Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Smelling Salt

The car drove toward the Cullen mansion, it was neither fast nor was it slow, maintaining a steady pace throughout the entire duration of the drive.

Slowly the car started to slow down until it eventually came to a full stop.

They had arrived at the Cullen mansion.

Grabbing Bella, Alex hoisted her up and held her in a princess carry.

Once outside the car, Alex with Edward and Alice started heading up the stairs and into the mansion.

Once inside they saw that the others had also arrived before them.

Everyone was there, even Jasper who had to burn the remains of the two dead vampires.

"Can you help her?" Alex asked Carlisle as he turned towards the doctor.

Carlisle nodded with a smile.

"Put her on the couch, I have some smelling salt, that should be able to wake her up," Carlisle said as he walked toward his office.

Putting Bella on the couch, Alex waited for the man.

"So, are you always going to look like that?" Emmet asked as he looked at Alex.

Alex turned to look at Emmet confused for a moment.

"Look like what?" Alex asked not knowing what the large vampire meant.

"Well with the silver hair and claws and all," Emmet said as he motioned with his arms to Alex's whole body.

That seemed to make Alex realize something as he made a face of realization.

A moment later, Alex shook his head.

"No, I just kinda forgot to detransform," Alex said and the next second, his hair turned back to black similarly to his eyes, his claws and fangs retracted and he once more looked like a human.

"That's cool," Emmet said loudly as he came to touch Alex's body in wonder.

"Hey don't touch me damn it," Alex said as he tried to get away from the man's grubby hands.

"I just want to know how it works, I want a cool transformation too," Emmet said as he looked at Alex with his eyes shining.

"You can't get one, we're totally different races, it's like asking a toad to fly, it's impossible," Alex said as he huffed at the man, finally able to get away from him.

*Step* *Step*

Hearing footsteps, Everyone turned to look.

It was Carlisle, he had come back with what looked like a small jar.

"I suggest you try not to smell this" Carlisle said with a smile.

Alex seemed to realize what was about to happen suddenly.

That smelled awful as a human and had almost made him vomit once in his old world, now as a vampire that smell would be multiplied tenfold maybe even more.

'Fuck' Alex thought as he saw Carlisle head closer to Bella.

"Do you guys know anyway?" Alex asked as he turned to the vampires behind him.

"No. This is the first time he's needed to use it" Jasper said, he was right behind Alex.

"Well I guess I found a way to deter vampires" Alex mumbled as he saw Carlisle slowly open the jar.

At first, Alex didn't smell anything, his mind started to release dopamine in joy but it was quickly crushed down.

The smell was horrid, it was so disgusting that Alex dashed backward from it, landing at the edge of the room.

The others hadn't moved however and seemed to be perfectly fine.

"How the hell can you withstand that?" Alex asked in confusion as he stared at the Cullens.

"It's not that bad," Edward said as he waited for Bella to wake up.

"Sure it isn't, it just smells like a dead body that has rotted for weeks, not even that might smell better" Alex grumbled under his breath.

What came next was Bella waking up with a start, immediately standing up only to almost fall once again.


Releasing puffs of breath, Bella was sweating as she regained her breath.

Carlisle closed the lid on the jar once more and put it aside.

"Bella, are you all right? It's me Carlisle" Carlisle said as he looked at Bella, he took her hand and controlled her pulse but seemed to find nothing wrong with it.

"I'm fine" Bella managed to mumble after a few seconds of calming down.

"All right, tell me if you have any pain anywhere," Carlisle said as he nodded and took a few steps back from Bella, giving her room to breathe.

"What happened?" Bella asked as she lifted her head to look at the others.

"You fainted" Edward was the one to speak as he recounted what had happened to Bella.

"I Fainted, did something go wrong? What about the vampires" Bella asked as she looked at Edward and then the entire room, her eyes stopping on Alex.

Her eyes seemed to shake for a moment as she looked at her brother who was now the farthest away from her.

To Bella, it felt like the distance wasn't just physical at this point, she almost felt like Edward was closer to her than her brother who had been by her side since childhood.

"Alex, you..." Bella said but cut of the end of her sentence.


Releasing a slow sigh, Alex started walking towards her.

"Yes Bella, what do you want to ask? I'll answer any question that you have" Alex said as he sat next to her.

And then he turned toward the Cullens.

"And any questions you all have, I'm sure it must have been surprising to see me like that," Alex said as he glanced at the Cullens.

"It sure was surprising," Jasper said from the side, he rarely talked while in the presence of Bella, he still had quite a hard time when controlling himself against humans even if no blood had been spilled.

"All right then, you all can start," Alex said as he smiled at them, his smile however seemed to shake Bella as she twitched on the spot startled.

Looking at her, Alex felt bad, no he felt horrible when he noticed her reaction.

'Am I too scary? Well yeah I guess when compared to disco vampires, I guess I am'


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, these were really hard to write and I tried my best.

If you have any criticism then just leave a comment, and ill try to improve in the future.

Another one is comming in a few hours.

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Lots of Love

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