Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch74- Tension

The lingering wisdom of Tessai's words continued to resonate as the class dispersed. Even with the weight of newfound knowledge, Kazuki managed to walk out of the Kido grounds with a steady pace, flanked by Isane and Lisa. Behind him, the playful groan of Mashiro stretched out, punctuating the air.

"Ugh, my head's all muddled up!" she groaned, playfully nudging her fist into Kazuki's back. "You and your brilliant idea of taking advanced classes. You said it'd be fun, but all those intricacies..."

Kazuki threw back a good-natured chuckle, his pale skin glowing softly under the afternoon sun, absent of any indication about his hair or eye color. Isane joined in the laughter, her musical giggle echoing lightly.

"Apologies, Mashiro," he replied, amusement evident in his voice. "I assumed a genius like you could handle it. Was I mistaken?"

Mashiro's lips curved into a theatrical pout, her green hair waving as she swung her head in feigned indignation. "Of course I got it! But absorbing it all is just... tedious."

Without waiting for a response, she playfully leaped onto Kazuki's back. "I'm tired. Carry me!"

Kazuki, ever the pillar of strength and patience, adjusted his stance to support her weight, gripping her thighs to keep her steady. The sensation of her bosom pressing against his back was unmistakable, though he gave no outward sign of acknowledgment. Instead, he simply sighed, a light-hearted roll of his eyes showing his mock exasperation.

On his side, Lisa, engrossed in her latest smut novel, continued to read, the words captivating her so completely that she remained aloof to the world around her. Yet, there was a subtle lift to the corner of her lips – a silent acknowledgment of the playful antics unfolding beside her.

Mashiro snuggled comfortably against Kazuki's strong back, her contentment palpable. The rhythmic cadence of their footsteps was punctuated occasionally by their shared laughter and teasing remarks.

Isane cast a glance at Mashiro, a tinge of longing evident in her gaze. She had always been the reserved one among her friends. The carefree nature of Mashiro, how she effortlessly became the center of attention, how she took life head on - it made Isane wonder if she could ever muster such courage. The fleeting thought of being close to Kazuki as Mashiro was had her cheeks tinted with a light shade of pink.

Their walk soon led them to the familiar lakeside spot, where Yoruichi and Kukaku had already laid out a blanket, awaiting their arrival. The gentle ripples of the water shimmered under the sun, creating a serene backdrop.

Without breaking his stride, Kazuki shifted Mashiro into his arms, cradling her with ease. "We're here, Princess," he quipped, offering her a warm smile.

Mashiro's grin grew even wider, "What's the fare for this ride?" she teased.

Kazuki pretended to ponder for a moment, his silver hair catching the light, "A single kiss should cover it," he finally said, turning his cheek towards her expectantly.

True to her playful nature, Mashiro leaned in and placed a kiss tantalizingly close to his lips, making a game of pushing boundaries. She then sprang from his embrace, her laughter trailing her.

Finding a spot to settle down, Kazuki was soon flanked by Yoruichi and Kukaku. Both of them leaned in almost simultaneously, each planting a gentle kiss on his cheeks. It was subtle, but the intention was clear – marking territory.

Their actions weren't lost on the rest of the group. It was evident that Yoruichi and Kukaku wanted to establish some boundaries, especially after seeing how Mashiro often took liberties with Kazuki. They were sending a message without words, making sure everyone understood where they stood.

Kazuki, always kind-hearted and reluctant to say no, often found himself in such situations, with others subtly taking advantage of his good nature. But now, with growing affections from multiple sides, things were bound to get more complicated.

Lisa's fingers paused on the spine of her smut novel, the tangy aroma of imminent drama pulling her attention away from her reading. Setting the book down and ensuring her page was marked, she studied the two women, an impish smirk playing on her lips. "Are you two...?" She let the words hang, leaving the rest unsaid.

A faint tint crept onto Yoruichi’s cheeks, contrasting starkly with her usually unwavering demeanor. With an accepting nod, she confirmed, "Yes. As of two days ago, Kazuki is with us."

The quiet revelation rippled through the group, each member reacting in their own unique way. Isane responded with a tight, knowing smirk, while Lisa's eyes widened just a tad, hinting at her surprise. Mashiro, however, was the most visibly affected, her playful pout morphing into one of genuine disappointment. Yet, she held her tongue, choosing silence over confrontation.

Everyone in the group had sensed the growing fondness for Kazuki over the years, whether through stolen glances or casual brushes of the hand. It was like an unspoken pact had formed between them, where each member's feelings were acknowledged, yet left unvoiced, for the sake of preserving the delicate balance of their friendship. However, with Yoruichi and Kukaku's revelation, it seemed the pact had been broken.

Yet the revelation had changed everything, irrevocably shifting the group dynamics. It wasn't a matter of assigning blame; it was about the natural progression of feelings and attachments. They weren't about to go ahead and shatter what Yoruichi and Kukaku had established, for that would hurt Kazuki as well. The underlying thought was simple: none of them wanted to inflict pain on someone so dear to them.

Kazuki, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere, instinctively sought comfort. He leaned down, resting his head gently on Isane's thigh. Such an act of vulnerability was commonplace with Yoruichi and Kukaku, occasionally with Lisa and Mashiro, but it had never been directed towards Isane.

Her heart raced, a deep blush spreading across her face. The warmth of his touch was unexpected, unfamiliar, but not unwelcome.

"Can I sleep like this?" Kazuki's voice broke her trance. She looked down, meeting his earnest eyes.

Stammering, caught off guard by his request, Isane barely managed to nod. "Of course," she whispered.

"Thank you," came Kazuki's soft reply, his warm smile deepening the color on Isane's cheeks.


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