Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 105

[101] This is where I’m going home.

Fluffy, the ground gets on my feet.

In front of you is Hilda’s mansion.

Not at all the same as before I was flown by Tilia.

“This is where the people who took care of Meiko are, right? I feel warmer here, even though it’s the same as the mansion I saw before.”

Nice mansion.

Yuzu snorts in agreement with Yuzu’s words in this world.

They just stay in the same world, and when the time comes, the Yuzles fuse on their own. Yuzuru in this world was also to stay in Hilda’s mansion for a while.

Together with the two of you and Ixis, we head to the gate.

If you go to the gate, the familiar gatekeepers.

Seeing Ixis holding back behind me, he realized who I was.

Bow down and open the gate.

He finally thanked me.

Open the doors of the mansion, thrilled.

Stepping in, along with a light bursting sound, flashed like a small fireworks.

“Welcome home! Sister!”

Numerous voices overlapping.

In front of me, the boys were sloppy.

The servants of the mansion also refrain there, and when they see a nostalgic blush, something hot creeps up in their chests.

To a word of welcome home.

Really, I’m glad you’re finally home.

“I’m home, guys!

I’ve been waiting for this day to say a word for the last four years.

Believe in the day I see you, hope.

Though there were days when I was about to give up or break my heart.

Finally here – I got there.

With a grin, nature and tears overflow and fall zero.

“Lord, are you the Lord? I was worried about you! Glad you’re safe!

Patterns and wings glimmer, and eagle beastman feathers cuddle in excitement.

“Sister, I missed you! Where the hell have you been?

Betty, the rabbit beast, is the one who has held me to jump angrily in tears.

The adorable look of it hasn’t changed, and it has slipped its head on the rind and on me.

“Sorry, sorry. Take it easy!

Feather I didn’t see in the world of Yayoi and Betty, who was dead in that world.

Put your hands around their backs and hug them so you can be sure they’re here.

If you hug him so hard, Betty will narrow her eyes happily and Feather will call on the Lord and me.

“Welcome home, Master Meiko”

To that voice that sounds soft, if you look over there.

Claude in butler’s clothes bowed beautifully and stood there.


“Yes, it is. Could it be that you forgot about me?

Speaking of names, I mouth a joke that is rare for Claude.

Silver-haired gentle blue eyes.

The smile is the same.

“I can’t forget, I don’t…… good to be alive! Claude’s alive!

“Meiko!? What the hell is wrong with you?

claude made his eyes black and white as he hugged him so vigorously that he heard a bulky noise.

In that world, against Lucas, who ruled out Hilda and became the master of the mansion, Claude, who had been killed.

I can’t measure how shocked I was when they heard I was dead.

“It’s good to see Meiko again”

If you look up, Claude’s eyes are moist.

He was happy to see me again.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for you to prepare your favorite lilke flower tea so that Mako can come home whenever he wants, right? I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah…… thanks”

Look, don’t cry. Claude wipes my tears with a handkerchief, grinning bitterly.

I missed that gentle trick, and it overflowed with extra tears.

A little calm, he looks back with a ton on his back with his lid.

It was Abel standing there.

He looked a little grown up when he got taller.

It reminds me of the cold gaze I was directed at when I was a yayoi to that appearance of frowning.

“A, Abel…… I’m home”


Abel stares at me with an unfathomable face.

“Look, Abel. Good luck.”

Ton ‘and Abel’s back was pushed by Cat Beast Man Dio.

When you see me in the eye, it winks lightly.

Brown skin, black cat ears, golden eyes.

Even though he looked as good as he did when he broke up, he was still a seeping trick of color.

Welcome back.

That’s what Abel says, pushing me with what she was hiding on her back.

A bouquet of flowers with a beautiful ribbon and even a message card.

“I suspect about my mother… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I said. The medicine is for healing the body, so I don’t think my mother would want it from me…”

Tending to lean down, Potspots and Abel mouth.

I’ve never seen him apologize that way.

“… I thought later that what you all said might be more correct. But my mother was everything to me back then. I was afraid they would tell me that it was a child I didn’t want to be thrown away. That’s why you did so much for me… and I didn’t realize it.”

I look at Abel with my face up.

Honey-colored eyes were shaking.

“I made up my mind with my mother. I want to spend some time as your family in this mansion from now on. Please forgive me.”


I won’t be a part of the Austin family.

I open my eyes to Abel’s proclamation, which was stubborn.

A prized Abel was bowing his head.

– That’s nothing more than a testament to Abel’s complete separation from the past.

“Yeah, of course!

“Thank you…… Sister Mako”

I feel growth in the face of Abel, who looks relieved with his face up.

The word sister was lit and fresh.

Abel’s fine now.

I’m sure of that.

Abel met Abel in the world of Yayoi in the maiden game “The Crown of Dusk”.

The dark shadow that was in their eyes was not in Abel in front of them.

If you listen to me, it seems Abel is already in the Austin family registry.

By the way, Meiko Asakura also named Hilda’s adoptive daughter to the family registry.

As I spend time in this world in the future.

I wonder how you can transfer authority from Hilda to me for the Mansion and the Territory.

Though it was me who thought about it, it seems that the seeds had already been sown for about a year.

Hilda has no real children with her late husband.

So, if you let go of the rights to the mansion, a great deal of rights were to go to your brother, the only family of your deceased husband.

But it seems Hilda’s husband’s brother died in an unfortunate accident while I was away.

So, Mako Asakura – Mako Austin has been registered in this country since last year as Hilda’s adopted daughter.

It’s not very nice to succeed Hilda as soon as she’s adopted.

So it looks like I just registered as Hilda’s adopted son first.

A piece of paper with Hilda’s signature and stamp of handing over the mansion to me has already been prepared.

All you have to do is submit it.

It seems that Hilda has mentioned all of this.

As Mako Asakura, I guess I tried to create an environment where I wouldn’t complain to live in that world.

That was much appreciated.

Looks like the kids at the mansion were working hard for me when I got back.

Village boy Keefa, as well as half elf Pio and Quo, apparently succeeded in advancing research on cultivating demonic grass to make it a regional specialty.

It looks like Abel and Eagle Beastman Feather, wizards of water attributes, were drugging their demon grass and pioneering routes to sell in the city.

So Maria’s son, the boy, is growing up fine as Claude’s assistant.

Claude seemed happy that my understudy was possible for a little while.

Praised, he seemed very happy and watched as the maid Maria smiled.

That’s kind of a nice vibe, how dare you think that.

If you were Maria’s daughter and Sophia was sick, you’d look much better.

You’ve worked so hard on Abel. What a voice.

Rabbit Beast Man Betty can make all kinds of treats, and his skill has improved considerably.

It took longer for me to make sweets than a waitress, and she said that Dio, the cat, was working there as a replacement waiter for Betty.

Betty is happy to tell me that the store is quite thriving and that we plan to have a number two shop soon.

“Dear Meiko, that bouquet of flowers Pio and Quo grew it”

“Abel magically helped, turning it into a bouquet”

If I was immersed in everyone’s growth, Pio and Quo, brothers in the half elf, approached me from left to right.

I’m a little proud to point to the flower Abel gave me.

“They’re both amazing! You can blossom so beautiful now?

Speaking of which, the two of them look at each other and laugh happily.

“Pio, I did my best to give it to Master Mako!

“Quo, I’m glad you complimented me”

The two fully grown are seventeen for their brother Pio and sixteen for their brother Quo.

Brothers and sisters with different fathers, born from the same florist’s mother as Hilda.

Green eyes on blonde hair, slightly pointed ears.

Beautiful faces have shadows similar to Hilda’s.

The same pure atmosphere is unchanged and soothing when you two are laughing.

These are the two of us, but they’re actually assassins.

The two people who were undergoing human experiments in the Elf country turn into brutal personalities when ordered by Tilia.

After I was gone, Claude was the center of all the research.

Pio and Quo seem to have managed to escape that curse.

It seems that a special magic substance was embedded in the two bodies.

Now that I had taken it out, it was that I would never again be transformed into that cruel character.

“That was late…… welcome back”

It has been a young man around twenty who has spoken out.

He had a disappointing figure, low voice, and a tough face.

I wonder who for a moment.

“… Could it be, Keefa!?

“You’re too surprised. Well, you’ve grown a lot taller.”

If you look twice, Keefa says satisfied with the reaction.

Be tall and masculine.

The adorable face had changed from something cute to something that could be described as good.

Keefa, who was the oldest fifteen-year-old boy in the mansion, turned eighteen.

He had a low, cute idol face, but he seemed to have grown rapidly while I was gone.

Everyone was waiting for Mako.

If you’re surprised, slowly Elliot the Horse Beast Man walks over and says so.

“Welcome back, Meiko”

“Yeah…… I’m home!

Elliot, who was back at the mansion earlier, told me that again.

If I answered that, he was looking at me with such tender eyes that Ouga would have been nice behind it.

“Speaking of which, what about Meir?

If you look for a face you haven’t seen yet, everyone starts to kick ass.

“The Meir one, are you still messing with me”

Making sure there was no mea on the spot, Ha and Ixis sighed.

“Probably the usual place?

“Right… Meiko, let’s go”

To Leni’s words, Ixis walks out.

I asked Claude for Yuzul and the others, and I followed the scene.

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