Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Back Row

Alex snickered inwardly to himself as he looked at the Cullens's table from the corner of his eyes.

He didn't need to even look as he heard Emmets booming laughter spreading through the entire room, though he looked like he was about to die from joy, some of the others didn't seem to share that same sentiment.

'I see, I guess they take family a bit more seriously than in those fanfictions I read where someone insults Edward and they are all ok with it. That makes more sense I guess.' Alex thought to himself as he turned his attention towards Bella who had now gotten a black face and was glaring at him intently.

"C'mon Bella, I apologized, didn't I? And it wasn't like I said anything that wasn't true from what you're saying that guy did." Alex said to Bella trying to pacify the young woman.

Bella just sighed as she stared at him and shook her head slowly as if in disappointment at how her brother had grown up.

Turning her head to Angela and Jessica, she muttered a soft sorry for him and his antics.

Alex just stood there watching the entire situation unfold dumbfounded.

'Did I just get treated like some dumbass kid?' Alex thought flustered and confused.

"You sure have gotten better at this Bells" Alex muttered to himself as he stared at what he was currently thinking was a vixen in place of his sister.

A grin so small that only Alex with his supernatural sight could see, sprouted on Bella's face.

'Ah, you are going to regret this later.' Alex thought to himself.

Emmet's laughter which had sprouted for the second time just served to irk Alex even more.

What's worse was that he could hear the snickers of the other Cullen members.

'Just you wait, I'll show you all who is the ultimate troll'

The lunch continued afterward with Bella not talking much and just nodding or shaking her head to the occasional question that was directed her way, while Alex got immersed in a talk about American football with Mike and Eric.

As they were so focused on their conversations, they didn't feel the flow of time much and in what felt like a flash, the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch break and that now students had to go back to studying in their classes once more.

Alex and the group all got up as they waved goodbyes to each other, Mike followed Alex while Angela followed Bella as they had the same classes it seemed.

"So how's the professor of Math?" Alex asked Mike as they were heading towards the classroom.

"Ah, it's Professor Kane, he's a good man though quite a bit strict, and likes to have all the students follow his teachings to a T" Mike answered as they were going down the hall, his shoulder was getting bumped almost constantly by the rushing students, causing him to almost fall down sometimes.

Alex meanwhile was passing through the hall without even being touched once.

Mike turned to look at Alex with confused eyes and then opened his mouth to ask.

"How the hell are you doing that?" His voice showcased his befuddlement at the situation occurring before his very eyes.

"How am I doing what?" Alex asked, his voice just as confused as Mike's.

"What do you mean by what, I'm asking how are you not getting bumped into at all, and are just avoiding them all as if the hall is entirely clear," Mike asked as he pointed a finger at the surrounding students.

"Ah, I'm just used to it I guess, in Phoenix, it was even worse considering how many more students there were than in Forks," Alex said as he lied through his teeth.

'I wonder if I had a status window like in those gamer novels then would I have max-level acting skills?' Alex thought to himself as a small smug grin took place on his face.

"You are definitely acting smug as shit because of being able to do it, I see," Mike said as he walked next to Alex and then suddenly went right behind him.

"What are you doing now Mike?" Alex asked though his voice showed how funny he thought the entire situation was.

"What, if you can avoid them all then if I'm following right behind you then I will be able to do the same thing right? This way I'm actually the smart one as I didn't have to learn the skill at all and I get the same benefits as you." Mike said with a large smug grin on his face, acting as if he had won some kind of championship title.

"Right, you're totally right Mike, never knew you were such a genius" Alex replied, his voice deeply painted in heavy sarcasm.

As the conversation neared its end, they also arrived at the classroom door.

Heading inside, Alex saw that they were just on time and together with Mike took a seat at the far back of the class.

"Hmm, why are we going so far back Alex" Mike asked.

"What do you mean why Mike? Don't tell me that you are a front-row guy. There is no benefit in being in the front row, there are only negatives man, like you can't even say a thing without the professor noticing you talk" Alex replied confused at what Mike had just said.

"Yeah, yeah I guess," Mike said as he sat down next to Alex.

Time continued to flow and the class started, nothing seemed really interesting to Alex so he tried to talk to Mike but found out that the guy was actually pretty serious about his studies so he decided to not bother him and let him study.

The hour of math felt like ages to Alex, without a phone or anything else to keep his mind off the time, all he ended up doing was counting the seconds as he looked at the clock on the wall above the blackboard.

*Ring* *Ring*

Finally, the bell rang.


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