Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Complete Control

Alex quickly arrived at the south, it was held by the Laspain gang, but the name didn't really matter much to him.

It was all going to be under his control at the end of the night and the names would all come under him.

Under the Hellsing.

'Hellsing the anime has already launched so am I plagiarizing it right now?' Alex thought to himself as the corners of his mouth raised.

Looking ahead he was now inside an alley similar to the one where the South's bar was.

At the end of the alley was an abandoned building that Laspain had turned into their own base.

Alex headed inside.

An hour or so passed before he once more came out.

The sounds that were heard an hour ago were no more.

There was only dead silence in the night of Port Angels now.

At least in the West, south, and north of the city.

Currently, in the East, loud gunshots could be heard as the South fought against the rival gang.

Alex could hear the loud noises from the other side of the city with his enhanced hearing.

The fighting seemed to have only started about forty minutes ago.

'Are my transformed minions that weak? I thought Harry would have already handled it but he still isn't used to his power so that could also be a reason as to why he hasn't been able to overwhelm them yet' Alex thought as he rushed to the east.

This time he didn't bother transforming into the mist and simply hopped from rooftop to rooftop as he quickly made his way.

It didn't take more than four minutes for him to arrive at the location where Harry had told him the East's base was.

Looking down, Alex could see what simply could be described as carnage.

There were multiple bodies laid on the asphalt and multiple others on the sidewalk, it truly looked like a real war had happened here.

A hundred or so meters away, gunshots were still being heard as the fight continued on.

Alex didn't intervene immediately as he stayed hidden in the shadows and moved over to see what was happening.

Once he arrived he saw Harry and a few of his grunts fighting against what was probably the head of the East gang.

Harry had multiple bullet puncture wounds on his body that slowed him down, his left arm seemed to have become disabled, and the same thing had happened to his left leg as well but he still kept moving though his speed seemed to have been impacted quite a lot.

'He has nowhere near my regeneration, a bullet to the head could probably disable him or even kill him entirely though I'm unsure about that.' Alex thought as he observed the battle.

However, after a minute or so, Alex decided that he had to move as he didn't have much time now.

He could already hear the police sirens coming closer and closer to the location of the fight.

It wouldn't take long for them to arrive and he really didn't want them to find out what had happened tonight, or have any clue that a supernatural was involved thus he decided it was enough time wasted.

With a light jump, Alex fell from the rooftop and landed right in the middle of the battlefield.


His entrance seemed to have stunned the other side as they looked at him with shock and apprehension for a split moment but that was already too long of a wait.

Alex disappeared from view and appeared right behind enemy lines.

Right behind the gang leader.

With a quick motion of his hand, the leader's head flew into the air.

'Though it's impossible to hide what has happened here, all I need to do is for them not to see me. And for them not to see the fight happening' Alex thought as he quickly moved around, his figure becoming a blur of mayhem as he killed every single henchman of the east.

Humans really had no chance in front of Alex.

It had only taken him one minute to annihilate the entire gang.

Thirty people who had still been left alive and were fighting were dead in one minute.

The sirens were now dangerously close so Alex quickly turned to Harry who was looking at him in disbelief and motioned for him to run.

"Go, return to the base, and don't leave it until tomorrow midnight unless the police come knocking then don't leave," Alex said to the man, knowing he could hear him with his now enhanced hearing.

"Yes master" Harry replied almost immediately before he turned around and quickly gave a retreat order to the South, causing everyone to swiftly leave the scene through the back alleys and hidden roads of the city.

Some used the underground systems while others used the back alleys but nevertheless, all of them disappeared quickly.

Alex looked around for a moment and then his figure quickly turned hazy as he turned into his black mist form and dispersed himself.

Heading back toward his hotel.

The police arrived three minutes later and found themselves in the middle of what had been a massacre.

The entire East gang had been erased from existence in one night.

It had taken Alex simply six hours to completely take control of the entire underworld of Port Angels.

Back in his hotel room, Alex looked out of the window and heard the police sirens still going off at the site of the former Easts base.

'With this, every single gang is now firmly under my control by using Daze, unlike normally created gangs there is no way for them to betray me, they would rather die than do it. Now tomorrow night all that is left is to give them new orders on operations and then I will be able to get this business going. By funneling the money that's generated here I'll be able to invest in legal businesses that I know will thrive in the future.' Alex thought as he hummed to himself and closed the window, heading to his bed to lie down.


Here's the daily chapter, I hope y'all liked it. Alex is finally starting to let go more and more, the question is will he lose himself completely or will he keep his promises of being a good guy?

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on then check out my Patreon at:

I hope you enjoyed it.

Lots of Love

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