Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 8: A Stomp every men felt.

Hanna and Adeline walk towards the dark alleyway just shouth oh the adventures Guild where they came across multipule rows of people which looked like your tyipcal gang members of the criminal underworld. Torn cloths and scars all around, the two girls with their 'proper' clothing stood out like a really big pimple in the alleyway, nontherless they walked with confidence and calm towards their goal. The goal was a single girl sitting on the ground, with an bored look on her face, this was of course Luisa.

"You know I don’t really enjoy the beggars life right? I know I‘m the most likely to actually be one out of us but please don’t let me do it again." Hanna raised an eyebrow at that, while Adeline seemed unresponsive, happy to just be in Hanna’s presence.

"Look if you want to go to the adventurers Guild next time go right ahead, I didn’t know it would take me this much self-control to not attack anyone on sight. I‘m also starting to get quite hungry, if I don’t have some good negative emotions pretty soon I might actually faint."

Now it’s time for Luisa to raise an eyebrow at the statement.

"You want to tell me that being in the middle of an alleyway of the poorest part of the city, filled with beggars and underground criminals don’t have any negative emotions for you to feed on?"

Hanna smirked at her pet in response.

"You might call me a picky eater, but I choose to only feed on negative emotions, I myself have caused, A girl needs some standards after all. But enough about me, have you done your job?"

Luisa looked puzzled at Hanna‘s response, she had only ever experienced a normal life in the 5 years she was with Alfrik and even then she ate what ever there was, to her, food was something precious to never be wasted no matter what, but on the other hand she was currently talking to a monster that whipped out a team of Diamond Rank Adventures singlehandedly, so she didn’t want to argue at all.

"Yeah I did. From what I found out in the last 4 hours you guys were away, there are at least 3 Gangs here in total, they probably don’t get along  that well and they seem to operate in the sewers of the city, at least their headquarters should be located there."

Hanna smiled at that, she smiled at the idea of killing and torturing these people. Hanna does not discriminate, she would happily kill and torture anyone, even her own servants under certain conditions, but she would first strike the criminal world, with the reason being that they probably have something illegal concerning Magic, since according to Adeline, the usage of certain Magic was restricted by the royal family, that included both Luisa‘s and Hanna‘s Dark and Death Magic, so for Luisa to finally make use of her giant Magic potential they had to go to the criminal world.

The other, more important reason, was the fact that killing these people would cause way less commotion then killing regular citizens, it will still be noticed at one point, but it would take far longer.

With a smile on her lips and a red shine in her eyes, Hanna started her move onto the criminal underworld.

"Now then let’s have some fun shall we? Hehehehe…"


Koal was not a man of honour, honour was something he would not need in a life of a criminal, there were those that claimed even criminals had some honour, some principles. Koal could only ever scoff at those fools. What would principles give you?

Even if you were the most righteous of criminals, that never harmed others that were poor, never attacked women or children and only ever attacked people that were 'evil', at the end of the day you went against the laws of the crown and as such the crown will see you punished. So what is the point? The only thing principles and moral bring you. Is. Less. Profit.

Being a criminal was like being a businessman, do what ever is necessary to archive the most profit, if that intel’s to kill a couple children than he would absolutely do it. High profits means more possible thugs and lackies to hire, which in turn leads to more profit. And what better way to extract as much possible profit then appealing to the most deepest and darkest desires.

People would spend fortunes to be able to live out their darkest desires, even if the customer never reappears ever again, Koal would have made the income of at least 20 merchants combined from them alone.

The other way to gain the most profit was to have an monopoly over violence, if you had 5e biggest army, or the most thugs at your disposal, who is supposed to just stop you from taking what ever you want?
Now of course, by no means would an army of thugs be able to actually challenge the armies of the crown and that is where is security came into play, it consists of two components.

The first was secrecy, he kept his business as secret from any spying eyes as possible, that one of the reasons he operates out of the sewers, he also made every customer swear to never say anything about his business, using his thugs as the deliverers of this message was often enough to intimidate his customers enough.

The second component was acting, he was the only criminal boss in the entire city, but that wasn’t knowledge many possessed. His man spread rumours of different crime lords doing different things and his thugs often claimed to work for different people and sometimes attacked one another in show battles. From outside it looked like multiple gangs fought for control of the underground, when in reality there was only him. Which resulted in multiple crimes he committed never being even considered to be done by him.

Koal stretched inside his office chair, it had been a busy day today, and he had multiple operations to oversee today, in the past he might have called for an drink immediately, but ever since his project of carving a multiple tunnels into the walls of the sewers and using them as offices, sleeping quarters and supply rooms. It had become far more easy and more cleaner. It still did nothing against the stench of the sewers thou, but it was better.

He stood up from his desk, filled with papers and coins of different metals he then gestured to his second in command to come over, who was standing at the door to his office.

"Hawke get the gold chest, it’s payment day."

Koal walked past the huge man who simply nodded and went into the office, before shortly returning with a large wooden chest on his shoulders.

Standing next to one another, it almost seemed like a comedy duo, Koal reaching barley to Hawkes groin, with a slender frame and his red business suit and his perfectly kept white hair, while Hawke was dressed in a tattered white shirt and pants, with a build that put most bodybuilders to shame.

Together they walked out of the tunnel and towards a giant opening in which an assembly hall was located, there all of Koal‘s 43 captains were waiting, today was payday and they were excepting a good one. And it would have been a really good one, over last month they had been able to more then double their total profit and reduce cost by at leaste a third. All of the captains would have received a salary  more than double that of an General of the royal army that very day.

If it wasn’t for the intrusion of three people.

Hanna was very displeased with her current situation, she had asked some gang members to accompany her to their boss, so she may have a word with him, then they started dragging her and her pets towards the entrance to the sewers?!

"From what I have heard from all the other thugs around here, I thought the guy had some fucking class, guess I was very wrong,"

She exclaimed with a frown on her face. One of the three thugs, some tall bald guy with unkept hair and scars all over, sneered.

"The little girl sure has a dirty mouth for her age, guess that beast men for ya. At least she and the elf girl will sell well.“

One of his colleagues looked at him sceptical of his statement.

"You sure? Just look at that elf girl, she is more dirty then we are and we live in the sewers. To be honest I think the normal one will sell better, she is basic, but that’s always in demand."

Luisa looked disgusted at the man who had dragged her to the gate, before mumbling something about how she wanted to keep him.

They soon reached the entrance to the sewers where hidden behind a fake wall was a single tunnel lit by some weak torches. The one dragging Luisa was left behind, while the others followed the tunnel into a deeper part of the sewers, Hanna questioned why they would need a tunnel and not just go down the normal path, but her question was ignored.

Soon they arrived in well lit part of the sewers, all the girls had to take a while to get used to the stench, all the while they kept being dragged by the two thugs, coming across more and more thugs and tunnels as they walked. One could hear multiple screams, both of pleasure and pain coming from all the different tunnels, making it awfully clear just what kind of business these thugs were operating. To really nail the point home though, they came across a giant cage, in which many women were held hostage, most of them had bruises and other wounds all around their bodies, they all had few to none cloths on their person.

"Why on earth would you keep your boss locked up and surrounded by these women, seems kind of stupid to me."

Hanna turned to one of the thugs guarding the cage, who only sneered in response.

"De hell is This bitch talkin bout?"

In response Adeline shot the guard a deathly glare, filled with all the malice in the universe, the guard jumped a little bit after noticing it.

"If you call my beloved Hanna anymore slanderous things I will personally feed you your own genitalia raw!“

Adelines voice was laced with malice and poison, that even Luisa took a step back from her companion, there was a moment of silence, everyone to afraid to say anything, before a small laugh pierced the silence.

"Hahahaha. Please excuse my little pet, she can overreact from time to time, but again, I will ask if you would be so kind to bring us to your boss, I truly highly doubt he‘s actually in there."

Again there was only silence, the thugs looked at her like she had just explained how the sky was pink and the Water in the ocean yellow. What Hanna said was so extremely outlandish to them that they couldn’t do anything but stare and soon after laugh.

They laughed and laughed and laughed until one could finally speak.

"W-would you look at this feisty little girl here, thinking she can speak to the boss. Listen bitch you will go in the cage and sooner or later you will become a good little slut like the rest in there. Maybe I should be your instructor so you can get the basics."

The thug pulled down his pant, revealing his friend for the world to see, he grinned as he grabbed Hanna’s hand, ready to push her to the ground, that’s the moment he noticed some liquid dripping from the hand onto his. Confused he looked at Hanna‘s hand to find…

"B-blood how the hell-"

It was then that noticed how his friends had stopped their laughing fit, as the lay on the ground, unmoving and to his horror without their heads.

"Looking for these~?" A voice called to him, as he turned towards it he saw Hanna, holding two heads in her hands, both had faces filled reflecting happiness and laughter.

"It‘s a shame I had to do it so quickly, couldn’t get a reaction out of them, but hey at least it gets an even better reaction out of you."

Hanna threw the heads over her shoulders as she slowly walked towards the last thug, who fell on his butt in fear and tried to move away from the girl in front of him.

Hanna‘s eyes glowed a Crimson red as a wicked grin formed on her lips.

"Mhhhmmm. Yes please keep going, I am quit hungry after all."

The guard scuffled back even further, doon he hit a wall with his back. Hanna‘s grin widened and she licked her lips, happy how great a meal this one guy provided. She had now reached her target and she placed a single foot on the mans genitalia.

"I don’t think you will be using this ugly thing anytime soon anymore, so better get rid of the trash before hand."

With those words Hanna raised her foot and used all her might to stomp down.

The following scream could be heard for miles into the sewers.


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