Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 104

[100] Two brothers.

He traveled through Nihon early the next morning and joined Yuzul and Elliot in the space.

“Meiko, welcome home. You’ve come back to your brother properly!

Yuzuru embraces me without hesitation even though I have Yayoi’s body on the side.

“Brother, I’m home. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“If you’re sorry, show my brother your pretty face better for making me wait?

Look up and say, Yuzuru stares at you in such a colour that you seem to wander.

Even if my body had changed, Yuzuru’s attitude towards me had not changed at all, and I had myself relieved about it.

“Heh, you’re getting closer to my brother and my age than before. Tickled eyes, beautiful dark hair. I prefer my brother more than Yayoi looks.”

Pretty Pretty, Yuzuru touches my face peppered.

“So you touch Meiko too much. Your sister’s over here!

Ixis pulled my shoulder all the way and instead pressed Yuzuru on Yayoi’s body with Leni.

“Oh brother. I’m your sister from today on.”

“… my sister is only Yayoi and Mako”

I say that to Leni, who greeted him gently with his hands up, with Yuzuru’s chilling gaze at the likelihood of Blizzard being released.

All I’m saying is don’t name my sister.

You may never have seen such a faceless and scary Yuzuru before.

“Right. No, I’m sorry!

Even Leni, an assassin, shows how frightened Yuzuru was of killing.

“Hey, your brother. Who is he? He’s got an aura. That’s what I know about professional patterns. If this guy gets involved, he’s not the type!

Hiding behind me, Leni asks in a whisper.

“My brother would be a ghost returner. Exorcising creatures called ghosts, like warriors…”

“I don’t know that profession. Strong or weak, either way!

“I guess it’s super strong. You’re young, but you were a powerful man in the country to get into five fingers, right?

If Leni asked me and I answered, I would have looked like I said.

Yuzuru, who appears in the maiden game The Crown of Dusk (Odin), only became one of us in the second half of the exploratory part because he was a teacher character.

Talent levels were high from the start, but I don’t think they’re any match for the Yuzuru here.

The fact that I said I would be a ghost fighter had made Yuzul even stronger that he could protect me even during the battle.

I can clearly see the difference between the days of searching for my sister’s resuscitation and reading and fishing the literature, and the days of working out my body to protect me.

“Oh yeah, once it’s Yayoi’s body, I won’t forgive you for scratching one, will I?

Away from me, Yuzuru stands in front of Leni.

Leni lags behind, as he was wary.

I was sweating on that forehead.

“No, is that an impossible consultation? Scratches in battle are an accessory. I can’t do that. I can’t do an assassination job.”

“… you’re willing to do assassination business with Yayoi’s body?

Yuzuru narrows her eyes to Leni, who gave her a verbal answer.

Hiccup, Leni caught his throat.

“No, no, you don’t! Because I got through the corner, and I’m going to live peacefully picking flowers!

“I’d love to.”

If Leni says in a hurry, the atmosphere is soothed and Yuzuru smiles.

“The assassination business is going to look terrible… it’s definitely like Nicole’s. You were a hell of a brother.”

Leni’s voice reaches his ear, whining blush.

When I saw that face, I was down.

I grabbed the gentle Yuzul and thought what a terrible thing to say with Nicole.


Step into a nostalgic world.

A meadow lined with huge stones, stretching as much as you like with hmm.

“I’m back at last”

The air and everything, I felt like it was different.

I really wanted to go straight to the mansion, but I have something to do before I do.

Ouga and Elliot were asked to go home to the mansion first, and Nicole and I broke up on the spot.

Ixis and Leni, with it and Yuzur, go to meet Yuzur in this world.

Seems like he knows where he is.

If I went to rely on that, there was really another Yuzul there.

It’s an old library, apparently doing research.

Probably looking for the art of resuscitating the deceased Yayoi.

Yayoi in this world died about a year ago because if it’s the same as the game, it’s when he was twelve.

The face of Yuzuru in this world that rolls the book was obviously done.

“I’ll talk to you.”

“Suddenly, I think if someone like me showed up, I’d be confused!

No stray whatsoever, stop Yuzul from trying to make his way to the other self.

“It’s okay, it’s me.”

Why are you so confident?

But that’s what he said, Ixis said to see how it went, and he decided to follow it.

Sitting in a chair, with a serious look, Yuzuru in this world is rolling a book.

He was wearing glasses, and that reminds me that Yuzuru in “Crown of Dusk” was wearing glasses.

Maybe I’ve read too many books to look for the art of resuscitating my sister, and my eyes have gone bad.

As I, Ixis and Leni hide and watch, Yuzuru in my glasses – my brother approaches me.

“Find a way to bring Yayoi back to life?

My brother tapped Yuzuru’s shoulder of glasses with a ton of tongues, lighthearted like calling for a break.

“- There’s no way I’m gonna find you that easily.”


Huh, he sighed heavily, and his brother sat beside Yuzul, who closed the book.

That’s crazy.

How can Yuzuru in this world not be surprised by the same face as himself?

I was checking my face properly right now – I wonder if you haven’t noticed.

If that’s what you think, Yuzul the glasses gave his brother a glimpse.

“So who are you? I think it’s probably my hallucination.”

He recognized it properly.

Yuzuru, the glasses, was very calm.

Speaking of which, Yuzl was a person who didn’t move much, even when strange or unexpected things happened.

The only time Yuzuru is in a hurry or move is when his sister is involved.

“It’s you from another world. The art of resurrecting Yayoi exists, but the moment he brings back Yayoi’s soul to this world, he’s going to turn into a demon. So I wouldn’t recommend resuscitation.”

“Well… until we find another way to resuscitate.”

There was no such thing as doubting what your brother said, and Yuzuru, the eyeglass, answered with a sinking voice.

“I don’t think there’s a way to revive it. Hey, don’t you want to fuse with me? I have a wonderful sister right now. Yayoi’s dead, but I found happiness with my new sister.”

“… just talk, let’s just listen”

That’s what Yuzuru, the glasses, said to his brother, who talks to Nico.

Then my brother told me about me.

Since the encounter, so far.

“So, Meiko has a habit of hugging me when I can sleep, and that’s so cute. Of course there are times when you fight, but when you think you’ve done something wrong, you pull my clothes and you go up and you say you’re sorry, brother, and you’re already cute.”

Ixis and Leni next door pull wow on the story of their brother, which goes on like a machine gun talk.

From now on, my brother has only spoken of me as cute in Deledere’s face.

This way – I’m getting embarrassed.

Eyeglasses Yuzuru listens to his brother in silence as he leans over whether he is frightened by his ciscon puffs in another world.

But my brother didn’t look like he cared about it, and he kept talking happily.

… I knew I couldn’t get you to agree to fusion from the start.

If that’s what you think, your brother’s done talking.

“I thought there was only despair. You have such a miraculous happiness that I can be obsessed with…”

Yuzuru, the glasses, shrugged with a slightly trembling voice.

… I guess it’s my fault that Yuzuru’s voice in this world is a tear.

I feel a tearful Shizukuishi dripping on my desk.

If Yuzuru removes his glasses and tries to wipe his eyelids with his shirt, his brother gently offers him a handkerchief.

Say thank you, so wipe your tears. Yuzuru in this world put his glasses back on.

“There was a crying element that touched Doc right now.”

“All I could tell was that he was unusually cisconic. There was only one element to pull it off, right?

Leni agrees with Ixis when he says he has no idea.

“I don’t care what you think about fusion, I’m happy. Nice to meet you.”

But the eyeglasses Yuzuru.

He looked refreshed, like he was saved.

Although bad for my brother, I fully agree with Ixis and Leni, too.

Nothing came of the story except that your brother is super Cisco.

I can’t hide the confusion from Yuzul in this world, who allows too much fusion.

Is there any disagreement or dissatisfaction that fusion would make me such a super-dozen ciscon?

“Your brother, he’s a freak.”


Regrettably, I couldn’t say anything back to Leni.

“I thought I would say that. If you actually look at Mako, you’ll see how good it is.”

That’s what your brother calls us.


Turns out Yuzuru the glasses caught his eye by Leni, who looked like his sister.

“… Hi, I’m Leni”

Leni greets you politely for being scared that you were awesome to your brother before.

“That’s just your body. This is my makeup. Don’t worry about being behind it.”

“Aren’t you treating me badly!?

Ixis, who was treated differently by his brother, raised his voice, but Shizu can put his finger on that lip.

“No, Ixis, be quiet in the library.”


When I say library, there’s nobody but us.

Embarrassed by Yuzuru, Ixis looked uncomfortable but indulged in it.

“Nice to meet you, brother”

My brother introduces me, and I go forward and forth in front of Yuzuru the glasses.

If you laugh when your eyes meet.

“… Huh!

He looked like he was shocked, his eyeglasses yuzuru mouthed a lot, he knelt down in front of me.

“So, are you okay!? Could it be because I have a brother, some influence!?

Maybe I suddenly felt sick.

Anxious and panicking, he grabbed my arm for a long time.

“One more time…”


To a small voice, listening back unexpectedly.

“One more time…… say?

“Nice to meet you?

Moisturizing eyes are turned and mouthed with a little confusion.

“Not there, but about me – calling me about my brother?

Yuzuru in this world wishes me with a voice that makes me even feel uncut.


“Yeah, one more time”


“… call me more? Oh, I’m so happy to be your brother.”

Stared at me with sweet, swinging eyes.

Many times after that, they ask me to call my brother.

That face is the brother I know.

I don’t know what touched that harp line of mine, but even if the world changes – Yuzul seems to be Yuzul.

A satisfied brother and another who seems happy in front of him.

I took the gaze of Ixis and Leni, who were frightened beside me… so I thought to myself.

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