Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Information Gathering

With the ring of the bell, signaling the end of the Math class, the students all got up with some of them stretching their limbs just like Alex while some others were holding their temples while looking at their notebooks in confusion.

"Well, I'll get going now Mike, I have Chemistry and you said you have Spanish right?" Alex said as he turned to look at Mike who was also getting up on his feet, while slugging his backpack on his left shoulder.

"Yeah I've got Spanish class now, and from what we discussed we don't have the same class for the final hour either so I i guess see you tomorrow Alex!" Mike said as he shook Alex's hand.

"Yeah see you man, had a great time with you today" Alex replied as he took off, heading for the exit of the classroom.

"Yeah, me too Alex" Alex heard Mike say from behind him.

Getting outside the class, Alex got his white sheet of paper and followed the instructions on where his Chem class was.

He arrived there pretty quickly as it seemed like the science classrooms were pretty close to eachother.

The following hour was more interesting than Math with them even having to do a small experiment but it was also boring at the same time as Alex didn't really know anybody in the class.

He tried to make friends with a girl who was next to him though she just remained frozen and stared at him as if he was some kind of Alien or something.

'Am I just too good-looking?' Alex wondered to himself only to end up shaking his head a moment later.

'This really isn't the time nor place for me to end up becoming a narcissist.' Alex thought to himself jokingly.

The class continued forward and it wasn't long before it was over and Alex was now in front of the door to the last class.

'Art class huh, I used to love it back in high school. It was so free and you could just draw anything you wanted' Alex thought and opened the door, heading inside.

'There's a problem though, I don't have any drawing supplies with me, maybe I should have gotten my bag ready this morning instead of watching Tv' Alex thought as he looked around the class for a free spot.

He saw no free spots besides one, it was at the end of the class on the right side by the windows.

'Cool, the best spot is free' Alex thought until he looked at who was seated there.

Alice Cullen.

'Even cooler, I get to sit next to a hot vampire' Alex thought as his steps got even lighter.

Arriving next to the chair, Alex stopped and asked.

"Hey I'm Alex, is this spot free?"

Alice who was looking outside the window turned around to meet his eyes and then gave a smile as she nodded her head and replied.

"Yeah, it's free, nice to meet you, Alex, I'm Alice," Alice said as she extended her hand towards Alex for a handshake.

Taking her up on it, Alex shook her hand and almost couldn't hold back the wince in his expression.

'Her hand is so damned cold and hard, it's as if I'm shaking hands with an ice block.' Alex thought as he stared at her hand for a split second and then reverted his eyes.

He however didnt forget to ask.

"Uhm, are you all right? Your hands are very cold, you could be sick." Alex said to Alice as he sat down.

"Ah no I just have naturally cold hands, might be anemia or something but I have never really had any issues with my health so it isn't really something I've had to worry about," Alice replied with that same unchaning smile on her face.

'It surely does feel like she is testing me right now' Alex thought to himself as he looked at her smiling face and then a smile graced his face too.

'You think that you can find me out? me? the most masterful liar that even the god Ussop couldn't compare to? heh,' Alex thought to himself as he snickered inwardly at his own jokes.

At that moment, the art professor finally arrived and the class started. He asked the students to take out their drawing tools and start drawing a portrait.

And thus, Alex arrived at his current dilemma, he could see that Alice had enough drawing tools to share but he really didn't want to talk to her right now.

'That feeling of being constantly tried to be pried into and gotten information extracted out of is really strong right now y'know.' Alex thought as he looked at Alice with the corner of his eye and then sighed as he decided to just not care about it.

'Doesn't matter what she tries, she can't really find out much and with me being an entirely different race then she can't even see my future which is probably what set her off in this information-gathering mission or whatever she is doing right now.' Alex thought as he turned to face Alice.

"Hey, do you have any spare drawing tools? I forgot about them at home today" Alex asked as he made his face show an apologetic expression as he asked Alice for help.

Alice turned to him and finally showed a different expression on her face than her always smiling one. this time it was a face of confusion.

"Uh, you forgot your drawing tools at home?" Alice asked confused about the situation.

Alex just looked at her equally confused as he replied

"Uh, yeah, is that really so surprising? Am I not allowed to forget things" Alex asked as he stared at Alice's confused face which quickly disappeared behind her smiling face once more.

"Yeah, I have enough for the both of us, it's no problem if you take some" Alice replied in what Alex could only call a super sweet tone.

'Damned that Jasper, one lucky bastard he is.' Alex thought to himself.


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