Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Going Out

Heading back inside the living room, Alex saw Charlie getting the pizza box and putting it in a trash bag.

"Leave that stuff to me, Dad," Alex said as he nodded toward the trash that had gathered around the couch.

"No, it's fine, Alex, I can do it myself," Charlie said as he tried to refuse.

"No, just let me do it, alright, Dad? Just go upstairs and get a good sleep. I know you're exhausted already," Alex said as he pointed towards the stairs.

Charlie stood there trying to argue, but once he saw Alex's face, he released a sigh and nodded.

"Thanks, Alex," Charlie said, his voice now truly showcasing just how tired the man was from the day's work.

"It's alright, Dad. I didn't do anything tiring today either way, and it's just some cleaning," Alex said as he took a broom from the kitchen and headed toward the couch.

"All right, Alex. I'll be going to sleep then. It's still pretty early, but I will have to wake up early tomorrow," Charlie said as he started heading up the stairs.

"All right, see you tomorrow then, Dad," Alex said as he started cleaning around the couch for any crumbs and flour dust that had dropped while they were eating.

The cleaning didn't take long, only a few minutes and Alex was done, he didnt even give out a drop of sweat.

'Being a vampire sure has its benefits.' Alex thought as he brought the broom back to its location in the kitchen.

Heading upstairs, Alex went towards his room and sat on his bed.

He tried to think of what he could do but found Nothing.

He could only stare at the ceiling.

'Ah, I really need to buy an MP3 so I can at least listen to some songs, ' Alex thought as he got up from the bed.

'I could drive around town and just look at the sights, ' Alex thought and nodded.

Changing clothes into something more comfortable, Alex went outside his room.

'Might as well see if Bella wants to come,' Alex thought as he knocked on her door.

"Come in."

Opening the door, Alex stood at the entrance as he asked her.

"Hey Bells, wanna go out and drive around town? Don't really have much to do around here." Alex asked Bella, who lifted her head from the book she was reading.

"No, Alex. I'm studying. Shouldn't you also be doing that? If you lower your grades too much, then I'm telling Charlie," Bella said sternly as she looked at him.

'But I already have the whole book memorized,' Alex thought, then shook his head at Bella.

"I already studied yesterday, so I'm taking at least today off since it's a Friday. Well, I'll be going out. Also, Dad is asleep, so don't bother him too much. He seemed pretty tired," Alex said as he pointed his head towards the room next door.

"Allright, see you later Alex, also since your going out then buy me some chips at the grocery store" Bella said as she went back to reading her book.

"All right, see you," Alex said as he closed the door and started heading downstairs.

Arriving at the front door quickly, Alex went outside and inside the old Truck.

'This Truck is a 1963 or 64 Chevrolet, so it sure has paid its dues, ' Alex thought as he put the key in the ignition and twisted it.

It took a few moments and rumbles, but the car's engine finally ignited and started pushing its pistons.

'Nice, it's old and slow as hell, but it sure does have quite a big roar,' Alex thought to himself as he smiled at the old Truck.

Reversing out of the house garage, Alex took the Truck on the road and started driving.

'I wonder if there's any park where I can sit in the center of Forks, ' Alex thought as he drove.

Since the Truck was so slow, Alex decided that pulling out his phone should be fine.

'I have super senses as a vampire. If a human can drive a car and text on their phone, then I for sure can,' Alex thought as he pulled out his old flip phone.

'Should I just make the first touch-screen phone myself?' Alex thought as he opened the phone.


'What's up with that noise?' Alex thought as he stared dumbfounded at the phone's noise when he opened it.

Looking through the applications, he found that it only had a camera application, a messenger, and a call function.

'Where are the other applications?' Alex thought as despair took over his life.

Going into the messenger app, Alex saw his contacts. They were filled with lots of people he didn't know.

'So many contacts but no messages. Do you even have any friends?' Alex wondered about his past self as he stared at all the contacts.

'There isn't even any past messaging history, either,' Alex thought as he tried to check if he had at least sent messages to people, but he found that there was none.

'Well, whatever, let's just text Mike and Eric and see if they want to hang out,' Alex thought as he messaged the boys. However, he received no response even minutes later.

'Damn,' Alex thought to himself.

Finally, after a while, he arrived at the center of Forks. There was a grocery store on the side and what seemed like a small park with some wooden benches in the center.

There were other shops around, but Alex didn't give them any mind.

Driving around, Alex quickly found a parking lot, parked the old Truck, and went outside after locking the doors.

'This thing is so old that a normal human could probably break the doors off their hinges if they tried enough.' Alex thought.

"All right, I'll go grab a drink and some chips for Bella, and then I can sit down on those benches," Alex said to himself as he decided on his afternoon plans.


30 chapters is a small milestone, but it feels so much more to me.

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Lots of Love


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