Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

V2Ch-30-Breaking The Family???

Raina then started to explain, "I was not thinking about what I was doing at the time that I had placed that. I was actu-"


I did not give her the opportunity to continue as I exploded at her words, exclaiming loudly, "You weren't thinking! What do you mean you weren't thinking?! You clearly thought about something when you did this!"


My outburst caused her to shrink back slightly, with pain clear on her face. This made my anger flair even higher, and I was about to start shouting again when she quickly spoke up, saying, "I was not thinking, at least not fully."


She then paused slightly after saying this waiting for me to start shouting at her, but I held myself waiting for her to continue. I would have done exactly what she was expecting if she had not used a similar argument to the one I used with my mother when I was younger.


Seeing that even though I was still angry but not saying anything, she continued, "As someone reaches the immortal stage, they encounter the problem of their cultivation warping their mind. This is not normally an issue for most people as this world propensiates the rule of the strong, but earth does not. At least in most first-world countries.


Combining those two things together means that even though most immortals have a strong willpower. They will still fall prey to their minds being changed by their power if they are not around others in a significant manner for a long period of time.


So when that small incident happened in the village, I only thought about what I wanted and how you could fill that, and not whether you would have wanted that or not. That is also why I have been thinking about removing the curse recently."


This long-winded explanation did help to clarify some things, but when the last part was said in conjunction with all of that, I could not help but feel like I was being used and tricked this whole time.


Finally losing some of my anger at this revelation, I started to feel the pain of betrayal as I asked, "So, does that mean you knew what you needed to do to create the bond?"


A look of realization mixed with mounting panic crossed Raina's face as she quickly tried to say, "I did not know it would do that. I only took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. Nothing more."


However, I did not believe a single word that she said as I replied, "And doesn't the world of immortals teach lies and deceptions as its core principles as well," before running away back to the house.


During my run, I felt a strange pull towards the shrine, but I ignored it to continue my run all the way to my room on the top floor of the house. Once there, I dived under the covers and curled up into a ball while hugging my tail tightly.


It was here that everything began to get blurry before the world went black.



(Raina POV)



Watching Vale run away from me in pain because of something that I did without thinking clearly was something that hurt even more than my father's own attempt to assassinate me. Though, I felt very little in the way of affection for him, unlike my brother.


Still, it was the worst thing that I had happen to me by my own family in both of my lives.


Now, I was building my relationship with Vale, and everything was going well, only for the curse that I placed on her out of my greed for something more to ruin it all.


Out of anger, I turned to the side and lashed out, striking the building with a punch.


After my fist met the wall, cracks started to spread through the whole thing before it exploded out as I shouted, "Why am I always such an idiot!" It was then that I heard the roof start creaking and immediately moved the earth law I had comprehended to create a few pillars to support the roof.


Looking up at the roof, I saw that it had started to sag slightly but was no longer falling.


It was here that I heard an exhalation of breath next to me. Looking over, I saw that Yuki was still standing there looking at me with a little fear in her eyes but otherwise remaining calm.


I then asked her, "Do you also believe that I was lying this entire time?"


She continued to watch me as she calmed down even more before answering, "You are the one that holds my contract."


Her words felt like someone kicking me when I was down while also being completely justifiable. It hurt just enough that I was about to lash out again if it was not for me catching the spreading smile on Yuki's face as she said, "But I do believe that you meant what you said and do not mean any harm to Vale.


In fact, I believe that your other words were mostly correct as well. The only thing that needs to be changed from my observations, is that this world is different from her old one, and even the levels at which a family shows affection are different.


She will come to understand this eventually."


Slightly angry and surprised that she had tricked me, I was unable to respond for a moment, but eventually, I got over it and understood what she was trying to say. Sadly, this was Vale we were talking about, and from what I understood about her, the only way to change her mind was to have someone she trusted talk to her about it.


I then responded to her, depressedly explaining, "I don't think she will. At least not without someone explaining for me."


Yuki perked up at this and confidently said, "I can do that for you."


Smiling slightly but knowing it would not work, I explained to her again, "That would not work either."


This caused her to tilt her head to the side in confusion and ask, "Why?"


The way she did this reminded me of the way Vale expresses her confusion. I could even vaguely see the outline of a kitsune's tail and ears doing the same thing.


I wanted to laugh at this but was more so confused about why that was happening, as this was not normally the way Yuki would express her confusion. She would normally rotate her head to the side and squint her eyes slightly instead.


This made me confused and suspicious of something being wrong. What made me worry even more about this was that the only thing which could have caused this change was the cultivation technique she was using. And the only person I could ask about this would be Vale.


This was now becoming an even bigger issue.


It was at this point that I felt my link with Stephanie light up and felt a string of power mimicking a tapping on my shoulder. This was not a good time, so I ignored the tapping on my shoulder for a moment as I tried to think of a way to fix the problem with Vale while explaining to Yuki why her talking to Vale would not work using her own words, "She would not be convinced by you because I am the one that holds your contract."


A look of realization lit up her face before it fell into one of sorrow as she said, "But your relationship with her was just starting to blossom."


The tapping on my shoulder was getting more violent, but I still ignored it and started to say, "I understand that as well, and I want to-" but I was unable to finish as my head felt like it exploded as Stepanie shouted in my head, "What in the name of all that is holy are you doing!"


This left my mind reeling as the world was spinning, and my ears started ringing, but I still barely managed to respond. "What are you talking about?"


That response was apparently not the correct one, as she started yelling again, making my headache even worse. "Why is Elinaria in my domain asking for me to facilitate a face-to-face meeting with Vale because of something that you did?!"


I was not able to respond for a while as my mind was in too much disarray to respond to her because of the amount of power Stephanie put into her voice.


After what felt like hours of my head trying to pull itself apart, I felt a gentle and calm power wash over my mind, clearing everything up.


Stephanie then said with less volume but still in an annoyed tone, "I am waiting."


Knowing that this was a situation better finished as soon as possible, I quickly explained, "Vale found out about the curse I put on her in the village."


After saying that, I heard, for the first time in a long time, Stephanie becoming speechless before hearing only one thing.



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