Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


"We're here," Edward said as he stopped the car.

Its rumble died off as soon as he twisted the key.

Opening the door, Alex headed outside, it was a grass plain filled with trees, and there was no field in sight.

"Are you sure we are at the right spot Edward?" Alex asked as he turned around to stare at the auburn-haired vampire.

"It's the right spot, we can't take the car all the way however so we will have to walk the rest of the way, it's only a minute or two walk however," Edward said as he nodded at Alex.

"All right," Alex said as he returned the nod and motioned for him to show them the road.

Edward, Alice, Alex, and Bella started walking through some bushes and then on random patches of grass and gravel until they arrived at the spot.

The field before Alex's eyes was iconic at least to him, to others it might seem like just a normal field but he wasn't normal.

He was from an entirely different world, he could even be called from an entirely different dimension.

'This is probably the most iconic scene in the whole Twilight movies' Alex thought to himself as he walked.

Further ahead he could see that Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper, and Carlisle with Esme had already arrived.

They were all similarly wearing baseball clothes.

"Do you want to play with us?" Alice asked from his left where she was walking alongside Alex.

"I don't know how to play baseball, I've heard about the rules but I don't know enough about it to be able to play myself," Alex said as he shook his head and then continued.

"How about I just watch you guys this time then I can join in on the next game?" Alex offered as he looked at Alice.

Alice nodded, a soft smile showing on her face as she replied to Alex.

"Alright, be sure to be cheering me on, however, got that?" Alice said as she looked at Alex, for a moment they both entered that trance state that Alex had been finding himself in more and more.

But it was soon broken as they arrived before the others.

"So anyone going to tell me why we are doing this when a storm is about to start?" Bella asked for what Alex felt was the millionth time.


"You will find out in a few minutes, I promise Bella. Don't let your curiosity ruin it, enjoy the surprise." Alex said as he patted his sister's back.

"All right," Bella said though her tone seemed quite annoyed at having to wait.

'Impatient aren't you?' Alex thought to himself as he stared at Bella.

The storm didn't take long to arrive and soon, it started raining with loud thundering noises going off in the background.

"Now you will be able to see why we play in this weather Bella" Esme who had chosen not to join the game and rather be the referee said to Bella who was next to her.

Alice was the first on the pitch with Emmet being the batter.

Lightning fell down and illuminated the background, right at that second Alice raised her leg up, gathered all the strength in her frame, and threw the ball towards the batter.

The ball flew so quickly that it became invisible to Bella's eyes for a split second before it appeared right in front of Emmet's bat.


It was a massive sound and Bella had to hold her ears for a second.

She had seen what had caused the massive booming sound, it had been the impact between the bat and the ball, it felt almost like lightning itself had struck down.

Alex put his finger on his chin as he thought whilst he looked at the scene.

'How in the hell is that ball and bat holding up when they're using that much strength?' Alex thought to himself and decided he could just ask the conveniently placed vampire right next to him.

"So how does that ball and bat hold up despite you using supernatural strength?" Alex asked as he stared at Esme who turned around to face him.

"I don't know the specifics but Carlisle and Rosalie did some changes to them however I do not know what they did, otherwise a normal bat and ball would surely have exploded on impact with each other," Esme said as she motioned to Carlisle and Rosalie who were next to each other on the field.

"I see, yeah that's what I thought otherwise it just sounded impossible," Alex said as he turned his head back away from the woman.

'Still, how did they make it? Shouldn't modern baseball bats and balls already be at the peak of what technology could use? Maybe they changed the inside material and since they're vampires then they don't care about the increased weight?' Alex thought as he tried to come up with a reason though he was coming up flat besides that one theory about the inside materials.

"Do you want to be the ball spotter Bella?" Esme asked as she turned to Bella who was watching the entire thing with sparkly eyes.

Bella's head turned almost immediately as she nodded however her expression soon changed back to an awkward one.

"But I'm only human, I don't think I would be a good spotter," Bella said as she looked at Esme apologetically.

"Nonsense, I'm sure you will do fine," Esme said as she went a few meters away grabbed what looked like a suit, and helped Bella put it on.

They headed next to the batter as they awaited the next throw.

'At least Esme is there to catch any balls that Bella could be hit by otherwise if they did hit then Bella would be just like a donut.' Alex thought to himself jokingly.

The first chapter of the day.

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Lots of Love

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