Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch73- Kido

The morning air was brisk, bringing with it an energizing chill as Kazuki made his way to the Academy for his third advanced class in Kido. While most students specialized in one field, Kazuki's versatility had granted him a unique privilege from Captain Yamamoto – the freedom to delve into multiple specialties as long as he maintained his performance.

The past two days had been a whirlwind. The first had seen him training in Hohō withYoruichi at his side, and the second was an intense Zanjutsu session with Kensei. Today, however, promised to be a change of pace.

Upon entering the Kido training ground, he immediately spotted familiar faces. Isane was there, her talent in the Healing Arts acknowledged by all. Then there were Aizen and Kisuke, both known for their deep understanding of Kido. Mashiro, with her distinctive green hair, stood talking animatedly with Lisa.

Kazuki took a brief moment to observe Aizen from a distance. Despite Aizen’s facade of friendliness, Kazuki hadn’t forgotten his unsettling encounter with the man’s Zanpakutō. He had subtly alerted his friends about Aizen's potential threat, ensuring they maintained a careful distance. Yet, Urahara seemed to be the exception. The two often engaged in what appeared to be deep discussions, their mutual intellect drawing them together.

Finding a spot beside Isane, he greeted, "Ready for today?"

Isane offered a slight nod, "As ready as I'll ever be. Kido's intricate, isn't it?"

"It is," Kazuki responded, appreciating the blend of combat and artistry that Kido required.

From the side, Lisa remarked with a playful tone, "You seem to excel in everything, Kazuki. Ever considered becoming a teacher?"

Laughing, he replied, "I think I have a long way to go before that. But thanks for the vote of confidence."

As they were chatting, an unmistakable presence entered the class. It wasn't just the figure's impressive stature that commanded attention, but also the aura he emitted — a blend of immeasurable power and grounded wisdom. Lisa, Urahara, and Aizen audibly gasped.

Kazuki's gaze shifted to the entrant. The man was broad-shouldered, with sharp features that portrayed ageless wisdom and hands that hinted at decades of disciplined practice. His traditional robes, more ornate than those of typical Shinigami, bore symbols synonymous with mastery.

"That's..." Lisa started but seemed to lose her words, a rarity for her.

"Tsukabishi Tessai," Urahara completed her sentence, reverence evident in his voice.

Kazuki didn't need an introduction. He had heard of the leader of the Kido Corps — a man whose expertise in Kido was unparalleled. But hearing about him and standing in his presence were two vastly different experiences.

Tessai began to speak, his voice deep and resonant. "Good morning. Today, we're going to delve deeper into the realms of Kido, exploring its very essence."

A student leaned over to Urahara, whispering, "I never expected Tessai to grace the academy. This changes everything."

Urahara nodded subtly, his eyes not leaving Tessai.

The session started with Tessai demonstrating a basic binding spell. But the spell, under his command, felt different — richer, deeper. It was like watching a simple sketch transform into a detailed work of art.

"This is not just about channeling your reiatsu," Tessai began, "It's about connecting with the very spirit of the spell."

As the room quieted down, everyone's attention was locked onto Tessai. Even the air seemed still, waiting in anticipation.

With measured steps, Tessai moved to the center, hands relaxed by his side. "The art of Kido," he began, "is often misunderstood. Some believe it's about mere spells, but in essence, it's a dance between the soul and reiatsu, bound together by the principles of Intent, Medium, Sign, and Will."

He began with the first step, Intent. "Your intent is the foundation. It's your core belief, the driving force of your desire to manifest the spell." He raised his hand and concentrated. A soft glow appeared, hovering over his palm, hinting at the energy he was about to harness. "Without a genuine intent, the Kido remains formless, devoid of purpose."

Next, he held up his Zanpakutō. "The Medium is your conduit. Whether it's your hand or your blade, it's how you channel your reiatsu, giving it direction." With that, the glow around his hand intensified, moving fluidly down his arm, and enveloped his blade.

Transitioning smoothly, Tessai spoke of the Sign. He began to perform a series of hand gestures, intertwining his fingers in an intricate pattern. "The Sign is the bridge. Chants, incantations, gestures — they're pathways that amplify your reiatsu, refining your intent." The light around the Zanpakutō now pulsed, reflecting the rhythm of the gestures.

Finally, his eyes locked onto the crowd, focusing specifically on Kazuki. "Will," he said with emphasis, "is the name of the Kido. It is the declaration of your intent, solidifying your bond with the spell. Many believe that vocalizing the attack strengthens it. And they're right." Tessai paused, taking a moment to let the weight of his words settle in. "When you call the name of your spell, you resonate with its energy, becoming one with it."

With a swift movement, Tessai aimed his Zanpakutō skyward, declaring, "Hadō #4: Byakurai!" A bolt of pure white lightning shot up from the blade, piercing the sky above.

Silence descended on the class, with students in awe. The essence of Kido, something they had studied for years, felt anew, deeply profound in Tessai's guidance.

Kisuke, ever curious, raised his hand, "Tessai-sensei, what if one's intent is particularly strong? Can one bypass another step, like skipping the chant?"

Tessai nodded. "A strong intent can compensate for other steps to an extent. But every skipped step weakens the bond. Skipping the chant, for instance, will reduce the power or duration of the Kido."

Aizen chimed in, his voice dripping with humility. "So, mastering all four is the ideal path?"

"Indeed," Tessai responded, eyes narrowing just a tad. "True mastery lies in understanding and harmonizing all four principles. Anything less," he paused, glancing again at Kazuki, "is a compromise."

Tessai began with detailing the first principle, "Intent."

"Imagine you're holding a brush," Tessai began, reaching out to the air as if holding an invisible object, "and you wish to paint a portrait. The color, the strokes, the shade you wish to convey; all these thoughts are part of your intent. In the world of Kido, your reiatsu is the paint, and the portrait is the spell you wish to manifest. However, without clear intent, you're just smearing paint aimlessly."

He looked around the room, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "Close your eyes," he instructed. The students, including Kazuki, complied. "Now, visualize a blue flame in front of you. Hold onto that image, don't let it waver." There was a slight pause before Tessai continued, "That focused thought, that clear imagery, is intent."

The training ground was filled with soft murmurs of realization.

Tessai continued, "Next is Medium." He drew his Zanpakutō and held it forward. "Every Kido spell needs a channel. Just as an artist needs a canvas or a musician needs an instrument, the caster requires a medium." Holding his blade horizontally, he began to draw his reiatsu, which flowed like water onto the blade, illuminating it. "Whether it's your hand, your Zanpakutō, or even the air around you, the medium is vital."

Lisa, watching intently, tried to mimic the motion. She drew her reiatsu, but it dispersed too quickly. Tessai noticed this and said, "Perfecting your medium requires patience and practice. Your reiatsu should be like water flowing through a riverbed, not a flood breaking its banks."

Moving onto the third principle, Tessai spread his fingers apart, showcasing intricate symbols and patterns on his palm. "Sign," he announced. "Think of it as the language of Kido, the bridge between your intent and the universe." He began to weave signs with his fingers, fluid and deliberate. "Through signs, be they hand gestures or chants, you provide direction to your reiatsu. It's like... giving wings to your intent."

Mashiro, ever the curious one, tried to replicate one of the simpler hand signs Tessai demonstrated. "Is it like this, Tessai-sensei?" she asked, her fingers fumbling slightly.

A nod from Tessai acknowledged her attempt. "Yes, that's the right track. With time, it'll become second nature."

Finally, he settled on the last principle. "Will." He paused, allowing the weight of the word to sink in. "This is the name of your Kido. When you announce your spell, you're resonating with the universe, declaring your intent loud and clear." He demonstrated by uttering a simple spell, the energy in the room palpable.

Isane whispered to Kazuki, "It's like giving voice to our desires."

Kazuki nodded. "It's more than just naming the Kido. It's connecting with it."

"While it's true a strong intent or perfect medium can bolster a spell, skipping any of these principles will always lead to a compromise in the outcome."

Kisuke, always eager to experiment, mused aloud, "I wonder if different people resonate differently with each principle. Perhaps our strengths lie in different areas."

"That's the journey of every Kido practitioner," Tessai responded with a knowing smile. "To discover and harmonize their unique dance between Intent, Medium, Sign, and Will."


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