Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-12-Cheering Up

(Raina POV)



Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I looked at the bundle of blankets curled up in the middle, which was hiding a certain crying little fox.


Looking closer, I could see some of her dark red hair that was pooling on the bed, looking like an all too familiar puddle of blood on the mattress.


Shaking my head to dispel the memories of dark days, I look back at the bundle of blankets.


Snaking my hand into an opening, I start to caress her head like a mother trying to soothe her child.


I know that she did not consciously accept me as such, but I still pressed on.


When I first touched her head, I felt her body go stiff, and the crying stopped immediately.


I knew that this was not simply her trying to look composed herself but more like a subconscious response to a predator.


The clear fact that she saw me as a danger to her made my heart ache even more.


Trying to clear up the situation, I start explaining that there are various methods to get information, and the only way to make sure she won't be able to spread a secret is to use the slave mark.


The moment I mentioned the slave mark, she stiffened more to the point that her body went completely ridged as if she was carved out of a block of wood.


I then unleashed my full mental facilities to read into that response.


Normally, I would not do this, but I did not want there to be a pause in my comforting of Vale.


After what felt like a minute to me but was less than a microsecond to Vale, I figured out what this response was.


She was most likely thinking about all the things that she did and would have had horrible consequences if the situation was not perfect.


This world was really too unfair to people like her.


I also made a Sect that was not of this world in the way it worked. Now that I was thinking about it.


Deciding at this moment that the best thing I could do was tell her my position in the Sect, I reactivated the restrictions and said in a calming tone, "You know that no one in this sect would do that, right?"


I could feel her nod in response under the bed, so I asked in the same calming tone, "Do you know why?"


I then felt her nod her head in the affirmative, so I asked, "Then why is that?"


I then heard a faint, mumbled reply saying, "Because you're the Sect founder."


I sighed at that as I thought I was keeping it from her well enough, but now that I think about it, that little boy Quan did say that I was the Sect's founder in front of her.


I then asked her, "Is that the only reason?"


I could feel Vale nod at that, and it felt like my heart was being plunged into ice water. I knew that what I was doing might be going too far, but this was not the confirmation I wanted for that.


I stopped talking at this point for a few minutes as I just sat there with Vale still curled up under the blankets in front of me.


She then relaxed slightly but was still tense, so it must have been an unconscious movement. I then asked a question that felt like it was off-topic, "Do you find anything weird about this sect?"


Vale remained tense at this question but still nodded her head.


I then asked, "Do you think that you are the only reincarnator in this world?"


She shook her head in response.


I then asked the killer question, "Did you think the founder of this sect was a reincarnator?"


She started to nod her head when she froze, so I put the final nail in the coffin and said, "I built quite the otherworldly sect, didn't I?"


At my words, she threw the covers off her and sat up, looking at me with red eyes and a tear-stained face.


Her ears were flattened out, and her tail was lying limp on the bed next to her.


Her eyes, however, were wide and staring at me, so I said, "Yes, I am a reincarnator from earth, too."


Vale then lunged forward and wrapped her arms around me as she buried her head into my shoulder.


This caught me off guard, but I calmed down quickly, reciprocated the hug, and started to rub circles on her back to calm her down.


This lasted for a little while as I felt my shoulder start to get wet before I heard her whispering, "I'm an idiot."


I felt myself sighing after hearing this and thought, 'So she is this type of person.'


In an attempt to both calm her down and to understand how she was thinking, I asked, "Why are you an idiot?"


She did not even take any time to think about her response and said, "Because I thought this world was like Earth and kept doing all those stupid things."


I could not help but chuckle at this response and said, "You also have a gun that could make a transcendent immortal fearful of you."


She paused for a second at that, before I felt her relax a bit more and laughed self-deprecatingly, saying, "Yeah, I do."


At least she was not crying anymore.


Trying to calm her down some more I said, "It also takes people like you who think differently from everyone else to make a change."


She then pulled away from me and looked me in the eye while retorting in the same self-deprecating voice, "But haven't there been multiple others like me? What happened to them?"


I countered her by asking, "Did they have the backing of two goddesses, a transcendent immortal, and one of the core sects of the empire?"


Vale froze again at that before asking, "Two goddesses?"

I chuckled a little at her confusion before asking, "Did Elinaria reincarnate anyone before you?"


She shook her head cutely at this, and I explained, saying, "I was reincarnated by Elinaria's friend and mentor, Stephanie."


Life started to return to her ears and tail as she tilted her head and asked, "Stephanie?"


With how she kept acting and how cute she was being, I felt like I needed to undo my planned surprise. If that surprise did its work, I don't think I would be able to keep people off her, but at the same time, I wanted to see it myself.


Ignoring that issue for now, I start to explain, "Stephanie is the goddess of reincarnation, life and fertility. She is known as the mother goddess to her allies and worshipers, but also as the demon goddess of plagues and disasters by her enemies."


Vale then tilted her head to the other side and asked, "Why is she known as the goddess of plagues and disasters?"


Just when I thought she could not get any cuter, she went and blew my expectations out of the water.


Loosening my restrictions slightly to help myself calm down without it being noticed, I continue to explain, "Plagues are considered part of the life domain so that one is fairly self-explanatory. However, for disasters, it has something to do with reincarnators being considered the fifth disaster or great filter or something like that."


Vale then paused for a second, thinking with her right ear twitching occasionally before nodding and saying, "So if anyone does anything serious to me, Stephanie and Elinaria will work together and send a battalion of reincarnated Marines with a customized system to go get the bad guys?"


I froze for what was to me several minutes remembering what those guys were capable of, what I was capable of, and shuddering at the implications.


The amount of times I had to hold those guys back from committing war crimes that don't exist here was far too many. I just hope the bastards that killed me at least got to see what they unleashed.


Hearing a shuffling on the bed, I came back to reality only to see Vale having backed up slightly.


Looking at her, I said, "Don't wish for that. You do not know what you would be unleashing on this world."


Vale then looked me in, smiling cutely, and said, "Oh, I do know. After all, it's never a war crime the first time, and this world doesn't have a lot of the first times that Earth has."


The entire time she said this, the smile never left her face, and her tail even started to weave itself through the air in a playful manner.


I think I was finally starting to understand what one of my combat buddies meant when they said that the cutest ones were often the scariest.


She then gave a small and cute little yawn before laying down across my lap and falling asleep.


I wanted to laugh this entire situation off as a silly little what-if scenario, but something at the back of my head was telling me it was not.


I then tried to contact Stephanie.


Strangely, it took longer than it normally would for the connection to go through.


I was going to brush it off until Stephanie said, "Sorry for taking so long. I was looking for the souls of your old Raider battalion in case they needed to be reincarnated quickly."


I started to feel a pit form in my stomach before I heard Elinaria's voice say, "The new level-up and attribute point collection system for those marine raiders is ready to be tested."


May God have mercy on their souls.

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