Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch69- Confession

Leaving the classroom, Kazuki and Yoruichi made their way towards the baths. The pathways of the academy were quiet at this hour, with most students still immersed in their training sessions.

Yoruichi, with her typical playful spirit, looped her arm through Kazuki's. "From day one, we've already leapfrogged so many stages," she mused, her voice light with a mix of pride and anticipation. "Imagine what the rest of our training holds."

Kazuki glanced at her, his sky-blue eyes thoughtful. "Indeed. Training at the pace of the class would have slowed us down. This way, we get to truly challenge ourselves."

The baths came into view, steam rising gently from the entrance. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Yoruichi leaned in a little closer, "Care to join me?"

Raising an eyebrow, a playful smirk curved on Kazuki's lips. "You might want to rethink that offer. I might just say yes."

Yoruichi laughed heartily. "What makes you think I'd retract an invitation I genuinely meant?"

Closing the distance between them, Kazuki's fingers brushed lightly against her waist, his voice dropping to a soft whisper, "You should know better than to tease, Yoruichi. Especially when it comes to someone who finds you... captivating."

That sudden closeness and his words caused a subtle warmth to rise to Yoruichi's cheeks. She stepped away, gathering herself. "Seems I lost this round of teasing," she said, her tone a mix of feigned annoyance and mirth. She turned her back to him.

Kazuki chuckled, "Gotcha!"

Yoruichi paused at the entrance to the baths, an irked expression flitting across her face. Every time we have a moment, he finds a way to skirt around it. He knows I have feelings for him, and I'm pretty sure he does too. Why does he keep dodging like this? She sighed heavily and walked in.

Behind her, Kazuki stood silently, taking in the fading silhouette of Yoruichi. His thoughts were a swirling mix of emotions. Images of Kukaku and Yoruichi would surface, hinting at the possibility of a future, only to be replaced by the persistent vision of an unknown woman, a ghost from his past that he couldn't recall. It wasn’t a question of whom he loved more; the uncertainty of his past gnawed at him. What if somewhere, in the fragmented memories of his life, there was another woman waiting for him? What if, by indulging in feelings for Yoruichi or Kukaku, he was doing them an injustice? It was a dilemma he struggled with every day. Not wanting to tread on fragile hearts, he often found himself pulling back.

The heat of the bath enveloped Kazuki, the warmth sinking deep into his weary muscles. As he dipped further into the water, his thoughts spiraled back to that ever-present mystery that consumed his waking moments. The enigmatic woman with the vibrant orange hair and those hauntingly beautiful sky-blue eyes. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her gaze, penetrating his very soul, asking him questions he could not answer.

That singular doubt about his past always held him back. He loved Yoruichi and Kukaku too deeply to put them through the potential pain of his unknown past. What if there were people from his past, waiting, hoping, grieving? The thought of possibly having left behind someone he loved was a tormenting possibility. It was the anchor that kept him from fully exploring the depths of his relationships with Yoruichi and Kukaku.

Emerging from the water, he felt a strange sense of clarity. Maybe it was time to discuss his apprehensions with the two. After all, he couldn’t walk on eggshells forever, and they deserved to know what held him back.

Dressing up, he stepped outside and waited for Yoruichi. When she finally emerged, her expression was unreadable. Without any preamble, Kazuki’s voice carried a seriousness that made Yoruichi pause. "I need to have a conversation with you and Kukaku. It's important."

Yoruichi’s heart skipped a beat. The weight in Kazuki's voice made her apprehensive. She could sense that whatever was on his mind was no small matter. Pushing aside her chaotic thoughts, she nodded, trying to mask her anxiety. "Alright. Let's find a quiet place."

Their walk to the Shiba Clan was a silent one. Each step seemed to magnify the tension between them, the gravel beneath their feet echoing their apprehensions. Kazuki's posture, always so self-assured, seemed slightly more rigid, while Yoruichi's usually agile and free-flowing movements felt restricted. Both were trapped in their thoughts, one hesitating to reveal and the other fearing the revelation.

As they entered the clan's vicinity, the familiar surroundings seemed slightly altered by the weight of the impending conversation. The scent of blooming flowers and the sounds of daily activities seemed distant, muffled by their own racing hearts.

Kukaku Shiba was outside, her vibrant energy always infectious. Spotting Kazuki, her face lit up momentarily, but it faltered almost instantly when she noticed the strained expressions of the two arrivals.

"Did something happen?" Kukaku inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern.

"I want to talk to both of you. It's important," Kazuki replied, his tone devoid of its usual playfulness.

Kukaku's gaze flitted between Yoruichi and Kazuki, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. Had Yoruichi broken their pact? Had she claimed Kazuki for herself? But then Kukaku dismissed the thought almost immediately. Yoruichi wasn’t capable of such betrayal. Their bond ran too deep.

Without a word, Kukaku led them to a private area of the clan's residence, an enclosed garden that was often used for heart-to-heart talks. Kazuki sat on the ground with Kukaku and Yoruichi across from him. He took out his Zanpakuto, allowing its gentle hum to fill the quiet garden, and placed it on his lap.

Kazuki took a deep breath, the atmosphere thickening with anticipation. "Both of you mean a lot to me, and I owe it to you to be honest."

"I already told you both about the woman in my visions. Every time I close my eyes, her silhouette appears. And for the longest time, this apprehension gripped me – that she might be out there waiting. I feared that if I let myself get close to anyone, I might discover I had left behind a past, perhaps even a family. I felt I'd be doing an injustice to anyone I let into my heart."


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