Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch66- Everything?

Kazuki's pulse quickened, not from exertion but from the sheer weight of the situation. Being summoned by Captain Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto was not an everyday occurrence. The rush of the wind past him was just a faint whisper as he accelerated towards the 1st Division from the Shiba clan compound.

As the towering gates of the 1st Division came into view, they opened just enough for Kazuki to pass through. Within the grand courtyard, he spotted several familiar figures. Yoruichi, her unmistakable posture giving her away, stood in discussion with Isane and Kensei. To the side, two distinct presences drew his attention: Urahara, with his laid-back demeanor, and Aizen, ever the enigmatic figure. The mere presence of Aizen set off a faint alertness within Kazuki, a dormant protective instinct. He made no overt gesture of this discomfort; instead, he masked it swiftly.

Without hesitation, he approached the trio of Yoruichi, Isane, and Kensei. A slight uptick at the corner of his mouth greeted Yoruichi and Isane, before settling into his usual calm expression. As he neared, he caught a snippet of their conversation.

"...had no idea this was going to happen," Yoruichi was saying, her tone laced with surprise.

Kensei nodded, his voice low and measured. "It's a move that took us all by surprise."

Kazuki, seamlessly entering the conversation, inquired, "What's going on? Why such an urgent summon?"

Before any could answer, his eyes flicked towards the two figures standing slightly apart from the group. Giving a subtle nod of acknowledgment in Urahara's direction, and then, with an air of undeniable coolness, towards Aizen, he turned back to face his friends.

Urahara, picking up on the cue, joined the group. "From the look of things, something significant is unfolding."

They were soon ushered inside. The air in the room was thick with tension and anticipation, the traditional paper walls of the room gently filtering the soft light from outside. Sitting at the head of the room was none other than Captain Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. With eyes half-open, he studied each one of them in silence.

To his side, the various captains and academy masters sat, each emanating an aura of power and wisdom. Captain Chika Shihōin of the 2nd Division, Captain Unohana of the 4th, and Captain Kengo Shiba of the 10th Division sat in dignified silence. Opposite them, the academy masters who had groomed them all, Master Tsumoto, Master Yoshido, and Master Sayuri, awaited with anticipation.

Taking a moment to let his gaze wander over the room, Yamamoto began, "Each one of you has completed the rigorous training of Shin'o Academy. You stand here today, prepared for your duties as Shinigami. However, our academy also nurtures exceptional talent, offering advanced classes for those who show extraordinary promise."

His voice was commanding yet measured, demanding respect and attention from everyone present. "Your prowess has not gone unnoticed. Your masters have vouched for each of you, recognizing a distinct talent in your abilities."

Isane was the first to be acknowledged, Yamamoto's unwavering gaze resting upon her. "Isane Kotetsu, your aptitude in the Healing Arts has not only caught the attention of your peers but also of Master Sayuri, who has recommended you for the Kido Corps, with a special focus on Healing Arts."

A proud smile crossed Isane's face as she stepped forward, bowing deeply. "I am truly honored, masters, captains."

Urahara and Aizen were next, both of them receiving nods of affirmation from Master Sayuri. Their prowess in Kido was evident, and their induction into the Kido Corps seemed a fitting choice. Neither displayed any overt emotion, but the weight of the acknowledgment was clear.

Kensei's expertise in Zanjutsu and Hohō had marked him as a rising star. Yamamoto acknowledged this by saying, "Kensei, your swordsmanship and speed are exemplary. Your path is clear."

Yoruichi, with her agility and raw power, was next. Yamamoto's voice resonated, "Yoruichi Shihouin, your skills have caught the attention of the Onmitsukidō. Your focus will be on honing your Hakuda techniques." She nodded with a silent determination, clearly appreciative of the recognition.

Finally, Yamamoto's gaze rested on Kazuki. There was a palpable pause, a tension in the air. Every eye in the room was on him, waiting for Yamamoto's decision. Yoruichi and Kukaku, both of whom had a subtle affection for him, watched intently.

Yamamoto then said, "Every few centuries, a student like you appears—someone who can swiftly master everything laid before them, a true jack of all trades. Master Sayuri sees in you a potential prodigy in Kido. Master Yoshido, on the other hand, is thoroughly impressed with your Zanjutsu prowess. Furthermore, your agility and speed, reminiscent of the finest in Hakuda and Hohō, haven't escaped our attention."

The entire room was silent, hanging onto Yamamoto’s every word. A collective intake of breath was heard as they waited for what would be said next.

"That is why we're offering you a choice unique in its nature," Yamamoto continued. "You can select one discipline and achieve mastery in that, or you can strive to encompass all, challenging yourself to grasp the intricacies of each."

Kazuki felt a wave of excitement rush over him, but he remained composed. The offer was almost parallel to the ability of his Zanpakuto – the capability to assimilate strengths. Was it a coincidence or the will of destiny? With a measured tone and respectful posture, he responded, "I am eternally grateful for the guidance and recognition of the esteemed masters and captains present here. My choice is to embrace the challenge—to learn and absorb everything that I can."

Yamamoto nodded, his lips pursed in acknowledgment, "Very well. Your training will be arduous and demanding. It will require your undivided attention and commitment."

As the meeting adjourned, Kazuki could feel the weight of the challenge ahead, but it was also paired with an eagerness to begin.


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