Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 29: Running away/Finding big sister

Vex didn't know how to feel right now, she had done a good deed right? Had done the right thing, got over her fear of Hanna and exposed her to the adventurers below, even if only one was present anymore, the others having left to 'go ahead' and search the forest nearby, which was adventurers speech to say they‘ve lost interest and left to go back to the guild, according to that one man still at the mansion.

Vex had recognised the man from earlier as Bright Knight Jack and she remembers him to have driven Hanna to disgust with his mere presence, so she was hopeful that even though he was alone, that he could beat them, could right the wrongs committed, Hanna wasn’t invincible, she had heard it first hand from Luisa and she knows she could have lied, but Vex doubts it.

Luisa has no love for Hanna, quite the opposite, but has she had told Vex herself:

"I am a fugitive, wanted by both the kingdom and by one of the predominant churches, where else can I go but to another monster wanted the same way? And besides it rather fun, fun to finally be able to be the one in power for once, if just for a brief moment. Hanna gives that to me and if I have to be a slave to her then so be it, she gives me what I want."

At one point Vex had thought they would be on the same side, two rebels fighting against a corrupted system, forced into slavery by a different monster which they would overcome together and then go on to defeat the bigger evil later on, but she had been wrong and Luisa was just as much a sadistic psychopath as Hanna was.

But then there was Adeline, something about her just seemed so wrong, it was like nothing in her life mattered but Hanna, her eyes were always cold and emotionless and the second Hanna looked at her she was full of expression, she seemed more like a dog then a person, she seemed more like a… pet…

It was then that she stopped her mad dash she had been making away from the mansion, as she had left the mansion and ran for the hills the moment Hanna was to distracted to notice her anymore, after all she was a criminal, she had done the right thing but she knew that doing the right thing wouldn’t make her stop being a fugitive in the eyes of the kingdom. So she had to run, or risk being captured and taken back to her cell, or maybe executed, she had to run, she already did the good deed there was nothing more for her to do.

But why does she still feel so pathetic, so wrong? Like she didn’t do enough.

No! No she had to run, she had to flee, otherwise she couldn’t be the revolutionary this kingdom needed, she needed to the one who fanned those embers of revolt in a fire of retribution to save those who suffered under a tight fisted regime! She needed to be the one to start it all!

She needed to be brave!!

But she was just a coward wasn’t she?

She just ran the second she got, never confronted the evil, never fought it, she just let others do her dirty work so she could go and reap the rewards didn’t she? She left a single man in armor alone against a monster she was told could supposedly stop a blade mid-air and snap it in half.

Could such a person supposedly start the fires of revolution, if she just ran from any obstacle in her way?

She tried to rationalise her behaviour, she wasn’t fit for actual fighting as a Necromancer her prowess lies in the role of a leader, summoning hordes of the undead to carry out her bidding, but in a one on one confrontation, she had no Magic to truly fight with and to be honest, the term 'hordes' was no understatement. Undead were weak beings incapable of Magic outside of the fabled Liches, who weren’t  seen in the world for hundreds of years at this point, even a party of lowest rank Adventurers could take a larger group of undead.

She would have needed hundreds of undead at her disposal do even help in any tangible way, the only thing she would have been able to do there was being a gigantic target fo Hanna, she very clearly wanted to rip her throat out, during that very short meeting they had in the hallway, Vex remembers it so vividly she had been so terrified, of course she would ran!

But as she looked back at the situation, at the confrontation, she realised that Hanna didn’t do anything. She had looked absolutely furious and it didn’t take a genius to know what she wanted to do, but she didn’t, Hanna didn’t fight that one man, she ran away, she ran away in fear.

Hanna had been afraid, of what? Vex could only guess, but it doesn’t change the fact she herself still ran away in terror, afraid of being killed for what she had done she felt absolutely pathetic about herself, even though she knew she shouldn’t. It was a perfect decision to run away.

It minimises risk of either getting killed by Hanna or the adventurers, after all she still was a fugitive herself and she couldn’t afford to get caught, because she knew that this time they won’t be so lenient with her Necromancy abilities.

And still, there was that voice inside her head, it mocked her cowardice and determination, called her pathetic and unworthy of recognition, she was nought but a coward who threw a tantrum that she couldn’t do what she wanted to do. And that voice sounded exactly like Hanna.

'Look at this great and powerful Necromancer, running away from a already defeated opponent. You wanted to lead the world into a new age of Magic and research, but can’t even fight an already weakened opponent to save your own skin? Do you want to be made the joke of the world, let others laugh at you as you present the world changing ideas of your mind to them? After all, why would anyone listen to someone as pathetic as you are right now?'

No! This is wrong! She did the right thing, did whatever she could and helped where she could help! She couldn’t fight head on, she simply couldn’t, she did everything she could do and it was for the better she got out of the way of those who could do the fighting! She hadn’t done something wrong here, she did the right thing damit! The right thing!!

She took two slow steps forward and then turned around, she hadn’t come that far yet and she could still see the mansion in the distance,  there was no smoke or fire to see, so Hanna‘s plan had failed then. The house was still there and not set ablaze, clearly that meant Hanna had lost and was now dead! She could finally go on.

Yet her feet refused to move, her head stayed perfectly still as she continuously stared at that mansion, as if she was challenging it to combust into flames right this instance, so she could go free, because right now a different kind of thought came to her head, even if the house didn’t burn down, was Hanna still alive, she had supposedly survived being stabbed in the stomach once already, what if something similar happened again?

Again her rational mind screamed at her to just walk away, because if Hanna was still there she would definitely kill Vex The second she saw her or do something worse and if she wasn’t and Hanna was indeed dead, it would be a waste of time! Except it wasn’t was it?

She was a Necromancer! So even if she was in fact dead, she could resurrect her as a slave to her.

Now that thought, that was a good one, giving her the fate she wants everyone else to carry, to make her the pet and let her be the one to have to blindly follow orders out of fear. Vex would be the one with all the power and control and Hanna could do nothing about it, no matter what she would do.

The idea excited Vex, it was the perfect revenge plan in her mind and her heartbeat began to quicken ever so slightly. She imagined herself giving orders to Hanna with her unable to refuse, the perfect karmic punishment, it would also provide her with the perfect minion, powerful enough to easily get her to her destination, The Kingdom of Demons.

Again her more rational mind screamed at her for even considering the idea, the fact that the mansion wasn’t set ablaze was no indication for Hanna’s death and perhaps she was able to escape instead, making the trip back either pointless or dangerous, as there was a chance they finally realised who she was and would capture her immediately, maybe Hanna spilled the beans on who she was and they would come after her any moment now, she had to leave now.

She took another step towards the mansion, then another, a third one and then she promptly turned around and ran for the nearby forest, cursing herself multiple times at herself all the while. What on earth was she thinking, there was no logical reason in any way to go back, only death, capture or absolutely nothing would await her there.

She had a goal to accomplish, had to fight for the greater good of this kingdom, the entire world even she didn’t have the luxury to think about personal grudges right now. She would focus with her entire being on that one task, and only that one task.

To accomplish it was of the greatest importance and if she had to die to accomplish that, she would do it, for the greater good of the world. For freedom, science and Magic.

Vex ran and ran and ran she ran for days and weeks towards her goal in the east of the kingdom, hitching rides on wagons and avoiding any and all group of knights, soldiers and adventurers along the way, she barley ate and rarely slept, but that’s the sacrifices she will have to make.

She will cross the border to the Kingdom of Demons and from there she will gather her support to archive her utopia of free science and magic, or so did her little Imp inside her head tell her, who still insists that she was his daughter, she doesn’t know why she was listening to it or why it was appearing more frequently then usual, but she didn’t care, she had a goal and she would archive it, no matter what.




"Big brother Kev, are you sure Big Sister is here, Magek?"

"DO NOT FRET MY DEAR BROTHERS! For I Big Brother Kev guarantee you we will find our big sister on this very day! I can sense her scent and feel her presence."

"Hey guys look, a female Magek!" A small stubby, fluffy yellow paw points towards the other side of the river, where a young woman was currently walking past, she looked distressed and often looked behind herself as if to make sure she wasn’t being followed.

There was a lot of panting and huffing and many stormed into the river in an attempt to reach the female, to play with her, to have fun together and love together, only problem was that they couldn’t swim.

Many drowned in the fruitless pursuit of the young woman, who soon ran out of sight, many tried to run after her, run down the stream of water and cross the nearby bridge to pursue her then, but Big Brother’s voice boomed before they could take off on their own.

"STOP!!! Once we get our big sister we can have all the fun in the world! But we need our big sister first!"

"B-but the female Magek…"

"She looked so cute Magek…"

"Femaleeee~ Magekkkkkk~"

Whines and cries erupted all around Big brother Kev, he had to admit the female was quite cute, exactly his type as well, with a cute face he could easily squish in his stubby little fingers and just imagine what her voice would sound like as he made her all sweaty and panting after having so much fun with her that she can barely walk from playing to much.

He felt his mouth drool from all the things he was starting to imagine, maybe he should… chase after her… he deserved a little treat right? No! NO! He can’t he needs to save big sister first! It was important, the most important thing in the world!

He stood a little straighter and commanded his younger siblings to calm down, they would have fun later, together with big sister!

"We will have even more fun if we save big sister first, because once we save her, she will let us have as much fun as we desire for ever more!"

"She will give us lots an lots of females to play with Magek?!"

"We have to find big sister! Magek!“

"For lots and lots of females Magek!"

Big brother Kev nodded, satisfied at how he got his younger siblings back in line, he felt big sister was close and they needed to be quick, after all, master was probably going to be quite angry that they left so suddenly, they would need big sister to protect them from him, but even that was in a distant future, for now all that mattered was to find big sister. He had to find her, she would be his destiny all he needed to complete the puzzle that was his existence.

Even the master had pointed it out once, saying: "You posses a far greater intelligence then anyone else of you filthy rats, I sure do wonder why…"

Well… he didn’t know either, he just knew things, he just knew what certain words meant, that is siblings didn’t get at all, he just knew how to do certain things his siblings didn’t, it’s the same with this, he never met big sister before, but he just knew where she was and that she would do good things for them, he just knew it.

Once his siblings were back into their nice and neat travel groups, they set off once more through the large greens of the lush forest that surrounds them, it was far more green then any forest they had seen before, much noisier as well, but as they kept on marching, the thick greens of the forest were slowly receding, starting to reveal vast fields filled with things that big brother assumed to be farms, though for some reason they were growing yellow and green things instead of the normal red And black things he was used to, he guessed they simply grew some of the more luxurious things he and his siblings weren’t allowed to touch back at his masters mansion

Then he spotted a large mansion far off in the distance on a large hill at the edge of these fields and farms and it was there he could feel her presence, her aura, he had found their big sister, however her presence seemed to be weakened and pushed away, as if suppressed by some kind of force and he quickly grew alarmed.

He called out to his siblings, most of which stared in awe at the fields and farms, clearly mesmerised by it all and he would have been to, if it wasn’t for the grave danger their big sister was in.

"Listen to me! I have found our big sister, but she is in grave danger, we need to help her and that quickly…“

Before he could continue, screams of outrage erupted from his siblings.

"How dare they hurt big sister, Magek!"

We have to make them pay, whoever they are, Magek!"

"For big sister, Magek!"

And before big brother Kev could say another word, a gigantic avalanche of different colours of fur ran down the hill which they were standing on, cascading towards the fields, farms and warehouses littered across them, in a mad dash to save their big sister.

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