Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 95

[91] It’s one talent in a way.

My senses return to my body all the time.

If you open your eyes, it’s in a space like a scattered starry sky.

Looks like we made it out of the world we were just in.


If they called me by my name and tried to turn you around, I was hugged by a big body before that.

The thick arms turned on my back and head are tightening forcefully and a bit painful.

“I’m glad you’re okay… I’m worried, I did”

The mixed voice of relief is a little tearful.

It smells like a slightly spiced adult, different from Ixis.

Besides, my heart calms down and the low Ouga voice shivers my ears.

If you twist yourself in your arms, the face of the owga is there.

In that deep frowny wrinkle, I remembered the nostalgia.

“Meiko, I missed you”

Before calling Ouga’s name, he is whispered in his ear.

It’s apparently Elliot who’s been leaning right against my back.

Elliot, an adult, hugs me all the time by turning his hand in front of my stomach as if to confirm my presence.

As he nodded around my shoulder to sweeten that head, his saggy white hair tickled against his neck muscles.

– I see you again.

How I dreamed of this day.

I just wanted to be happy and my chest will be full.

“Ouga, Elliot……!

With that name in your mouth, and the two of you hugging me full of strength.

I raised my voice and cried.


“Why didn’t you tell Vice that you gave him a handkerchief with blood filling yarn? You’re obviously too suspicious.”

“I’m sorry.”

Ouga is right.

I wish I had realized the likelihood of that handkerchief being abused when it came to the story that Vice, one of the boys in the mansion, was suspicious.

Sitting upright, I apologize without any excuse to Ouga standing in front of me.

“Do you know how I felt? You’re making me think that again, aren’t you?

When I was hit by a car in my original world, I knew full well that I regretted not being able to protect it.

Even though Ouga was on guard when she found out Tilia, the mastermind, was trapping her.

Because of what I said to myself, it bothered me.

“Meiko’s gone and I’ve been looking for him. It was hard while I couldn’t see him.”

You know exactly what I mean? So Elliot looks at me still with his black eyes.

There’s something in those eyes that resents me.

I’m surprised because I never saw Elliot look like that.

Elliot became more, more manly than before.

The atmosphere overflowing from inside is more mature than before than I think because I look like an adult.

I felt a depth added to those eyes that had never existed before.

While I was gone, I felt a little lonely, glad that Elliot had grown up.

“I’m sorry… come on. Reflect,”

If you say it whimpering and sneezing around, you two frown a little.

“Are you really reflecting”

“Are you sure Meiko is reflecting?

Speaking of which, Ouga and Elliot say that at about the same time, in a dubious tone.

That’s what they had to say.

You’re scolding me, but I’m finally gonna stop.

Oh, you’re back to everyone, so happy.

Tears fall flabby on their own.

I have a really weak tear gland today… momentum that I think it’s time to get dry.

But the quality is different from the tears I’ve been shed.

It was overflowing from joy.

“Looks like the bride has enjoyed this experience.”

Nicole, who was watching how things were going, snorts with Hung.

This was as natural as being scolded.

To use the power to go to different worlds, Nicole is a young man, not a young man who saved his power.

However, unlike Nicole, who was with me until just now, she has a spare and slightly carefree atmosphere.

I miss you, Nicole I know.

“Nicole, too, thank you. Nicole gave me the crest… so I can see you all again.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s not for you. I just did it for my boys.”

To thank you, I knew Nicole would say that.

Somehow, I felt like that wasn’t all.

Though I’m likely to be told not to be complacent, I think Nicole from the moment you gave me the crest was definitely guiding me through myself.

“Still…… thanks Nicole”

If you smile with the greatest appreciation, Nicole will have a rare and bewildered face.

The expression often resembled Ixis.

But I smile invincibly and teasingly, as soon as I fix it.

“Better than thank you, just marry my sons and show them my grandchildren’s faces.”

“Yeah, good luck.”

“… Hey, Ixis. What the hell is wrong with this guy? You’ve been eating in that world, even if it’s something bad.”

If I nodded honestly at Nicole’s words, I’d be turned as weird as I wanted.

“It’s not. It’s just that Mako decided to marry me.”

Ixis reaches out to me and makes me stand, smiling happily.

“Hmm…… well. By the way, who is that guy? I’ve been standing there with Nico since before.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Yuzul Sinome, Meiko’s brother. Best regards, Mako.”

Nicole couldn’t hide her confusion on Yuzul as she shook hands at Mypace.

What the hell? This guy sends me an enquiring gaze.

“I’m the brother of this body Yayoi Sinome. I’m the one who took care of you in the world over there… and you’re here.”

If I introduce you as I say stare, Nicole frowns.

“You must have arrived. Are you going to cheat early while Ixis and Augusto are around? Come back soon.”

Nicole says in a shuddered voice, as if to tell a child who has picked up a wild dog here and there.

“Cheating, nothing. I’m Mako’s brother.”

“It’s not Mako, it’s his body’s brother, isn’t it? I plan to give it back to you as soon as possible. He will then nose the soul that is currently inside Hilda. So think of him as your sister instead and adore him.”

“My sister is just Yayoi and Meiko. It’s not like I love you because you’re in that bin. And I’ve been thinking for a while now that Ixis looks like your father.”

Nicole looked like she had been drained of poison against Yuzuru, who laughed intriguingly.

“Why did I come all the way over here… I don’t care what you think. Besides, he looks too much like the guy I don’t like.”

Nicole put her mouth in front of her, that there was no sight or lid.

“Do you have a father who doesn’t like you?

“My father’s weakness… I thought it was about my mother.”

Ixis surprises, and Ouga squeaks.

Nicole muttered dissatisfied with what you guys think of me as your parents.

“Even for me in this black dragon, there’s about one guy I don’t like. I mean, I don’t care what you think… I don’t think I’m gonna bother flying him.”

Sure, I think Nicole might be right.

If it was Nicole the usual, I didn’t feel like Ixis and I would fly all the way here to the extra Yuzuru.

The world didn’t seem to change its personality, so I wonder if there was a reason for that.

Nicole’s attitude towards Yuzuru in that world was a little weird.

Looking at me and Ixis, Yuzul seems concerned at times.

Yuzuru, who asked me what you were, had some idea if he was my brother and wanted to cross the world with me.

I secretly hoped that Nicole would refuse to take Yuzul.

After asking Yuzl a few questions, Nicole shrugged with a difficult face that she knew what was going on with you and ended up with us getting her out of that world.

“With that said, when I told you about our situation, when I told you about the black aura Yuzuru used… it seemed like my dad over there was interested”

“Black aura? About what?”

To the squeaky Ixis, Nicole tilts her neck.

If Ixis talked about Yuzuru’s negative aura, Nicole hit him in the tongue.

“Is that what you mean? That’s why I flew him…!

“Is there something wrong, Father?”

Nicole shrugs when she asks Ixis how big it is.

“This guy is drawing the blood of the demons I destroyed. There was only one survivor. As a Demon, he was heretical, and he was my caregiver because his hair wasn’t black and the light of day was fine. Undemonic… I hadn’t seen him since I was on my journey, but I don’t think I should be exploring him now.”

Nicole says that Yuzuru’s use of a negative aura is one of the techniques used by the Demons in the first place.

It was originally shaped like a black mist, like a move called a ‘black mist’ that uprooted the opponent’s temper.

“Do you know the name of your ancestors?”

“I don’t know, but there’s a knife that’s been passed down from generation to generation, right?

Asked by Nicole, Yuzul took it out, not a knife, but a dagger to be exact.

It has a blade on both, and everything is pitch black, including a full body.

There is only one red gem embedded.

Touching it, Nicole narrowed her eyes as she nostalgic, exhaling deeply.

“Sounds pretty sure. Look in the jewels. Same as the one in the bride’s palm… there’s got to be my crest.”

Nicole returns the dagger to Yuzuru.

If Ixis, Ouga, Elliot and I gaze into that gem together, we do have Nicole’s crest there.

“If his descendants let that sword suck blood, I could always call him over there. You’ve wasted about six years away, bride.”

That was with the pledge, which I made with him that Nicole wasn’t good at.

When he or his descendants are in trouble – Nicole promised to help them, apparently.

Nicole, it’s an impossible fat pledge.

It seems that instead of engraving a crest on his body, as I did, he handed it in the form of a sword, so that the pledge would be valid until his descendants.

Perhaps he was a special friend to Nicole.

That’s why Nicole over there listened to Yuzul’s wishes and found out she flew with us.

“Looks like you really like Genger…… that’s a set up meetup. They seem to be dancing and I don’t care.”

Genger is a spirit-like being who supposedly created the maiden game Dusk Crown.

He said he has the habit of wanting to show someone the future of someone he likes.

Nicole threw up after doing so.

“Bride, I don’t think so… but I guess your body can use black fog too, huh?

“Blood’s not connected, and I think it’s okay… but this body can use all six magical attributes”

Exactly if you answer Nicole like give me a break about that.

I opened those black eyes and held on to their foreheads like I was tired.

“Isn’t that extra hassle? Having six attributes means… oh, it’s a real hassle. Impossible. How could you get caught up in such weird things and pick up all the weird stuff? You’re already one talent.”

I’m shocked at myself when that Nicole-kun tells me it’s impossible.

I didn’t want Nicole, who would gently destroy one country or tell me to be the daughter-in-law of two sons, to tell me it was impossible or anything.

“The six-attribute holding is not born normally. Except when it’s artificially made.”

Nicole says that six-attribute possession seems to be something that has long been studied among the wizards.

Attributes in this world can only be deployed up to one person at a time and another can not be used at the same time.

If you were able to activate and multiply multiple attributes at the same time by yourself.

It is said that it has six attributes that have been studied and born for that purpose.

But six-attribute possessions mostly die without withstanding their own magic.

It was that magic would crystallize on the inside and eventually it would solidify itself.

“A child with just six attributes cannot be born with a magic circuit for some reason. Even with enormous magic and privileged attributes, it’s pointless if you can’t get it out there. There are no success stories, and I hear the study was soon concluded that it was too inhumane”

I wonder why Nicole knows so much about it.

In the country of his wife, Mr. Olivia, they had that kind of research to counter the Demons.

Mr. Olivia is a former brave man.

People have done all sorts of research to counter the Demons.

Olivia said the wizards were children born in institutions to create children against the Demons.

Manipulation of genes specific solely to light attributes.

Olivia, who was born with it, says she doesn’t even know her parents’ faces.

I was born only to defeat the Demon King.

Such Mr. Olivia was the reason he was born, in the sense that killing Nicole-kun, the Demon King, was the only way he lived.

Apparently, he was determined to be a brave man from the beginning.

“When destroying the Demon Nation and crushing the Institute, I put on a permanent Blessing of the Holy Sun (Heilich Zorne Campanella) to take care of the children who have been experimented with, without misusing the research on all those involved. I wonder where the research lived.”

Nicole is going to regret how warm I was.

It was not killing all the wizards who were committing inhumane acts, but staying to do the magic of being good men.

Maybe that’s where Mr. Olivia was born, because the kids are going to be siblings.

I thought that was a pretty generous procedure for Nicole.

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