Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution


(Somewhere in the infinite expanse: Third person)



In a realm made of soft white clouds with floating islands dotted about. There is a small meadow filled with multicolored exotic flowers and a few furnishings you would normally find in a house.


These furnishings included a few couches topped with blankets and pillows, a small coffee table with a few steaming drinks on it, and a floating television able to be seen by anyone sitting on the couches.


Standing next to all of this were two women; one of them was taller with flowing golden hair, pale peach-colored skin, and a well-endowed figure. The other was what appeared to be a teenage girl barely able to be called an adult, with black hair, slightly more pale white skin, and a slim but still attractive figure.


The shorter black-haired woman was holding on to the taller gold-haired woman's sleeve, which was clearly torn, shouting, "What do I do, Stephanie?! She isn't responding to anything! She is just sitting there curled up under the blankets, and I can't get her to talk to me! She doesn't even move!"


The taller gold-haired woman named Stephanie responded calmly, saying, "I understand that, Elinaria, but you need to calm down, as your panicking is not helping anything."


Contrary to her words, though, the shorter black-haired woman named Elinaria did not calm down but started to panic even more, shouting even louder this time, "But she did not even react to you bringing her here!" As she said this, she started tugging on Stephanie's sleeve again, causing the tear to get even wider.


If that was any indicator, then it meant this had been happening for a while and had been doing a good job of testing Stephanie's patience.


It only got worse when Stephanie tried to speak to her again only to be interrupted by her saying, "We need to fix this before it gets any worse!"


Trying to maintain her calm, Stephanie tried to respond once more but was interrupted again by Elinaria shouting, "What do we do, Stephanie!"


Stephanie's face darkened slightly at being interrupted again, and she tried to respond once more but was stopped by Elinaria opening her mouth to say something.


Finally losing her patience, Stephanie shouted at the top of her lungs, "Elinaria Sintra Mythos, calm yourself right this instant or be quiet!"


Elinaria jumped back at this and looked at Stephanie with wide eyes but did not say anything. She was already able to figure out from this that she was stepping over the line, but she also did not want to leave Vale in the current state that she was in.


This momentary step back caused her thoughts to start spiraling, but they were soon stopped with Stephanie's next words, "I have already asked for some help from a friend who is more accustomed to dealing with kitsunes in these types of situations. And before you say anything, the reason I did this is because Vale has clearly shown that she is being controlled by her instincts more than she lets on.


So, to deal with this, we need someone who understands these instincts as well as how to combat them."


After those words fell, silence returned to the two of them with the faint sound of sobbing in the background.


Elinaria tried to say something multiple times, but no words came out of her mouth as Stephanie stood there watching her.


Eventually, Stephanie moved over to the couches and sat down on the one that had a mountain of blankets on it, which kept emitting sobbing noises.


Elinaria followed her and went to sit on the same couch but was stopped by Stephanie as she threw up a wall of power and pointed at one of the other couches at the side.


This then started another stand-off as Elinaria kept trying to sit on the couch but was prevented by Stephanie until she eventually gave up and sat on the couch Stephanie was pointing to.


It was not long after that when a circular portal made of swirling red and orange light spinning fast enough to look like small parts of it were breaking off it appeared in front of the television.



(??? POV)



"Those b*****eds really could not have waited just a little longer to try and pull something like that! What do they think the title of Grand Saint goddess means!? Agh! I might as well just stike that entire continent clean to teach them a lesson!"


I shouted in anger as I stormed through the halls of my domain, passing by one of the mirrors where I caught sight of my reflection.


There stood a tall kitsune woman with a very well-endowed figure and nine black-tipped scarlet tails that currently looked to be dripping with fresh blood covered in a dark red and black kimono. Strapped to my side was both a British long sword and a Japanese katana I managed to acquire on one of my trips to a strange world.


Both of them seemed to hold some significance to their countries' respective cultures, especially the British long sword named Excalibur or something like that. However, my favorite weapon from that world is a German glave that I bought on a whim one time. It has seen fighting in more worlds than even most gods have been to.


Regardless, I could not spend all day standing here and reminiscing about all these things as Stephanie called me for a favor, and I needed to get there now. However, with what I was being asked to do, I needed to calm down so as not to scare the poor girl.


This did not take very long, and soon, the blood dripping from my tails ceased as the red coloration grew lighter while the tips of my tails and ears went from black to white.


With that, I made my way to the end of the hall, where a large crystal apparatus was located.


Pressing a few keys on the panel next to it, energy started to pour into it at a fast pace before a portal opened in its center, constantly drawing in energy.


Not even giving a reaction to this phenomenon, I stepped through only to be greeted by a clearing in a meadow, unlike the normal houses or manors that I would find other gods in.


This clearing even had some furniture, which I would never have expected.


Then, looking over to the couches I saw two other women sitting there with a suspicious-looking pile of blanket that I could reasonably assume was the person I was here for.


Ignoring the pile of blankets for the moment, I looked at the other two people so that I could understand who was there.


Sitting next to the pile of blankets was Stephanie, who is both a good friend of mine and was the one who called me here.


Then, sitting on the couch next to that one was a young black-haired woman that I recognized as the one who traded for some of my tail fur after the shedding curse from that little minx. I believe her name was Elinaria or something.


Also, now that I am thinking about it, she need the fur for something to do with a young kitsune, which was also the reason that I was here.


I could also see her eyes light up in recognition upon seeing me while also showing some confusion. It then looked like she wanted to say something, but Stephanie beat her to it when she spoke up, saying, "It's good to see you again, Haruka. However I would prefer it would not be in these circumstances."


Turning back to my good friend, I smiled a little and replied, "The moods of children are always changing, so this is no problem at all." After I finished saying that, I noticed a small twitch from under the blanket but nothing more happened.


Noticing my glance at the blankets, Stephanie spoke up and clarified, "The one under the blankets here is Vale, the one I called you about."


Nodding to her to show that I heard and understood her, I looked back to Elinaria, looking at her a little more deeply. This was because I had noticed a small build-up of divine power that would normally indicate the formation of a deity's first authority.


Carefully inspecting the power, I noticed that the power was still building and that it was also split into three separate parts. Based on the fluctuations of the power in each part, I was able to tell that one of them was nearing completion, as well as what each authority was.


At least that would be the case if I had already seen the authorities previously, which was only the case for one of them.


That one was the weakest of the three, the authority of foxes. Something that every kitsune goddess possesses, and only kitsune goddesses possess.


I wanted to start questioning her about this. However, there was still an uninterested party here that would need to leave for that to happen, so I turned back to the pile of blankets sitting on the couch.


Walking over to the couch, I then reached out and grabbed the blankets covering the girl and swiftly pulled them off, shocking the other two goddesses and leaving the girl curled up in a ball on the couch, stunned.

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