Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Silver Volvo

"So clumsy of you Alice" Alex said with a grin on his face.

"Right? I was so surprised myself." Alice replied with the same grin on her own pale-colored, stone-hard face.

'At least that's what I think her face should feel like' Alex thought to himself.

And they couldn't further continue their conversation as the bell decided to ring right at that moment.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Well, I guess we have to part ways for now Alice, see you next time!" Alex said as he grabbed his backpack, however, he wasn't able to move a step away when he felt someone holding his shoulder.

Turning around he found Alice who had extended her phone towards him, it was one of those old flip phones though for this day and age it was probably the newest technology on the market.

"Here, give me your number so we can text later," Alice said as she smiled at him.

Alex nodded grabbed the phone and created a contact with his name and phone number.

Giving the phone back, Alex said to Alice as he pushed his Backpack a little with his shoulder.

"I put my number in, Text me whenever Alice" Alex said as gave her phone back and turned around to head towards the exit of the classroom.

"Yeah, see you later Alex" Alex heard Alice say or more like mumble with how low her voice was when she said it.

Getting outside, Alex headed towards the bathroom first so he could clean his fingers which had been covered in graphite, and then headed towards the parking lot.

When he arrived there, he found that Bella was already at the door of the truck waiting for him.

"Hey Bella, did I make you wait long?" Alex asked, in a good mood after having such an awesome art class in his opinion.

"No, I just came here as well" Bella answered but her voice sounded almost lost, she even looked deep in thought as she stared towards a part of the parking lot.

"Huh, what's got you so deep in though?" Alex asked as he turned to look at where Bella was looking.

Finding a silver Volvo parked there, Alex understood immediately.

'Hmm, did she already get caught up in her feelings for Edward? That should be impossible though, at this moment she should at most be curious about him but for a weird reason, I have a feeling that it is closer to love than curiosity. How can a person even fall in love with someone at first sight, that only happens in books and movies.' Alex thought up to that point and then stopped himself and muttered silently.

'Right, I am in a book and movie'

Turning towards Bella once more, Alex decided to try and get her mind off Edward.

"Don't think too much Bella, you did nothing wrong and he could just be sick or who knows. You know how your sense of smell gets all messed up when you are sick, that's probably the reason" Alex said as he patted Bellas's shoulder and then pushed his palm towards her.

Bella nodded as she grabbed his palm and then they just stood there.

"I don't need your hand, give me the car keys," Alex said as he looked at her.

Bellas's face grew red at a frightening speed as she slapped his hand away and then threw the truck keys toward Alex harshly.

"There, take the car keys, you unfeeling bastard," Bella said as she got in the car and slammed the door.

Alex for his part caught the keys out of the air easily and just grinned to himself.

'Ah, I'm so damn cool, Catching keys out of the air like that' Alex had not even listened to what Bella had said about him being an unfeeling bastard.

Whistling a tune that he remembered from his past life, it was a song that would be released in about ten years from this time period, Alex headed to the other side of the truck and hopped in the driver's seat.

Putting the car in the ignition, he started the truck after a few rumbles and started reversing out of the parking space, making sure to look at both rearview mirrors as he did so, trying to not hit any of the other student's cars.

'The last thing I need right now is to hit someone else's car, where the hell would I even find the money to repair the damages, Charlie is a police chef and this would cause a bad mark on his reputation, it's just a very bad thing to happen right now' Alex thought though as he was thinking, the promotion that saying those words would be a red flag was like a loud alarm on his head.

"Yeah, let's not think about that" Alex mumbled under his breath and he finally managed to get the truck out of the parking space without hitting anybody in the process. 

Shifting the gear from reverse to the first, The truck started driving forward as Alex maneuvered his way out of the parking lot.

Turning his head to the left just as he was about to get on the road, he saw the silver Volvo, inside the car were the Cullen kids with only Edward missing.

Alice could be seen waving at him from the backseat window, and Alex could even see Jasper waving his hand hello towards him as well.

Waving his hand at them, Alex nodded and then stomped on the gas pedal, though what that action managed to achieve was nothing more than a large rumble coming from the truck and it started to drive just as fast as it would without him even stomping the pedal.

'Damn, this is one shitty car, also can they even be called kids, they look like teens but they're like a hundred years old or something like that and the other thing is, how the hell does someone as big as Emmet fit inside that car? No, how do four people plus Emmet fit inside that small car' Alex thought confused as he turned to look behind him at the Volvo though it wasn't there anymore.

'It's still going like ten times faster than me if it was able to disappear like that though, and it's driving five people.' Alex thought about it and decided to increase his respect for the silver Volvo.


Thanks for all the support both in ScribbleHub and in other websites.

Either way, I will be releasing 2 today as an apology for releasing none yesterday!

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