Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

The Morning Continues

'Ah if only you knew Charlie just how dumb someone would have to be to mess with me at this point' Alex thought to himself.

But what he actually replied to Charlie with was:

"Of course Dad, I'll let you know, but I usually don't bother people so I don't really get into any trouble, it's just annoying to deal with you know?" Alex replied as he took a long sip of his coffee.

'It's super hot but it's not burning me at all, it just feels nice' Alex thought to himself as he looked at the steaming cup of coffee in his hands.

"Ah that's great, that's what I usually think like as well Alex." Charlie nodded and then likewise took a small sip of his coffee and continued.

"Have you made any friends yesterday?" Charlie asked.

'Would those guys who sat with Bella be considered my friends as well or just her friends?' Alex thought but then just decided to nod.

"Yeah, I made some friends, both me and Bella, we sat at the same table so I guess they are friends to both of us. This is Mike and Eric guy and Jessica and Angela. You know any of them?" Alex replied.

"Ah, Mike Newton and Eric Yorkie, they're good kids, I'm glad that you made them your friends. Angela and Jessica are good as well though I know less about them compared to the boys" Charlie answered his face bright as he explained what he knew about the kids' families.

Alex stood there and listened to the man ramble on for minutes without interrupting him.

A while later, Charlie finally stopped and scratched the back of his head, and laughed a little.

"Uh, I guess I got a bit carried away there son, I hope I didn't bore you," Charlie said as he looked at Alex.

"Not at all, it was all very interesting to know and it's always nice having more information about the people around you know? Better to know than to hang out with the wrong crowd." Alex replied trying to reassure Charlie that it was all fine.

Charlie nodded and then both of the men just stood there in silence enjoying their cups of coffee.

It was a while later that Charlie heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Seems like Bella's awake," Charlie said as he turned to look at the stairs coming from the second floor.

Alex nodded, he had heard her wake up and move around half an hour ago but couldn't really tell Charlie considering it would take superhuman hearing to be able to notice, he would have just looked weird for half an hour when Bella didn't come down.

"Yeah, seems like it," Alex said and got up and went towards the couch, first turning on the TV and then lying down.

"You're about to head off to work right?" Alex asked from behind the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be going off now. Tell Bella I said good morning, I made two sandwiches for both of you and their in the microwave" Charlie said as he got up and headed towards the door.


The front door made a loud noise as he pried it open, its old age showing.

"See ya later today then!" Alex said loudly.

"See ya, Alex!" Charlie said and then closed the door.

Turning towards the TV, Alex saw the morning broadcast was on. It was just showing that today would be just like always, with a gray cloudy sky in forks with a little drizzle of rain happening once in a while during the day.

"This is one depressing place to live, I'll give them that," Alex said his thoughts out loud.

"It is, I hate the weather here, I'm already missing the weather in Phoenix." Bella who had just come down the stairs replied to Alex.

"Phoenix better than here? Are you sure we are talking about the same Phoenix Arizona? The one where you feel like you're about to melt from the heat? Hell no, I'd take cloudy skies over that any day, every day of the year." Alex replied to Bella as he turned around to look at her.

"Yeah, you do you" Bella replied as if what Alex just said was the dumbest thing she had ever heard.

"Haa... either way, Charlie made us sandwiches, they are in the microwave, help yourself," Alex said as he motioned for the microwave next to the sink.

Bella nodded and took the sandwiches and started eating her breakfast.

"Why are you up so early" She asked as she stopped eating for a moment.

"Couldn't sleep longer, feel kinda excited about being in a new place still" Alex replied as he continued to watch the morning broadcast.

A while later, Bella finished eating her food and started heading upstairs once again.

"I'm going to get ready, I'll be back in a bit and then we can head off to school," Bella said as she went up the stairs.

Alex didn't reply as he thought to himself.

'Back in a bit? Go to school right after? What do you mean you, damned woman, it's barely become six in the morning, are you telling me that you're going to talk half an hour up there and call it a bit? I guess if the stereotypes are true then it makes sense but damn' Alex thought to himself and then slapped his face, though it made a louder noise than he would have liked and he ended up rubbing his face after.

'Why did I do that?' He thought to himself as he tried to reason on how his logic of hitting himself with what could be a human-powered slap was considered a good way to get rid of him thinking about Bella needing that long.

Just as he thought, a half hour later Bella came downstairs and he got up, heading towards the door.

Taking his school bag which he had left next to the dining table, Alex said.

"You got everything? Are you finally ready?" Though his voice betrayed his outward nonchalance, showcasing his annoyance at having to wait.

Bella just smirked in his face and then headed to the door, car keys in hand.

"Yup, let's go and I'm driving by the way," Bella said as she opened the door.

"Damned rat" Alex whispered to himself.

"What was that Alex?" Bella asked as she turned around.

"Nothing, let's just go" Alex replied quickly.


Check out 5 advanced chapters at: [email protected]/WhiteAuthor

Did 8 Chapters today, feeling really tired but I promised you guys a mass release a while back and thought I'd keep my promise.

Hope you enjoyed the chapters, will be releasing even more in the coming few days.


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