Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)



Heading inside the grocery store, Alex saw an old lady working at the front.

"Hello," Alex said as he waved at her.

"Hey," The old woman waved back as she continued reading what Alex thought was a newspaper.

After going through the rows of food products, Alex went directly to the soda freezer and took out a Red Bull. Then he headed towards the chips section and grabbed some salted Lays.

With those in tow, Alex approached the old woman and put them on her desk.

"It'll be 5$" The old woman said as she put the redbull and chips in a plastic bag.

Taking out his wallet, Alex gave her the five-dollar bill and nodded.

"Thanks. Have a nice day!" Alex said as he headed to the exit.

"You too," the old woman said as she got back into reading her newspaper.


Once outside, Alex first headed towards the Truck, where he put the chips in, then closed the door and locked the Truck once more.

Heading towards the park, Alex looked around, trying to see if anyone was around.

'Is this some kind of ghost town or something?' Alex thought as he found no one in the park or even on the sidewalks outside.


'Am I truly cursed to be alone forever?' Alex jokingly thought.


Opening the can of Redbull, Alex took a sip and opened his phone once more.


'God, please let there be a setting where I can turn that sound off,' Alex thought and immediately started looking through the settings but found no option to turn it off.

'This is bullshit,' Alex thought to himself and opened the messenger again to see if anyone had replied, only to find himself deserted by all his friends.

Well, Mike and Eric.

Disappointed, Alex continued to sip his drink when something came to mind.

'Right, let's just message Alice, ' Alex thought, quickly opening his phone again.


'Ah, this bastard,' Alex thought as he almost crushed the phone in his hand.

Opening his messenger app once again for what felt like the hundredth time to Alex, he scrolled until he found Alice's name and clicked on it.

'What do I say?' Alex thought, and then he just shook his head and messaged her.

[Hey, what's up?] 18:12

'All right, now let's just hope that she replies, unlike those two bastards, ' Alex thought as he took another sip of his drink.

Finding out that it was the last sip, Alex crushed the can and threw it towards a garbage bin in the distance.


The crushed can found its destination and fell right into the garbage bin.


'Huh,' Alex thought, startled as he looked at his phone, which had vibrated.

[Hey Alex! I'm not really doing anything right now. I'm just watching some TV. What about you?] 18:13

'There, that's a good friend,' Alex jokingly thought to himself as a grin overtook his face.

[Nothing much, just driving around Forks as I can't find anything to do, wanted to ask if you wanna join me] 18:14

[Im not sure I can go out tonight, maybe another time.] 18:14

'She even sent one of those sad emojis from back in the day,' Alex thought as he stared at the emoji made of only symbols.

'That looks awesome,' Alex thought as he tried to make it himself, but he found out that he was miserable at doing them.

'Why can't there be a copy button? Damn,' Alex thought as he shook his head in disappointment.

[ Ah, it's all right! Another time then, see you! ] 18:15

[ Ok, see you, Alex! ] 18:15

'What's that cute emoji? I have to learn this, god damn it,' Alex thought as he stared at the message for a moment and then sighed as he flipped his phone closed and put it back in his pocket.

'That flipping sound is satisfying as hell, though,' Alex thought as he stood up from the bench and started heading towards the Truck.

'If only this truck had Bluetooth or an aux or anything, but I can't even play music on it, and all I can do is listen to that broken radio,' Alex thought as he unlocked the Truck and hopped in the driver's seat.

Igniting the engine, the Truck rumbled as it started.

Reversing out of the parking lot, Alex managed to get the Truck onto the road quickly as he started driving home.

The road was muddy and soaked with water as always, and the weather was mildly cold as it was almost the end of autumn already.

A few minutes later, Alex arrived at his house and parked the Truck in front of the garage.

'The garage is used for Charlie's police car, though I haven't really gone in there, but that's what I'm assuming is in there,' Alex thought as he locked the Truck, took the chips, and headed inside.


Hearing the TV on, Alex checked the couch and found that Bella had a sandwich and was watching some movie on the TV.

"Hey, I'm back, Bells," Alex said as he threw the chips onto the couch and went to wash his hands.

"Hey, welcome back, Alex. Thanks for the chips," Bella said as she grabbed the chips closer to her.

Washing his hands, Alex went to sit on the couch next to Bella.

In the movie, Alex saw a scene of a girl crying.

Turning to face Bella so he could ask about the film, he found her quickly grabbing the bag of chips and putting it on her other side, away from him.

Alex stood there for a moment, frozen.

"Im not eating your chips, Bella," Alex said seriously.

"And I'm just making sure that you aren't eating my chips, Alex," Bella said, holding the same serious expression on her face.

"Right, anyways, what's the movie about?" Alex asked as he turned to face the TV.

"What do you mean, what's the movie about? It started an hour ago, and I am not explaining anything," Bella said.

"Right," Alex said as he decided that he shouldn't talk anymore.


Extra chapter for reaching 500 powerstones in webnovel.

The next goal is 750.

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