Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


"Thanks" Alex answered as he took a sheet of paper and a pencil, and then nodded towards Alice for helping him out and got started on his drawing.

Alex was pretty good at drawing, or I guess in the past life he had been pretty good at drawing but that also meant that the current him was good.

He focused as he looked at one of the students in the class and started drawing them on the paper, it didn't take long before it all started to take shape and make sense.

"Wow, that's pretty good," Alice said as she looked at the drawing that Alex had started, it was indeed pretty good and if you asked someone else then they would probably say it was amazing.

Alex turned his head and nodded towards Alice as he muttered a small thanks and then looked at her drawing, only to find himself.

The drawing was of his portrait and was of extremely high quality, and it looked just like him if only it didn't have one small detail.

'Why the hell do I look like a zombie' Alex thought as his eyebrows twitched as he looked at the drawing.

"It looks great as a drawing but I don't really think I look like a zombie Alice, or do I?" Alex asked her and his tone showed a hint of annoyance though it also showcased that he was merely joking about it.

Alice's smile turned into a small grin as she answered him.

"What do you mean Alex? I thought I drew you exactly as you were on the paper" Her voice had twisted and now carried a tone of innocence though the underlying smugness and what could only be called a trolling voice could be clearly heard in Alex's ears.

'I see, so that's how you're playing this game, Alice, well I can also do just that' Alex thought as he stared at the zombie figure just a minute second longer.

'Either I'm overthinking this like some dumbass or she drew me as a zombie so that she could show me that she knows that I'm not a human' Alex thought as he stared at the drawing.

"So do you like it then Alex? You keep staring at it so hard that I'm guessing you're a really big fan of it, I guess I can just give it to you if you like it so much" Alice said as her grin only grew wider.

"Oh definitely, I truly think it's the greatest masterpiece on earth, I would be honored if someone such as yourself would gift this masterpiece of an artwork to someone as lowly as me," Alex said, his voice deeply laced with sarcasm.

Alice straight up laughed loudly in Alex's face, causing the entire classroom to turn and look in their direction.

She stopped a second later and muttered a small sorry to the entire class, who just turned back to their own work, not without some of them calling her a freak though.

Alex's expression turned a bit sour at hearing those words but he quickly hid it behind his smile.

'Those shitheads really are annoying huh, like damn can you all just look at you're own problems and not care about what others do so much' Alex thought as he imagined them calling him the same thing.

'No if they knew what I really was then that would be the least of what they would be calling me now, I guess I can hide all I want but I will never truly be a human anymore, not like I mind but it sure is a thing to think about' Alex thought to himself.

"Whats so funny, Your Highness? The greatest art creator of all time" Alex asked in a joking manner once more trying to get rid of the sour mood that had enveloped the two of them for a few seconds.

Alice just smiled as she replied.

"Nothing Alex, you seem like a cool guy to hang around with, we could be great friends you know?" Alice said as she pushed the zombie drawing towards him.

Alex for his part, took the drawing in his hand and stared at it for a few more seconds and then turned to look at her and showed a large toothy smile as he nodded.

"Of course Alice, you also seem just like the type who would be my best friend you know?" Alex replied to her question with both an answer as well as a question of his own.

"Yeah, let's be best of friends though saying it like that does make it seem like some childish joke," Alice said as she took the pencil Alex returned to her.

"So is your drawing done then?" Alice said as she got closer to look at his drawing paper.

It looked just like it had before, Alex really had not concentrated on it much while they talked.

"Yeah, looks all right, and I kinda lost the inspiration in the middle of drawing it but I've got an idea," Alex said as he pushed his own drawing paper towards her.

"What do you want me to have this Alex? Are you kidding, at least I drew you but I don't even know or talk to this guy, why would I want it, Alex?" Alice said as she stared at the drawing which was now suddenly placed in her hands.

Alex just laughed in response and said.

"So what, it's a gift from your new best friend shouldn't you cherish it with your life or whatever best friends do in stories?" Alex said, his voice laced with humor.

"Yeah, right I should totally make a glass case for it and store it in a high-security vault on some random island in the middle of the ocean," Alice said as she took the paper, folded it, and then proceeded to rip it right then and there.

"Oops, my hand slipped," Alice said as she placed her hand in front of her mouth, emulating a clearly fake shocked look on her face.

'Right, your hand slipped so much that you ripped the paper over and over' Alex thought, his face still showing a grin.

'That's totally something I would do to Bells, and I totally should in the near future' Alex thought as he imagined it and almost couldn't stop his shivers of excitement.


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Lots of love from your fanfic author. <3

Until next time


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