Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Speed Run

At the order of John, Alex saw the guys who had been training either by doing footwork training, sparring or simply punching practice with a sandbag stop and turn toward them.

The first one to come was also the guy who had talked first when Alex had come inside the gym.

"Woah, you actually managed to get in so quickly? It took most of us days of begging for the old man to allow us to join the gym" The guy said.

He was large in build with rippling muscles throughout his body and a buzzcut.

Overall with the neck tattoo that he had as well, he looked like the distinct stereotypical gangster that parents advised their children to avoid.

'I can see why, you look like you're ready to go and fuck someone up' Alex thought as he stared at the monster of a man in front of him.

'Isn't it ironic, he looks twice my size but I could kill him with a single flick of my finger' Alex thought as he sized the man up.

This had become a hobby of Alex even in his previous life, every time he met someone the first thought that ran through his head was the question if he could kick their ass.

'It might have been because of the conditions that I was raised back in back then' Alex thought but quickly stored the thoughts away, considering this wasn't the time to get lost in his own thoughts.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Alex, ill be joining you guys starting today," Alex said as he turned to look at the other guys who had also arrived while the tattoo guy had talked.

The large guy talked first again as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too Alex, I'm Jack," Jack said as he gave Alex a closed-eyed smile, compared to before the atmosphere around him had now changed to that of a teddy bear.

'It's always the big guys' Alex thought to himself as the corner of his lips twitched.

Shaking Jack's hand, Alex gave the man a smile of his own.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Jack".

As soon as Jack and Alex finished introducing themselves, all the others also started talking with Alex and introducing themselves.

It was as if a thin wall of ice had broken and now the conversation just rolled freely.

"Do you do any martial arts? Your body looks awesome dude" One of the guys who was of a smaller build asked Alex, his name was Oreo.

'I wonder if he would taste good.' Alex thought jokingly as he answered Oreo.

"I did some but it's mainly just bodybuilding and exercises, I haven't really fought against anyone in my life," Alex said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment while John simply huffed.

'John definitely doesn't believe me does he?' Alex thought as he stared at the man who looked like he had heard a good joke.

"Either way, you all introduced yourselves now go back to training. I'll show the newbie around" John said as he showed the guys back to their own training.

"All right coach," They said as they dispersed back to what they were doing before.

"So, what should I do for the first-day coach?" Alex asked John as he followed the man.

"Well, we would need to see your skill level first," John said as he turned his head to face Alex.

Alex shook his head in response.

"Just treat me as a complete newbie who doesn't even know how to throw a punch. Make me go through all the basics" Alex said as he tried to make the man teach him all the basics first.

He had tried to tell him that he really knew nothing about martial arts but the man seemed adamant that he couldn't be lied to.

'Old geezer has one stubborn mindest, thought it's good to be confident in your abilities but we aren't fighting here damn it, I'm just asking to be taught from the beginning.' Alex thought as he waited for the man's response.


Releasing a slow huff, John finally nodded and answered with his gruff almost raspy voice.

"All right if that's what you want so much then we can start from the very beginning. Let's start with footwork." John said as he called one of the guys with his hand.

"Jamal come here," John said as he called the guy over.

Jamal came quickly and stood in front of Alex and the coach.

"Yes, coach?"

"Show us your footwork," John said and Jamal nodded quickly after.

He started bobbing on his feet, keeping his body always in motion never stopping while also softly switching the position of his body but always keeping one foot in front of the other so he could release a counterattack or dodge more easily.

'He's putting one foot forward so that he can lower the area where he can be attacked as well as making it so that he can gather more buildup with his arm that's at the back for a mean punch. The motion also makes it easier to jump out of the way or maneuver around strikes.' Alex thought as his eyes and brains quickly analyzed what Jamal was doing.

"That's what you will be learning," John said as he shooed Jamal back to whatever he had been doing.

"I think I can do it," Alex said as he closed his eyes and remembered the movement and positioning once more.

A second later he opened his eyes, they seemed to flash crimson for a split undetectable moment and then Alex started jumping and keeping his body in motion just like Jamal had.

It wasn't just the motion, the entire pose was exactly the same, it was almost perfect.

John stood there as he looked at him and then shook his head.

"You're good, I can tell that you did actually copy him however that's not the correct way."

Alex stopped as he looked at John confused.

"What do you mean? I'm pretty sure I did it quite well."

"As I said you did it perfectly just like Jamal but what you copied perfectly was the range of movement that's trained for Jamal's specific body, you don't have the same height or arm and leg length so the thing looks perfect on the outside but for your own body it is full of mistakes and openings," John said as he shook his head and went to grab a couple of cone-like things that he had stored at the corner of the gym.

'Seems like I won't be able to speedrun this as fast as I thought'

I'm sorry I just couldn't stop myself from naming him Oreo xd.
It's the second chapter of the day, I released this a bit earlier than usual as I have to help my mother in the garden.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me further please check out my Patreon at:

I hope you enjoyed it. <3

Lots of Love

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