Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch65- The New Kenpachi

Kuruyashiki's eyes widened in realization, but the swift encroachment of darkness dimmed his vision. A pain surged from within, sharp and unyielding, like a thousand needles pricking his insides. He could feel his very essence being torn apart, shredded and consumed.

As Kuruyashiki's knees buckled and blood trickled from his lips, members of the Eleventh Division erupted in disbelief and fury. "That wasn’t a fair fight!" one shouted, his blade drawn, ready to defend his captain's honor. "Azashiro is a cheat!"

Despite the stern warnings of Captain Shunsui, several charged forth, their loyalty blinding them to the danger they were about to face. Kuruyashiki, summoning the last remnants of his strength, invoked his Shikai, Gagaku Kairō. Ethereal jaws appeared, snapping and holding his subordinates at bay. His voice, though faint, bore an edge of raw anger. "You dare disrespect my battle? This is my defeat. Accept it with the honor of our division!"

Azashiro, with a condescending smirk, looked down at the weakening Kuruyashiki. "Such naivety, thinking honor and sentiment hold weight in battle," he said, his tone dripping with disdain. "Do you really think that's what being a Kenpachi is about?"

Kuruyashiki's vision blurred, the weight of his injuries pressing down on him. Still, his fiery spirit refused to be quelled. With great effort, he met Azashiro's gaze, the depth of his experience evident in his weary eyes. "That may be how you see it," he rasped, "But remember, power without a sense of honor and purpose is just recklessness."

Azashiro's face remained impassive, but the slightest flicker of irritation crossed his eyes. "Then it seems our definitions of a Kenpachi differ."

Lifting his head a little higher, Kuruyashiki's voice softened, filled with a mix of resignation and hope. "You've bested me, and by our laws, you're now Kenpachi. But heed my words, Sōya: The title isn't just about raw strength. It's a responsibility, a legacy. The path of the Kenpachi isn't one of senseless destruction."

Azashiro stared down, his silence unsettling. The entire arena held its breath, waiting for his response. It was clear that this was more than just a transfer of a title; it was a clash of ideals, a defining moment for the legacy of the Kenpachis.

Kuruyashiki's strength was rapidly waning, but he pulled Azashiro closer, ensuring his successor would hear his final words. "Never underestimate your opponents," he whispered, a hint of urgency in his voice. "And never, ever hold back. That is the true essence of being Kenpachi. Not just power, but the relentless pursuit of it."

Sitting on the spectator area, the weight of the moment hung heavily. The magnitude of what just occurred struck like a sledgehammer. A powerful silence filled the air, one only interrupted by the occasional gasp from an onlooker, unable to believe or come to terms with what they had just witnessed.

Kazuki's hands tightened into fists. The serene composure he usually maintained was betrayed by the tension in his jaw. He had seen many battles, but nothing quite like this. The suddenness of the conclusion, the unsettling way in which Kuruyashiki had met his end—it left a knot in his stomach.

Yoruichi, a woman of great poise and confidence, shifted uncomfortably next to him. "His technique is unbeatable," she murmured, her tone edged with disbelief. Her playful nature was nowhere to be seen, replaced by somber concern.

"I've never seen anything like it," Isane whispered, her voice carrying a hint of tremor.

Mashiru, who moments before was happily nested on Kazuki's lap, sat up straight, her vibrant green hair cascading down her back. "How can you beat that?" she remarked, a cautious note in her voice. She tightened her grip on Kazuki's hand, seeking reassurance.

As the dust of the battle began to settle and the crowd tried to come to terms with the shocking defeat of Kuruyashiki, the group of friends leaned towards one another, instinctively forming a tight circle. Their collective shock was palpable, but there was no sign of the usual banter that characterized their interactions.

Lisa leaned forward, her voice a hushed whisper, as she looked around at the group. "We've seen unique abilities in our time at the academy, but nothing... nothing like that."

Isane nodded, eyes still fixed on the battleground where medics were now tending to Kuruyashiki. "His Bankai's capability... merging with anything, even a person... It's on an entirely different level."

Kazuki, typically calm and composed, clenched his fist in response. "There's always a way," he declared resolutely, "No matter how unbeatable an ability seems, there's always a chink in the armor, a moment of vulnerability."

Mashiru's hand squeezed his tighter. "Kazuki's right. The academy teaches us the importance of adapting. We can't let ourselves be cowed by this." She paused, letting out a soft sigh. "The question is, how do we counter such an ability?"

Yoruichi, looking up from her deep reflection, ventured, "Distraction, maybe? His power is vast, but every technique requires concentration. If we can force him to spread himself too thin, maybe..."

"Or maybe we can use a bait?" Isane suggested, drawing puzzled looks from the others. "If he merges with something, there's bound to be a split-second when he's vulnerable, transitioning between forms. If we can anticipate that moment..."

Getting up, they began to head back, the weight of the recent events pressing down on each of them. Mashiru clung to Kazuki, her legs securely wrapped around his waist, and he carried her effortlessly on his back. With every step, the rhythm of her heartbeat thudded softly against his back, a subtle reminder of the life within and the fragility of existence.

"Did anyone see that coming?" Yoruichi murmured, her voice barely more than a whisper, but in the somber silence, it echoed with profound clarity.

"I don't think anyone could've," replied Lisa, trying to grasp the magnitude of what they'd witnessed.

The arena had been a cacophony of gasps, screams, and disbelieving whispers when Sora revealed his Bankai. In a battle that was supposed to be fierce and head-on, Sora had simply merged with the environment. Then, in a twist no one anticipated, he had fused with Kuruyashiki, leaving no opportunity for defense. The fatal strike had come from within, and there had been no recourse.

"It's... terrifying," Isane finally voiced, her thoughts reflecting the sentiments of everyone present. "To think one can be defeated from the inside... it leaves no room for strategy or defense."

Kensei, ever the stoic, voiced what they were all dreading. "It's a power that could tip the balance of any battle. It changes everything."

Kazuki, the weight of Mashiru's head pressed into his back, continued the path in contemplative silence. His thoughts drifted to Sora's capability, and the impending ramifications of such an overwhelming force within Seireitei.

The night air was thick with tension. The usually lively paths were hushed, the sounds of nature seeming to stand in reverence for the fallen Kenpachi. The moon cast a silver hue, reflecting off Kazuki's silver locks, making them shimmer under its glow.

"Kazuki," Yoruichi's voice reached out, drawing him from his thoughts. Her voice was softer than usual, edged with genuine concern. "How do we prepare for something like that?"

Kazuki paused, letting out a sigh, "We train, adapt, and evolve. Every power, no matter how invincible it seems, has a weakness."

Isane hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you think there's a way to counter Sora's ability?"

Kazuki pondered on it, "Every ability, no matter how overwhelming, is bound by its own rules. We need to find what confines Sora's Bankai and exploit it."

Kensei nodded in agreement, "First, we need to understand it thoroughly. We saw a demonstration today, but that's not enough."

The group continued walking, their steps synchronizing with their shared determination. While the weight of the recent events bore heavily on them, they were united in their resolve.

Reaching the entrance of the Shiba residence, Yoruichi, ever the tease despite the evening's somber tone, quipped, "Seems like Kazuki's popularity is growing," nodding towards Mashiru who was still comfortably nestled against him.

Kazuki smirked, "Well, can't help it if I'm irresistible."

Mashiru, roused from her thoughts, playfully pinched his side, causing Kazuki to let out a slight chuckle, "Alright, alright, I'll put you down."


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