Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Best Friends

Heading towards the car, Bella opened the door and hopped into the driver's seat, put her backpack next to her, and then tried to ignite the car.


The car door opened and Alex sat down on the front seat.

"Were you going to leave me huh?" Alex asked with a twitching smile on his face.

"Who left you? Aren't you in the car?" Bella asked with an innocent smile on her face.

Twisting the key, she tried to get the car to start up.

*Grnkg* *Krrht*

It made a lot of noise for what felt like a few minutes to Alex until it finally decided to wake up and the engine finally started pumping its pistons.

"Sure took its time," Alex said absentmindedly.

"Yeah, thought it wouldn't ignite for a while there," Bella said as she put the car in reverse and started heading out.

"It's really uncomfortable having you drive this thing, you know?" Alex said as he stared at Bella reversing out of their house and into the road.

"Why, are you scared I'll drive us into a ditch" Bella asked, her voice sounding frustrated.

"I mean, you can barely walk on your own feet with how clumsy you are, I'm amazed how you even managed to land yourself a driving license," Alex replied a smug grin on his face.

"A Damned Bastard is what he is," Bella said under her breath.

Alex heard it all though and all it did was increase the smugness in his face.

Finally, after getting on the road, it took them about ten minutes and they arrived at the school's parking lot.

It seemed like most of the students were also coming to school at this time and the parking lot was full of cars, and most of the students were next to theirs as they chatted with themselves.

Driving the car into a free lot, Bella kept the engine on as she took her bag and started to look inside it to see if she had everything.

"Why are you even looking now? It's not like you have enough time to go back home before classes start." Alex asked perplexed by her behaviour.

"I know, it's just something I like to do before class ok?" Bella answered quickly, her frustration at him making fun of her, the whole way to the school finally showing itself.

"All right, all right I'll stop!" Alex said as he held up his hands in a pacifying manner.

"Well, I'll be going then, don't wanna miss any more classes or whatever," Alex said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah, if you miss one more then I'm telling Charlie got it?" Bella said to Alex.


And the door got slammed shut in Bella's face.

'Now then, what should I do today?' Alex thought as he walked towards the school's front entrance.

He continued walking trying to think of something to do, only to stop when a sudden realization hit him.

'I have nothing to do!' Alex realized suddenly as his excitement died out like a fire in a rainstorm.

'Do I just skip out class and go to the forest to train up my abilities, there's no way I'm going to go to high school for the second time in my life, it was already hell on earth back in my world, and back then I had computers and I used to play games all day. These guys are from before I was even born, what's fun for these dudes is what I call old school' Alex thought as despair engulfed him.

Opening the front door, Alex was finally inside the school, backpack on his shoulder he started walking towards a random hall.

'Wait, what's my first class?' Alex thought as he just realized that he had no idea where he had to go.

Opening his side pocket in his backpack, he grabbed a white piece of paper that had almost crumpled up completely.

Taking the paper in his hands, he tried to flatten it as much as he could so that it would at least be readable, and looked at his schedule for the day.

First class, History
Second Class, English
Third Class, Spanish
Fourth Class, Math
Fifth Class, Chemistry
Sixth Class, Art.

'God, I hate half of these, the only ones that I would be fine with would-be art and English just because I don't have to listen at all or the professor would just let us do whatever we wanted.' Alex thought as he remembered his classes back in his old world.

Looking at the paper once more, he found that next to each class was also the room and building number so he and Bella who had also gotten a similar letter would be able to find their way around the building.

Nodding his head, Alex turned around and started walking in the complete reverse direction of where he was going initially.

'I sure was heading in the right direction. Maybe I should make my nickname Zoro' Alex snickered to his own thoughts as he continued on his way.

The halls had already filled up and students were going to their own classes, and as they would be starting in a few minutes, most of them were in a hurry to find their way.

Of course, there were the ones who simply didn't care and were just going at their own pace as well, or even the ones who were caught up in conversations with their friends and had completely forgotten about the time.

'Sure I don't give a shit about school but I have a reason to at this point, I really could do anything I want, I just need to not fail, and ill be fine with my superpowers. I would be able to become the best in any sport I wanted to and that if I don't want to get high scores which I would be able to do easily with my enhanced memory as a vampire.' Alex thought as he looked at the students who as per mentioned were not giving a crap about the bell that signaled the start of classes ringing.

'Though, I probably should at least try a little as well, if not for myself then to at least make Charlie a little happy. It's not that hard to just give the books a single look after all.' Alex thought as he finally arrived in front of his classroom.

Opening the door, he saw that most of the students had already taken their seats and the professor was already in the classroom but he was still looking over at some of his own files or something.

Deciding to just sneak in, Alex made a shushing noise to the students and carefully walked towards Mike, who apparently also had this class and sat next to him.

"Yo Mike," Alex said as he finally sat down.

"Yo Alex, good morning man," Mike said with a shit-eating grin and then continued.

"You think you're something huh? Always coming late to class or not coming at all." Mike said though it was clear from his tone that he was just joking about it.

Alex laughed as he turned to Mike.

"Of course, who do you think I am? Some regular student?" Alex said to Mike as he puffed up his chest so he could appear bigger.

Mike laughed out loud which caused even a few students to turn around and look at them in confusion.

"Damn Alex, you're just the best, we're going to be best of friends y'know!" Mike said a large smile showing on his face.


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Peace from WhiteAuthor

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