Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Alex, Are you?

Driving towards the Cullen mansion was easy for Alex, he just had to follow the Volvo but even then he had already memorized the entire path from his first time going.

'Having a photographic memory of sorts truly is a blessing' Alex thought as he took a turn heading deeper into the forest.

"Alex, what's this about?" Bella asked as she turned her head to face Alex who hadn't said a word since the drive had started.

Alex didn't even turn to face her as he looked at the road ahead.

"I'll explain everything when we get to the Cullen's house"

"Can't you just tell me now? Is this what you were hiding from me?" Bella said as she raised her voice slightly.

Alex still didn't even give her his sight as he continued to drive.

"I told you, I'll tell you when I'm comfortable, and while this isn't the entire thing it's quite a large part. It will be easier if I say it at the Cullens. Please just wait a few minutes Bella" Alex said as he followed the silver Volvo through the snake-like road.


Giving an almost exaggerated huff, Bella laid down even more heavily on the truck seat.

"Come on, don't be like that."

"What do you mean don't be like that? Everything feels so confusing right now. I thought I had it all figured out but turns out I wasn't even close" Bella said as she turned to look out of the window at the forest.

Alex gave a short laugh.

"It's all right, you couldn't have known," Alex said as he started slowing down the truck.

"Are we here already?" Bella asked as she sat up straighter on the seat.

Alex gave a nod and then took a turn as he parked the car next to the silver Volvo.

"That's right, this is the Cullens mansion, it's quite breathtaking isn't it?" Alex asked.

Bella nodded as she quickly opened the door of the truck and hopped outside.

Looking around, Bella looked like a small kid in a candy store in Alex's opinion.

A slight smile finally showed on Alex's face as he looked at his sister.

It didn't last long however and quickly hid behind his poker face that he seemed to be holding quite a lot these days.

"All right let's go inside?" Alice said as she came to stand next to Alex.


The BMW, a m3 rolled in and parked next to the orange truck.

Out of it came Emmet and Rosalie, Emmet had that goofy grin of his but even he seemed to be in a much more serious mood than he usually was.

It wasn't showing on his face but Alex just felt like that was the case.

'Might be an ability of mine? I'm unsure.' Alex thought and then turned to nod at Alice.

The Vampires and Bella went up the stairs and into the house.

Esme and Carlisle were waiting for them inside.

"I didn't think you'd be here doctor, I thought you would still be on your shift at the hospital," Alex said as he stared at Carlisle who had that same soft smile on his face that Alex always saw him with.

"Jasper messaged me and told me that I should be here just in case," Carlisle said as he faced Alex.

"Just in case I go off the rails?" Alex asked as he gave a small grin though it didn't look genuine to anyone who saw it.

Carlisle didn't give an answer, even his soft smile didn't change.

Esme however appeared to almost get a little angry as she shook her head at Alex.

"No dear, I don't think that's the reason. We just all wanted to be here to be able to help on letting Bella understand"

Alex was about to retort but stopped once he turned to look at Esme.

Her calm and warm demeanor simply didn't allow Alex to be a jerk.

'Damn, how can I even say anything when you look at me like that, as if I'm your own son' Alex thought as he remembered the way his past mother used to look at him.

Renee had never looked at Alex the same way, it was almost like she simply didn't fully understand what having a child meant most of the time, it wasn't that she didn't love Alex but rather didn't know how to show it.

'Either way, let's just get this started' Alex thought as he walked past Esme and Carlisle and headed into the living room.

The rest also followed and took the same spots they had the last time Alex had been over, more than a month ago.

The only change was that this time, Bella was seated next to Alex.

A silence took over for a few seconds until Bella broke it.

"So what's this about Alex" Bella said as she turned to face Alex.


'It's really hard to get these words out for some damned reason' Alex thought and then gritted his teeth and steeled his will.

'Please just react like the anomaly you are Bella and not like a normal person.' Alex thought and opened his mouth finally.

"You know these guys are vampires right?" Alex asked Bella as he faced her.

Bella's expression contorted to one of surprise and then confusion just as quickly followed suit.

"You knew?" Bella asked as she managed to gather her words after a few moments.

Alex nodded in return.

"How long did you know Alex? Now that I think about it, you even helped me find out by telling me about the website" Bella asked and started remembering all the times Alex had given her soft hints over the few months they had been in forks.

"Wait, it couldn't be that you just got me here to tell me that you also knew," Bella said almost immediately after as her eyes widened further.

The next few words took a few moments to come out of her mouth, she seemed to be denying the possibility in her head, finding it almost impossible but that impossible thought was strangely the only one that seemed to make sense in this situation.

"Alex, are you..."


The extra chapter will come in an hour or so, managed to get all my stuff fixed so thankfully I can keep uploading, was scared my pc would completely break for a moment xd.

Volume two is comming to a quick close, we are about 2-4 chapters before its end. Thanks for sticking around <3

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me further check out my Patreon at:

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Thanks a lot for the support and for allowing me to get so close to being able to follow my dream.

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Lots of Love

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