Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Poor Truck

It didn't take long before Bella came downstairs and sat down on the dining table.

Looking at Alex, she asked, confused.

"Not eating breakfast?"

"No, im not really feeling it today. I will just eat lunch at school," Alex said as he nodded toward her.

"All right, thanks for the sandwich," Bella said as she nodded her head and started eating.

'While food still has its taste and feels good to eat, it's still not exactly the same; food always tastes better when you are hungry, and im never hungry now,' Alex thought as he slightly shook his head.

A few minutes later, Bella finished her breakfast, and they both headed outside towards the truck.

Throwing the keys at Alex, Bella asked.

"Can you drive today? Im too lazy to."

Alex looked at her for a second and nodded.

"I can, but how can you miss the chance to drive this beast of a car?" Alex said as he jokingly reprimanded Bella.

Bella turned to stare at him and then laughed lightly.

"Beast of a car? More of a Heap of scrap metal if you asked me."

Alex shook his head, making it look as if he was disappointed in Bella.

"You will never understand its beauty," Alex said as he hopped in the driver's seat.

Similarly, Bella sat on the passenger seat, and Alex started the old truck.

Revving up its engine, The truck started making deafening noises as it pushed its engine.

"Stop, Alex, it's six in the morning, god damned it, I don't want my ears to bleed," Bella yelled at Alex, who only showed her a cheeky grin but nonetheless stopped revving the truck's engine.

'I wouldn't stop if I wasn't scared it would just break if I pushed it any longer,' Alex thought as he patted the steering wheel, almost like the car was his precious pet.

Reversing out of the house, Alex took the truck onto the road and started driving toward Forks High School.

As they were driving, Alex tried to turn on the radio, hoping that this time it wouldn't just be jarring noises but an actual radio station.

*Vrzzzt* *Pzzhhtt*

'Yeah, no luck,' Alex thought as he turned it off again and drove the rest of the way.

Arriving at the school's parking lot, Alex parked the old truck as close to the entrance as he could and turned off the car.

"All right, we're here." Alex grabbed his backpack as he said.

"I can tell," Bella retorted as she hopped off the truck and slammed the door.

Alex looked at the truck's still-shaking door and almost shed a tear.

'Im sorry, you don't deserve it,' Alex thought.

Getting off the truck, Alex closed the door and locked the truck as he started walking towards the school entrance.

"Hey, good morning, Alex."

Turning around, Alex saw Mike and Eric coming as they waved at him.

Waving at them back, Alex greeted them.

"Hey Mike, Eric. Good morning to you guys, too," Alex said as he fist-bumped the boys.

Turning back around towards the gates, this time walking together with Mike and Eric, Alex noticed that Bella had already left him and headed inside the school.

'God damn, she sure acts cold sometimes. Is it that day of the month?' Alex thought as he and the boys headed inside the school.

"So anything interesting happened?" Alex asked as they walked down the school's hallways.

"What do you mean by anything interesting happening? We talked every day, man. Anything that could have happened I have already told you about," Mike said as he walked next to Alex.

Alex laughed as he said.

"It's a saying, Mike, don't have to be so hostile over it."

"When was I hostile, Alex? I think you are hearing things now. Have you been checked by the doctor yet? Im sure Doctor Cullen would love to check you for any disease," Mike said as he smugly looked at Alex.

Alex froze for a moment and then continued walking as he mumbled.

"Low blow, man, low blow."

"What, everyone in school is already talking about it, about you and Alice that is. Im sure Dr.Cullen has already heard about it" Eric interjected from the side.

"Stop, let's just not talk about it, ok? How am I even supposed to talk to Alice, my friend, when all these rumors are going around? If I talk to her, I feel like the rumors are going to say that I proposed or something," Alex said as they walked.

"Hmm, Alex Swan proposes to Alice Cullen. That would be a good title for the school newspaper," Eric muttered absentmindedly.

Alex snapped his head to Eric as he said very slowly.

"If I see that happen, Eric, then I might just kill you." Alex's eye was twitching as he faced Eric, who cowered behind Mike.

"Im just joking, Alex. I would never do that to my friend," Eric said as his voice almost quivered.

Alex nodded as he huffed out a breath, pleased with his intimidation tactics.

'Intimidation tactics? Eric would get scared by a random cat on the road. There's no need for tactics here,' Alex thought as he remembered how Eric had done just that last Wednesday.

Finally, Alex arrived at his English classroom.

"This is my stop, guys. See you later!" Alex said as he waved at Mike and Eric, who waved back and headed down the hall.

Opening the Classroom door, Alex headed inside. The teacher had yet to arrive, but it seemed like he was the last student to come inside once more.

Heading towards his seat, Alex saw Edythe, who was already seated and reading through the English class book.

"Hey, Edythe!" Alex said as he sat down on his chair.

"Hey Alex, good morning," Edythe said, lifting her head from the book and smiling at Alex.

"Good morning to you, too," Alex replied as he lay his head on the table and waited for the professor to arrive.


Second chapter is out, as I said on last chapter, I wont be able to post later today so I posted them early.

Its 5 am so I'm going to sleep now.

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Lots of Love


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