it for now as she was backing me up against Raina.


Raina, however, was not amused by this and turned to Yuki, asking, "Are you certain you want to go through with this."


Yuki looked at Raina directly, responding, "Yes, I am certain, Lady Raina."


Raina did not give up, though, and asked again, "You do know what this entails, Right?"


Yuki resolutely responded once more, "I do."


Raina then sighed before asking Yuki to take her top off so she could draw the formation on her back, as it would need to be constantly active for a few days if she did not want any hidden damage to her body.


Yuki blushed after hearing this but still took off the top of her uniform. As she was about to take off her chest wrap, she was stopped by Raina, who said she only needed the part of her back that was already exposed.


Seeing the kind of undergarments that Yuki was wearing, I remembered that only people like Raina, Lou Xia and her family, the Elders, and everyone else of a higher position or rich enough could afford what were normal undergarments on earth. Though, the undergarments here were custom-made instead of factory-made like on Earth.


I might be able to fix that if I have the tech and space needed. Actually, I needed to elevate the tech levels of those around me to get the ascendent Kitsune evolution, so I might end up doing that anyway.


When the other two in the room noticed me staring at Yuki's chest, she blushed even harder, covering her chest while Raina's face did not change, and she asked, "What is it you're currently thinking about?"


Answering without thinking, I said, "About the level of this world's clothing and how to industrialize it."


Yuki's blush lessened at this while she looked confused, but Raina's tail bent to the side as she questioned, "Why are you thinking about that? Are you low on money?"


Again, I answered without thinking and said, "If I wanted money, I would either sell weapons or custom cultivation techniques. No. I might as well create an industrialized clothing process because I would already be trying to elevate the technological level of the sect and maybe even the country it is in for my future evolution."


The two of them looked shocked at what I said, but taking advantage of my lack of thought over what I was saying at the moment, Raina asked again, "What evolution are you going for?"


Doing exactly as she thought I would, I answered, "Ascendent Kitsune."


Yuki looked confused at what I said but Raina dropped the inscription pen in her hand. When it clattered to the floor, Yuki looked down and saw it. The moment she did, her face went pale as she started saying hysterically, "I won't repeat anything of what I just heard."


I was about to say something when Raina beat me to it and said, "You won't, and that is an order."


When Raina said that, I saw a red tattoo of a dragon circling her throat, causing her breathing to stop for a moment before the tattoo faded, and she was able to breathe again.


I then turned to Raina and asked louder than I wanted to, "What just happened?!"


Raina looked at me coldly and without any emotion, causing me to flinch back as she had never done that before. 


Seeing me flinch away from her, the coldness in her eyes slightly lessened before she said, "That was the slave mark ensuring the order will be kept."


Hearing her words, I flinched again and subconsciously asked, "Slave mark?"


Raina froze for a second at my question before responding with the coldness in her eyes gone, "Yes, slave mark. She had it when she was purchased by the Xia family. Unlike your old world, slavery is a very real thing here, so you better be careful."


I then lowered my head, remembering what Mo Xia said and what I read in those cultivation novels, feeling my tail drop, and said, "I know."


The two of them all of a sudden looked like they accidentally kicked a puppy and tried to comfort me, but my mood did not improve, and I instead excused myself before heading upstairs.


Once in my room, I closed the door and jumped into the bed, curling up under the covers. I was now remembering all the stupid things I did after coming here and the poor excuses I made for doing them.


I then started thinking of all the potential consequences, and I started crying while hugging my tail tightly.


I mean, seriously, what was I thinking?! I could have ended up as a slave because of my ability and the system that I kept telling everyone about, and that is only one of the better outcomes. The only reason that none of that happened was because I managed to run into one of the rare kinds of cultivators that are out there.


Even then, I was almost certain that one of the elders in the Sect would have tried something if they did not know that Raina was behind me.


There was also the possibility of running into a demonic cultivator or one of those "Righteous" cultivators that would have done far worse to me.


That does not even mention the different empires that are probably fighting for control and what would have happened if I had been caught by one of them.



(Raina POV)



Watching Vale running away with her tail almost curling up between her legs, I felt like the worst person in the world.


Looking at Yuki I could see she felt bad about what just happened as well.


With nothing much I could do right now, I reached down and picked up the pen to finish the inscription on Yuki's back.


If I was not a transcendent immortal following the moon law, I would not be able to make this inscription, but as it is, anyone of a cultivation realm higher than the body tempering stage and below the transcendent immortal stage I can send back to the begin of their cultivation. And for those at the body tempering stage like Yuki, I only needed a specialized formation to do the same as those of higher rank.


This is one of the reasons why the Silver Moon Sect is the only mid-level sect in the Immortal Sun Empire that was considered a core sect.


It was also the reason that I was stuck in that remote village before Vale did her thing.


As I was finishing the formation, I got a message from Stephanie saying, "You might want to go comfort Vale."


Hearing the message, my heart tightened, but I focused on finishing the formation first as I only had a few lines left, and I could not mess up again.


When I did finish, I made my way upstairs as quietly as possible. Not even I was able to hear myself moving, so Vale should not have been able to hear me at all.


When I got to the door, I could hear a faint crying coming from inside, even with my restricted body being only at what was commonly considered the peak of the Qi-gathering stage.


Not even bothering to open the door, I used that old spell that I learned to phase through the solid wood and walk into her room.


The room did not have much, only a bed with a small table and chair off to the side, but I guess if I had an inventory like hers, I would store everything in there as well.


I did not bother looking much more, though, and instead walked over to the bed, the source of the crying.

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