Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Quileute Legends

Alex stood still for a moment and then clicked on the website link.

The website opened a while later and showed what looked like a generic webpage. It looked closer to a wiki than a forum.

Scrolling through the page, Alex saw countless old legends. However, none of them mentioned anything about the cold ones or any supernatural creatures that seemed feasible to exist.

'There is a Wendigo legend here as well, and considering that the vampires exist, then I can't say that it's untrue. I'll just have to be careful and keep it in mind if something resembling Wendigo kills happens around town,' Alex thought as he finally arrived at the part he was most interested in.

'The cold ones, ' Alex thought as he started reading the legend.

'Part of Quileute Legend.
The Cold ones are reanimated corpses that rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping persons. They are described as having cold, inhumanly pale skin and are said to only be repelled by the sharp teeth and claws of the wolves.' Alex read as he got more and more immersed in the Wikipedia-like page.

'Only repelled by the claws and teeth of the wolves, huh?' Alex thought as a slight grin started showing on his face.

'They have probably only met wanderers, people who .their covens had abandoned. If the Volturi attacked the Quileute tribe, then they would have already been wiped off the face of the earth,' Alex thought as he continued reading.

'In the Quileute legend, The cold ones were a threat to the tribe, and to counterattack this extinction-level threat, the tribesmen led by Taha Aki transformed into large wolves and protected the tribe from the bloodsuckers. A notable part of the legend is that to win the life-and-death battle, the leader's wife had to sacrifice her life so Taha Aki could land the finishing blow.' 

This was the entire part about the vampires, or the so-called 'Cold Ones,' in the Quileute legend.

'That's all that they have? Maybe that's just the amount of information they decided to share with the world. Though I doubt anyone would even be able to find this website if they weren't a friend of a Quileute and were told about their legends, ' Alex thought as he sighed and closed the website.

'It's not a lot of information to go on, and with the amount of strength the Volturivultures have, I'd rather not even look them up on the Internet. My connection could get found, and then I could have my location tracked, and I don't want to deal with that at the moment, if ever,' Alex thought as he went to the browser settings and cleared the history.

'I don't want Bella to find out that I had already looked at that website when she herself finds it,' Alex thought and shut down the computer.

Turning around to face the door, Alex thought deeply as he tried to plan his future actions.

'On the one hand, I really want to be able to talk with the Cullens, joke around, and even ask them about vampire life and what they do. Just have fun. On the other hand, this world isn't a fictional novel, and stuff can and almost always goes wrong in real life,' Alex thought to himself as he sighed once more.

'No point in thinking. I'll take the chance to introduce myself when they decide to tell Bella.' Alex decided as he nodded, fully affirming himself to the decision.

Getting up from the chair, the computer still had yet to shut down fully. Alex headed outside the room towards his own.

Time passed, and soon, it was Monday morning.

The chirping of the birds near his window present just like every morning.

'It feels like they are just taunting me at this point,' Alex thought as he sat on his bed.

'Today is the day when Edward gets back from Alaska and finally comes back to school. It's the day when the story really starts ramping up. From now on, incidents start to happen one after the other, and you can always expect the unexpected to happen,' Alex thought as he got up and headed towards the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, Alex saw his own face. With black hair that went to his ears, equally black eyes, and a sharp nose and jawline, he looked like he was straight from a modeling magazine.

Looking into his own eyes, Alex saw their color change as they got brighter and brighter until they turned into a dark crimson color, similar to fresh blood that almost shone in the mirror.

His pupils thinned as they turned sharp into a cat-like shape.

"Alex, are you inside? Can you hurry up, please?" Bella said as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah, one second," Alex responded as his eyes turned back to black just as fast as they had transformed.

Brushing his teeth quickly, Alex went out of the bathroom and saw Bella almost jump inside. She closed the door quickly after nearly slamming it in Alex's face.

'At least I don't have the need to go to the bathroom anymore,' Alex thought.

Heading back into his room, Alex got dressed quickly. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt with a thin black leather jacket on top and black jeans.

'I do like how I look, but I still miss my old face sometimes,' Alex thought as he headed downstairs.

Arriving at the dining room, Alex took some bread and two sandwiches with jam and put them on the dining table.

Sitting down, he waited for Bella to get dressed before taking his phone out and opening the messenger app.

He had created a group chat with Mike and Eric, and they had been texting all night for the past two days.

'They're good kids,' Alex thought as if he was any better than them.


Releasing this chapter early as I'm going to a wedding tomorrow.

One more coming in an hour or so if I don't fall asleep on my chair as its 4 am.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me, then check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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