Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

John Wick

'Either way, learning martial arts should increase my proficiency in battle by quite a lot, I'm already stronger than the cold ones if I'm more skilled than them as well then I'd be practically unbeatable' Alex thought as he looked at the old gym in front of him.

"Mixed Martial Art's Gym" Alex mumbled as he read the sign.

'Couldn't they have come up with a name for it at least?' Alex thought to himself as he opened the door and headed inside


It made a rattling sound, most likely from its age as Alex entered the building.

The noise seemed to have attracted the people inside the gym as they turned to look at Alex.

"A newbie?" One of them said as he looked at Alex heading straight to the counter where an old man was reading a newspaper.

"Hello, I'd like to ask about joining the gym," Alex asked as he looked down at the old man.

The old guy didn't even deign him a look for a few moments, still reading his newspaper.

"Hi?" Alex said uncertainly again, unsure if the old man really hadn't heard him or if he was just being ignored.

Finally, the old man raised his eyes to look at Alex.

The man's eyes seemed to shift up and down as he looked Alex over.

"You already have a built body huh?" The old guy said with a raspy voice, it clearly carried a tone of interest and the man got up on his feet.

"So you want to join the gym?"

Alex nodded his head, replying to the man while trying to be respectful though he wasn't sure if he did it correctly.

'It's been quite a while since I've been respectful to anyone besides Charlie and even then I still act almost like we are friends with him' Alex thought as he tried his best to get on the old guy's good side.

"Yes sir, I'd like to learn how to fight"

The old man's brows furrowed and he shook his head.

"Then I can't teach you anything."

Alex stood there confused for a second as he was caught off guard.

"What do you mean you can't teach me anything?" Alex asked whilst his thoughts went into turmoil.

'Is this guy really trying to reenact a movie or something? What does he mean by he can't teach me anything' Alex thought as he lamented at his own luck for ending up before this guy.

The old man lifted his head and looked at Alex straight in the eyes.

"Because of the way you walk, the way you look at others, and the way that your body is built," The old man said as he pointed at Alex with his finger.

"What do you mean by that? I walk and look at people normally." Alex said in refutal trying to understand the guy who to him seemed pretty insane at the moment.


The old man sighed softly and then looked at Alex once more.

"You look like a damned war machine is what I'm saying. What can I even teach you that you don't already know? You have muscles that should only be possible to be built by doing active combat. And you expect me to know more?" The old man said finally as he looked at Alex.

Alex was left there on the spot speechless for a second.

'This damned vampire body makes me look like I was trained in combat? Doesn't a guy who can see that in a second and one lookover make a great teacher?' Alex thought to himself in annoyance but quickly calmed himself down, now he was even more sure that he wanted to train under the old guy.

"I still want to learn from you old man, will you accept or not? It's free money at this point isn't it?" Alex asked once more as he tried to get the guy to accept him as part of the gym.

The man simply stood there in thought for a second before he nodded his head.

"Sure, I don't have a problem with you joining the gym or giving me money. I just wanted to warn you that there might be nothing worth learning in here for you"

Alex nodded his head and said as a smile showed on his face.

"It doesn't matter if I learn anything or not, it's still better to train at a gym with others than to do it yourself," Alex said as he spewed bullshit while trying to rely on the misconception that the old man had.

'I don't know jack shit about martial arts, It'll be pretty awkward when he realizes that later' Alex thought though his smile which had turned into a grin never left his face.

'Who cares, either way, should be a nice prank' Alex thought and then turned his attention back to the old guy.

"So how much do I have to pay?" Alex asked as he rummaged through his pockets to find his wallet.

"The first week's free if you decide to stay after that then you can pay me"

"All right, name's Alex Swan by the way," Alex said as he extended his hand toward the old guy.

Taking his hand he shook it and told Alex.

"Nice to meet you too Alex, my name's John Wick"

Alex's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the guy but quickly shook the thoughts out of his head.

'The facial bone structure is too different and while you can change that with surgery it's still impossible to change it this much' Alex thought sadly as he almost got too excited.

'I wish he was the real John Wick' Alex thought as he imagined a teardrop going down his cheek.

"Well then Alex, how about I introduce you to the other guys, I'm sure they will be happy to finally have another guy in the gym to train with," John said with a slight smile as he turned to the section of the gym where the other people were training.

"Gather Around!" John yelled.

The first chapter of the day, another one coming in a few hours at most, just like always.

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