Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Library Visit

The hours passed quickly as Alex lay on his bed waiting for the arrival of the next day.

At six am when the sun had already risen up, so did Alex as he got up from the bed got dressed into some casual wear, and headed downstairs.

The hotel at least offered free breakfast which while he didn't need was still something Alex liked to keep as a habit.

Maybe it was just so he could feel a little more like himself or maybe a little more human though at this point he didn't really care much about that.

As he was eating breakfast, the morning news of Port Angels came up on the TV that was mounted on the wall before him.

"In the early hours of today, there was a major gunfight between gangs in the city, Police have declared over thirty dead, and more are being investigated right now. Currently, there are no leads however from what the police chief declared the main suspects are rival gangs that are seeking to expand their territory. We all hope that the police will be able to catch these men and bring them to do justice for their wrongdoings." The newswoman declared as she read through the script in her hands.

'Bring them to justice? It's too late as I've already done so, from this day forward none of them will ever harm any innocent human ever again. The police simply take too long, or are able to become corrupted much too easily After, as a human the strongest power that someone can have is money.' Alex thought as he hummed and finished eating the omelet, taking the cup of coffee and sipping it slowly as he continued to watch the news on the TV.

The rest of the morning news however wasn't interesting at all so Alex got up and started heading outside, he would have the entire day to himself so he decided that he would just go to a library and read and see if he could find anything interesting about the supernatural.

A while later, Alex arrived at an old library that seemed to almost be a century old, and maybe it was.

Heading inside he saw an old man who was sipping some black coffee whilst he read the morning newspaper.

'People still read the newspaper huh? Even when the TV exists there are still people who follow the old ways as they can't adapt to the change' Alex thought as he stared at the man.

"Hello!" Alex said as he came to the counter and greeted the man who lifted his head up and finally noticed Alex who was standing in front of him.

"Hello there young man, what might I be of help to you today for?" The old man spoke as he gave Alex a light smile.

"I was interested to see if you have any books about the supernatural around here. Any myths and such." Alex asked as he continued maintaining the smile on his face trying to appear as polite as possible.

"We do, It isle number seven, it should be filled with all kinds of books about myths and legendary creatures" The old man replied with his worn-out voice from age and probably smoking as well from what Alex could infer.

"All right thanks," Alex replied as he nodded and turned around heading to aisle seven.

"If you need anything just tell me and I'll come to help you out," The old man said from behind him as he returned to drinking his coffee and reading the morning newspaper.

"All right," Alex said out loud before he arrived in front of aisle seven.

All around him were hundreds of books, thankfully Alex with his supernatural sight and perception saw every single title in seconds and quickly took the books that looked the most interesting to him.

Especially a large book with a black leather cover that looked like it was hundreds of years old.

Its title was: The Horrific Supernaturals Encyclopedia.

If Alex was honest then he really didn't expect much, it was a book in a library owned by a human who didn't even know that supernaturals existed so the chances that it had any useful information was slim to none however Alex still sat down on a wooden chair and placed seven books on the equally old wooden table.

After he read through all of them in about two hours he decided to take his time instead of simply scrimming through them.

Alex was mildly shocked at the amount of information that they had, of course, he still had no way to verify it was true however it was interesting to read.

Especially about the vampires, the book didn't describe them as the nightly creatures of movies and film instead it described them simply as blood-hungry monsters who hid amongst men.

It didn't mention any kind of weakness to the sun or the other garlic and holy bullshittery that the movies had caused.

It didn't tell a lot of information but what it had, hadn't been incorrect.

'Still, it could simply be a coincidence, If I knew more than just about shapeshifters and vampires then I could cross reference to see if quite a bit of them are correct then I could call the book real. But for right now i guess ill just buy it and see what happens at a later date when I learn more about this world's supernatural creatures' Alex thought as he put the other six books back in their spots and took the black leather book with him to the counter.

"Could I buy this one? Is it for sale?" Alex asked the old man as he asked.

The old man lifted his head stared at the book for a moment and then a smile appeared on his face.

"That's a very good book, I used to enjoy reading it quite a lot when I was younger. It could probably be called the best supernatural encyclopedia out there" The old man said as he praised the book and then looked at Alex with a sharp smile.

"All of that for the cheap cost of ten dollars"

'This...' Alex thought as his mouth twitched at the sight.


First chapter of the day, hope y'all liked it.

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Lots of Love

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