Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 94

[90] Instead of the important

“… Hey Meiko, I was just… What were you running at?

Ixis, who had been hit by Yuzuru’s aura, shrugs back to sanity.

“Uh, that’s, uh”

“I knew I didn’t have to tell you. I remember somehow…”

You asked yourself, Ixis blocks it.

My face was so red.

“I don’t care that much because your brother Aura hit me and I just said something I don’t have!

“I was just trying not to tell you that… I mean it… you know, just leave me what I didn’t ask”

Speak comfort, and you will turn your back on me, Pretend Ixis.

He was embarrassed and couldn’t resist.

Such an ixis is cute and I accidentally hug it on its back.

“… you baked me a yakimochi?

“Don’t confirm that. And that’s how easy it is to get stuck…… I’m glad I can spare a little”

Ixis looks at me with a troubled voice.

If I wasn’t sure what I was going to spare and tilted my neck, Ixis exhaled and gently let go of my body.

“But you ate quite a bit of time. The sun is already setting.”

Ixis’ voice, which changed the story, looked a little rushed.

“Is it possible that the time is fixed for Ixis to be in another world?

“If I don’t return for a certain amount of time… this other world will be dismantled”

Ixis spoke unexpectedly.

Entering this other world carries with it the danger of assimilating itself with the self of this world, which has the same soul.

From the outside of the world, I don’t even know if I’m dead inside the world.

As I entered this world, it seemed that Nicole had set a time limit so that Ixis would not assimilate to Ixis in this world.

“The time limit is half a day. Mostly until the sun sets. If I don’t come out, he’s gonna destroy this world and take it out on me.”

Oh, my God. Well, Nicole’s trying to do something bold for me.

I guess it’s wild to ask if you can do that.

When I say I do, I do, that’s Nicole.

“Somehow… we need to talk before sundown”

“With that said, how do we get back to the original world?

The sky is already blue.

Ask Ixis, who tries to rip through space and move around.

“To get to the other world, we need the help of the Black Dragon. I really wish I had Augusto.”

“If you’re Augusto, Ixis won’t come back as he pulls into space and goes looking for you. My father said the reaction disappeared to the other world.”

Alsace answers to Ixis for explaining to me.

“… No, I don’t think Augusto in this world has gone to another world. If there was no Augusto in this world, Augusto in my world would have let him in here.”

“What does that mean, Ixis?”

To Ixis’ words, Alsace frowned.

“Augusto is probably sleeping in space. I felt signs when I crossed the space of this world. Maybe he came back from another world… realizing I was dead and chose to sleep forever”

Alsace blued to Ixis, who groaned with a sad look.

“Oh, my God… Until then, why…”

“It’s okay, Brother Al. I can’t because I don’t have time right now, but I’ll be back in this world later and I’ll wake up Augusto. If it’s Augusto in my world, I think I know the place somehow because I’m in person… and I’ll definitely do something about it”

To mourning Alsace, Ixis undertakes with a strong tone.

Ixis seemed to feel responsible for the Ouga in this world falling asleep.

Even if the world is different, I’m on my own.

In the first place, Ouga was on a journey to find the Ixis that pulled him into different spaces.

That comes to an end in this form.

Ixis seemed to have an impenetrable feeling about it.

“More than that, we need to ask the father of this world, who is now another black dragon, to hurry so that he can get us out… this world and Mako will disappear”

As he switched his head, Ixis exhaled and said so.

Sure, that’s a priority now.

Ixis took us to the mansion.


Let Nicole in this world help us get out of this world.

If you so decide and step onto the grounds of the El Togo family, knock over the gate.

“… Ixis!

Nicole appeared right in front of us.

But as usual, I don’t look like I’m about eight.

Nicole, who appeared in the appearance of a young man who looked just like Ixis, had a chopped look.

Nicole previously said she manages the space in the mansion.

It’s Nicole’s special move to turn things around when she shows up in public.

Perhaps part of that power must have shown that Ixis had visited the Mansion.

Hairstyle with dark hair tied to the shoulder.

Obsidian horns and strong eyes of will.

He looks so much like Ixis that he could mistake it, but his wings and tail are pitch-black, unlike red Ixis.

After two years, Ixis’ hair grew and I think that because of the same length as Nicole’s, she looks extra alike.

But the only similarities were the appearance and the wrapped air and expression were completely different.

“Father, long time no see”

“… you are”

If Ixis talks, wrinkle between your eyebrows.

Nicole looks like she bit a bitter bug.

“Of another world… Ixis”

In a face similar to that of Ixis, the colour of discouragement appears in the black eyes.

It doesn’t always sound like Nicole, a sinking voice.

It was like I was disgusted with myself, even though I knew it but I expected it.

“So… what does it look like”

“I want you to help me get us out of this world.”

To Nicole whining low, Ixis tells her with a sincere face.

If I told her what was going on, Nicole laughed with her nose all the time.

“You think I’m going to give my son back the corner?

“Dad wouldn’t even make a replacement myself.”

Calmly Ixis answers Nicole, who asked intimidating questions.

“Dad doesn’t make substitutions for anything important. That’s the kind of dragon.”

“… is that my wisdom over there?”

Nicole tickles her tongue at Ixis, who looks him straight in the eye and says:

“Even if the world is different, I know that because I’m your father’s son. Because I know exactly what you’re grieving for me and what you love.”

“… then live to the end and then say it”

I guess everything is as Ixis put it.

Nicole gets evil as she bites her teeth.

I also knew very well that Nicole, who looked arrogant, was affectionate towards her sons.

From Nicole’s body in front of her, an overwhelming force is seeping out.

There’s a magic leak out there that makes me want to fall asleep just to be there, and I feel like I want to take my knees down right now.

That’s not Nicole’s comparison from the time we met before.

His throat seemed to stick to the tingling air.

Looking next door, Yuzuru seems to be feeling it, too, and he’s cold sweating.

“Father, keep your strength down. Mako is cared for.”

“They killed my beloved son and told me to stay calm? You think this frustration will subside to the extent that you have broken one elf country…?

Ixis said, Nicole threw up in a chilling voice.

Though I just thought Alsace, who was still in Fairy Crave, had destroyed the Elf Country.

I realize it was Nicole who apparently destroyed it.

On second thought, the elves are famous for their high magic.

Even a dragon wasn’t the kind of opponent you could normally defeat.

That’s possible, like Nicole, the former Demon King, who once destroyed a strong, magical clan called the Demon Clan from this world.

I think the reason you’re looking big is because you’re angry and the magic is out of control… or maybe because you’re unwilling to control it.

Usually Nicole accepted the sealing magic of her wife, Mr. Olivia, to limit her magic and was often small in appearance.

Nicole, who has plenty of room, isn’t there, always acting like she made fun of people.

I think it’s like a beast pointing its fangs without knowing where to point the spear of anger.

“Dad, I’m sorry. About sleeping on your own, you were surprised by the body when you came back. I’ve had enough. Thank you. I’m so glad you’re my father’s son.”

Ixis smiles at Nicole.

The word is clear everywhere, and I guess it’s from the heart of Ixis, who doesn’t lie.

“Shut up… that won’t stop my anger”

Nicole’s voice whining that way was small.

Grab your fist so that your hands are white.

Lie down, bite your lips.

Then Nicole exhaled heavily and looked up into the sky.

If you follow me, the sun is already setting on the other side of the horizon.

Slowly Nicole reaches for an evening sky mixed with orange and blue.

A singing spell spins out of its mouth.

“Thanks, Dad”

From what Ixis said, I think Nicole is trying to use magic to get us out of this world.

Unlike in Hilda’s time, though I can’t see the magic formation right now.

Turns out the magic with direction started wrapping us up.

“… Ixis, are you happy now”


Ixis nods at the slowly asked question.

A pale light wrapped me and Ixis, and Yuzuru’s body.

The scenery seeps through gradually.

It’s like the focus goes blurry.

Much stronger, Ixis holding my hand.

“… be happy till the minute of the ixis over here. Orders.”

Nicole in front of me says something like that greatly.

But the color doesn’t look like Nicole, with a gentle face that sounds a little crying.

“Oh, sure.”

Yes, if Ixis answers and holds my hips.

Nicole narrows her eyes with a complex face that looks happy somewhere and then sad.

I’m glad for the happiness of Ixis in front of me, but I guess it’s painful that I didn’t get this happiness the real son of this world.

Seeing that, I thought Nicole was Ixis’ father after all.

“Don’t let the bride go.”

Nicole signaled that she squealed like that.

White played in front of us, and we left this world behind.

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