Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 30: To sacrifice oneself.

There were screams of terror filling the usual quite and cold evening breeze around the fields of the Kathrine estate, as a a moving tidal wave of fur and tiny arms ran across the fields, storming into every building and levelling the place in but a few minutes, before moving onto the next in a mad search for a big sister.

Said big sister was currently hanging from a wall bound by holy light together with two others, unconscious and unmoving. Whenever any of them did wake up they would scream in agony as holy fire shot through their veins in small quantities, never enough to kill, but to cause as much pain as possible to the wicked soulfulness by the light, to make the wicked that are bound by it submit and answer any And all questions, that was the purpose of this spell, to interrogate and find answers.

But they were alone, no one was there to ask them questions and the spell would only dissipate after 48 hours or when the bound one has submitted to the caster of the spell. But with no one one around to submit to, there was nothing they could do but endure the holy punishment until they passed out once more from both the pain and exhaustion.

Kevin knew roughly where their big sister was located, but he was having trouble keeping the moving ball of fur under control long enough to direct the, towards the general location, whenever he thought he had them under control they would somehow find a way to storm enough before he could stop them. In their efforts to finding their big sister, the moving ball of fur had rampaged across at least 20 fields and had turned multiple houses and barns inside out, smashing in windows or forcing their way in through any and all entrances they could find.

Some of them had cut themselves on glass, while others accidentally fell into still lit fire places, burning themselves, it was total and utter chaos, watching these events unfold seemed to be a fever dream, something so unexplainable and strange that only a mind driven delirious by disease could come up with such things.

And because of that, the nearby knights stationed near the estate didn’t believe all the peasants that were arriving, simply believing they drank just a bit to much or were simply crazy, but there coming more and more and they all told the exact same story, as such, Knight captain Zak Greenhouse dispatched two scouts towards the estate while telling his battalion to prepare themselves for battle.

On the main road towards that very same estate was the captain of the royal guard, Trace, who was in the process of escorting the young princess to the home of her friend, Julia Kuntery, they young lady was going through difficult times at the time and the princess wanted to help her through it, even against the wishes of her her father the king. Luckily Trace had convinced him to allow her to leave if he would be around her at all times.

Trace was sympathetic to the young princess, he understood the inherent want to help those closest to themselves after they were hurt, especially if you felt responsible for what has happened, back when he was still a normal solider down at the southland border, he often felt responsible for those who were injured during one of his lead operations.

He had witnessed the events that had let to the young Lady Julia being practically imprisoned in her own room and if anyone was to blame, it would be that Dark Margenko that had been terrorising the kingdom, that thing had caused all of Lady Julia‘s pain and no one else, but princess Fraya just couldn’t stop her own mind from putting blame on her as well, after all, if it wasn’t for her, Lady Julia would have never partaken in the ritual back at the prison tower, which had caused her current state, if only she hadn’t been this stupid.

Fraya released a short sigh at the memories, mentally she scolded herself for her thinking, Julia wouldn’t want this of her, she should be proud for furthering the the investigations and helping them all for coming a bit closer to solving the mystery and bring back peace and prosperity, they finally knew how the monster looked like a truly great piece of knowledge that would help in fending off the evil creature, but Fraya couldn’t help but ask herself, if the gains outweighs what was lost.

Suddenly, Trace stopped dead in his tracks in front of Fraya, who bumped into his larger frame, as she wasn’t paying any attentions to her surroundings, her mind to busy being eaten by 'what if‘s' and guilt, before she could apologise however, he turned around and went onto one of his knees, looking the princess directly into her dull blue eyes with his green ones.

"My lady, you mustn’t worry yourself. You and Lady Julia have done a truly great service in the name of the kingdom, in the name of our people and their peace. Often time, in service of the right thing, people will get hurt, because the world is a truly terrible place and because of that, every little good gesture one performs is worth it. And Lady Julia knows that, she knows it wasn’t your fault to begin with, she knows if anyone was to blame it was the monster and not you. She knew she could get hurt in the process but chose to do it anyway. It was her decision to do good and sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself to archive that.

And now you can do good by being there for her and to be by her side as she slowly heals herself."

At the time, no one knew what had just transpired at the Kathrin estate and once they discovered the truth it would hang over the young princess like a shadow haunting her till her deepest of dreams, never leaving her alone, always there, always whispering into her mind.


Hanna awoke to screams of despair and horror, but for once it wasn’t the ones of her companions who were also bound by that accursed holy chain, she had been at deaths door before and even that was less painful than the torture she endured right now, a part of her couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of her situation, but for the most part her mind was dominated by a single emotion, anger.

She was angry at the accursed holy knight and his torturous chain, angry at the brat that decided to ruin her plans by killing herself, angry at the other brat that ratted her out, if Hanna ever found that traitor she would beg for death in less then an hour! But it was all for naught as she was trapped here now, in an endless loop of torture and pain till she black out only to awaken later and go through it all once again.

For once however, she awoke with a feeling of calm as she listened to the screams from outside, tasting the despair and desperation of the people outside, really helped placing her in a better mood, far more then she ever expected it to do, she really couldn’t explain it, but she also didn’t really care, so she let the calm wash over her, to relax and reinvigorate herself.

Sadly however, it lasted but a few moments before she could feel the blasted holy energy of the chains burn her skin and flow through her body, it felt like molten magma cursing through her it seemed to burn her very soul and body at the same time, she had once read that holy magic was more effective against those of evil hearts and seeing as she was pretty much the embodiment of what some people think of when they are asked to think of pure evil, the chains were very, very potent.

Hanna soon released a scream of pure agony, pain and hatred, the loudest she had ever screamed in her life, filed by all the emotions and pain filling her mind at the time, later people who heard it described it as a sound that haunted them in their dreams years later, it was said that it was so filled with malice and hatred that some plants near her wilted because of the pure evil energy it contained.

It was also loud enough to be heard by Kevin, who had been desperately trying to calm his siblings down so they could search for their big sister in a more organised manner, he wasn’t the only one to hear it, as all of his siblings stopped everything they were doing to listen to this malice filled scream. Many of them grew scared as it reminded them of the beast their old master had kept as pets, but Kevin knew that it was their big sister and that she was in pain and they needed to act fast!

He gathered all the nearby Margekos and didn’t care that most didn’t hear his call, as he ran towards the place the scream was coming from in a mad dash to save his big sister, that was his duty, his purpose, to bring together big sister and the rest of his siblings together. He didn’t know why but he didn’t care, he was the big brother of the Margenkos and he would reunite them with their big sister, no matter the cost.

Be it murder or thievery he would commit any and all things others deem evil, if it meant he would reunite his siblings.

He and the Margenko’s he managed to gather, which were less then a few dozen, stormed along path towards that large mansion atop a hill, where the screams of pain originated from, along the way a different voice joined the voice of their big sister, it was equally in pain, but Kevin paid it no mind as he and his few siblings that heard his call continued on their way.

He saw some of his siblings flee out of fear as they got closer, he knew why, as the screams grew ever louder and more pained the closer they were to their goal, it probably reminded them of the beast their old masters kept to keep their slaves in line, them included, but he had nothing to fear or lose anymore all that matter was to free their big sister and he would do it even if he was alone.

He stormed into the mansion and through it lengthy hallways and up its large staircases, which some of his shorter siblings were um able to climb so he left them behind, while others lost themselves inside the maze like structure of the hallways so he left them behind for all that mattered was to save his big sister.

He entered a long corridor, at its end he could see a door slightly ajar and a golden light emitted from it, despite the fact he had never seen any other magic then what was used on the plantation of his old master, he knew that this was Holy Magic and for the first time in his endless pursuit of his big sister, he hesitated.

He didn’t know many things, often times he did things purely because his body told him to and he never questioned it since it had worked every single time and it was brought him this close to finding his big sister, but know his body and mind both agreed to not come close to that door.

Holy Magic was like a poison to him and his siblings, even simply being near it can cause dizziness and migraines, someone directly casting Holy Magic at a Margeko would likely kill it even if he used the weakest of spells and would barley be recognised as a caster. A simple priest could easily massacre hundreds of Margekos if he got the time to fully cast uninterrupted.

His old master had used it to torture his siblings to keep them in line.

That room, where clearly his big sister was located, was filled with Holy Magic, walking into it would surely kill him and obviously he didn’t want that, both his body and mind told him to not walk in, that living his far more important then anything else, his instincts told him to walk away and keep on living and breeding.

But that’s why he was the big brother, it was his purpose to reunite his siblings and their big sister, he had been declared big brother to find the big sister no matter the cost, he had freed his siblings from their old master to reunite them, he lead them through the long journey to reunite them, kept them alive and fed to reunite them and he would die to reunite them as well.

He steeled his nerves and continued his advance towards the room from which the sounds of anguish, which by now had stopped, had emitted from. With every step he took he felt how the air got thicker with Holy Magic, it became more and more difficult to breathe the closer he got to his objective, with every step he took he could feel his body weakening, his steps grew slower and his legs started to feel heavier and as he was but a single step from entering the room, his legs felt like blocks of solid stone and he was panting heavily, barley able to breathe.

But he continued.

 He knew it would most definitely result in his death, that he would breathe his last breath inside these walls and that he would never be able to actually stand beside his big sister. He would never be able to truly see his siblings flourish under their big sister and he won’t be able to spend anymore time with any of his siblings.

He could feel something wet along his cheeks, if only barley as he almost completely numb all over, his vision started to darken and he had to take breaks in between every single step that felt like he was moving a mountain and only after what felt like a eternity he finally laid eyes upon his big sister.

Even in his is dimmed and delirious state he could see the pained expression on his sister, she was hanging from a wall, chained by chains that constantly gave pulses of pure Holy Magic directly into his sister, any normal Margenko would surely die in less then a minute of coming into contact with them.

He didn’t know for how long his sister had been chained here, but he couldn’t help but admire her right now, even at her lowest point she seemed to shine so brightly and despite being subjected to what he could only assume was the highest form of torture she didn’t lose any of the glory he had imagined her to have, rather she seemed to only grow more brightly then he ever could have imagined.

Now, more then ever, was he convinced of his purpose in life, it would be the greatest sacrifice possible, but for the good of his siblings he would do anything and if it meant making the ultimate sacrifice he would do it.

He gathered all of his remaining strength and took a single step, but collapsed right after, he was so close he only needed three more steps at most, oh but the sweet silence beckoned. It promised a small quite place, no pain, no noise, only peace and quite.

It was tempting him to let go and be embraced by the sweet silence to let the problems of life slip away and from his back and to finally relax just relax, don’t worry…

and relax…

Kevin‘s eyes shot open, he couldn’t rest, not now! He was so close, so painstakingly close!! He couldn’t rest yet, not yet!

He could feel the silence protesting trying to lull him to sleep with its alluring song of silence, but he didn’t listen and he got back onto his legs. He could feel the silence getting angry and more violent in its attempts to get him back, he had heard many tales of the silence and one of its most well known traits was that it didn’t like people leaving it’s realm once the entered before.

It alluring promises turned into threats of torture and pain, it voice now a sea of screaming souls rather then that of a mother singing a lullaby it had been previously and he could feel it‘s grasp at this limbs desperately trying to pull him back to its realm and Kevin knew he would lose, but not yet, not until his purpose was fulfilled.

He gathered all his strength and desperation, his determination and fear, his love and his will and jumped. And in a strange twist in events, for just that single moment, the silence let him go from his grasp, maybe it recognised his determination, maybe it was twisted luck? What ever the case he made the jump towards the chain stuck in the wall that was keeping his big sister contained and couldn’t grab onto it, his arms to weak to lift them above his head and as such he made contact with the chains, directly with his head.

He fell to the floor, the silence immediately grabbing him and pulling him inside it’s realm, not willing to gamble again and risking him escape its grasp for good this time.

He would never witness it himself, never see it with his own to eyes, but in the end he had succeeded and as his own body fell to the floor, completely motionless, the chain fell next to him, broken into uncountable tiny pieces.

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