Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


As Alex looked at Laurent in the eyes, he said.

"From now on, you will become a vampire who only feeds on animals, you will try your hardest to become a good person in society and blend in. Go up to Denali, you will find your mate there" Alex said, his voice was commanding leaving no room for any objection.

His shining vermillion eyes seemed to peer into the depths of Laruents soul, forcing him to follow his orders or give his life up on the spot.

Laurent nodded, his eyes becoming vacant for a split second before returning to normal, then he walked past Alex and started running into the forest, his destination? The Denali, just as Alex had ordered him.

'Seems like Daze works on Cold Ones as well, if it didn't then I would have to silence him here permanently.' Alex thought and then turned his head back to stare at the Cullens and his sister.

They had yet to speak even a single word as they looked at him.

Bella looked the most shocked, in fact, she looked like she was about to faint and fall over.

"Hey?" Alex said as he showed them a smile and gave them a wave.

Him showing an open mouth smile however also showed his large fangs and that seemed to be the end of Bella's straw as she fell.


"Uh" Alex uttered out loud as he looked at Bella, her eyes closed as she slept on the wet grass.

Edward crouched down and hoisted Bella up, putting her on his back.

"That's you right Alex?" Alice asked the first one to speak among the Cullens as she started walking towards him.

Rosalie seemed to want to stop her however Alice shrugged her hand off and walked right in front of him.

"Yeah, It's me, Can't you tell?" Alex said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Alice shook her head and then looked at Alex.

"Not really, no. You look the same but the feeling you're giving off, even your smell is completely different, it's almost like you're an entirely different person." Alice said as she looked at him. She then raised her hand and touched his silver locks.

"Is that bad?" Alex asked as he looked into her eyes.

Crimson peering into a golden amber.

Alice shook her head and gave him a smile, her eyes shining bright.

"No, It's you so nothing changes," Alice said, her tone soft as she peered into the slits of his eyes.

Alex's expression turned from awkward into a soft smile as he looked at the vixen.

'I guess, I have to face it huh.' Alex thought as he looked at Alice.

Even though the situation wasn't good, even though his sister had just fainted, even if his showing his transformation had scared everyone. He couldn't stop looking at Alice.

She hadn't scared away, she had instead come and looked into his eyes, touched his hair, and smiled at him despite what he had just shown.

A soft sigh escaped Alex's lips.

'You really are my mate huh' Alex finally thought, it felt like a huge weight had disappeared from his shoulders, he didn't even know he had it.

Even though, he hadn't said it aloud, just thinking of it finally broke seals around his heart that even he didn't know his head.

At this moment, in this field, in this world.

Nothing besides Alice mattered.

And then the moment passed.

"Geez, I already told you guys to get a room, I don't wanna see this" Emmet's loud voice boomed as he made a disgusted face.

Alex turned to face him and then furrowed his brows at him.

"Oh yeah? I still remember someone doing something while Alice and I were getting the Porsche. I wonder who that was Emmet" Alex said as he looked at the large bear-like man.

Emmet's expression turned clueless as he started whistling.

"I don't know what you mean at all." He said as he looked around the area as if the most interesting thing in the world was watching the grass and trees of the forest around them.

"Right," Alex said as his eyebrow twitched.

Alice who was next to him just giggled.

The atmosphere once more slowly turned back to normal, Alice and Emmet had managed to defuse the situation so quickly, Alex was surprised himself, but he was also thankful to the two.

"Well, that certainly was something," Carlisle said as he looked at Alex and then turned toward Jasper.

"Can you clean this up?" Carlisle asked him.

Jasper nodded and headed towards the bodies of the two vampires, intent on burning their remains.

Carlisle then turned toward Alex once again.

"We can have a chat about this whole thing later, how about we get back home and take a look at Bella?" Carlisle said, not just to Alex but to everyone around.

They all nodded and started heading back, this time however only Alex, Alice, and Edward with Bella took the cars while Emmet brought the other car himself, the others ran towards the Mansion on foot.

Edward got in the driver seat just as last time whilst Alice took her spot in the front seat, leaving Alice with Bella whose head he had laid on his lap on the Back seats of the car.

The ride was silent, the silence was calm though not very pleasant, whilst Alice and Emmet had managed to clear up most of the situation that didn't mean they could get the picture of Alex out of their heads.

They didn't think they would be able to, even in a long time, it was just too memorable, too frightening.

Alex patted Bella's head as he looked at his sleeping sister, while asleep she looked like she had no care in the world but he knew, what she had seen had hit her harder than any of the others.

She was after all the closest to Alex.

Even Alice, his own mate wasn't as close to him as Bella was, and in the end.

She was still the only human.


In the second chapter of the day, I finished this sooner as a lot of people were complaining about cliffhanger xd.
Now while this is an allright chapter, it's not everything you guys hoped for but I'll take any criticism and improve in the future so feel free the leave any comments, and ill read them all.

Thanks for all the support.

Lots of Love

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