Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 9: Hanna is doing business.

Koal was in the middle of giving his captains their monthly share of the profit, as a shrill scream was heard throughout the sewers. When you run an criminal empire, build on top of forced prostitution and violence, hearing screams was nothing to absurd, however this scream garnished not only his attention, but everyone of his captains and even his dumb bodyguard Hawke raised an confused eyebrow.

First of it was a scream of a male, but it was extremely high pitched, he and all other males there at the sudden urge to shield their precious friends tucked away in their pants. Now if it were a female scream they wouldn’t bat an eye, sometimes his customers got a bit to ruff, as long as the damage wasn’t life ending it wasn’t a problem.

Male screams, while rarere, also would not alarm them as much as it did just now, since normally there were enough guards around the handle the situation.

However, today all business was closed for the day and as a result no customers were around, nor were most of the guards as they were outside posing as other gang members and collecting the people’s fees and debts, only some guards for the entrances and the whores and the captains were around. If the whores somehow managed to escape that would most definitely pose a giant problem. He had some nobles and rich merchants under his thumb but not all and if the church were to get involved they were in huge trouble.

Alternatively some city guards or adventurers may have finally found his hideout, if that was the case he would be in even more trouble, since in the first option he could always still flee and set up shop elsewhere, it may take some time, but sooner or later he would most definitely be able to accumulate the same amount of profit.

However that would not be quite as easily, if he had to fight adventurers or the city guard first, because then had to lose some men to escape and it would slow down progress in a new location even more and the possibility of just not making it and landing in jail and seeing everything he build up over the years crumble to dust was an even darker possibility scraping the inside of his head.

He looked up at his captains, they weren’t the strongest, as they lacked professionalism and training, but they weren’t exactly weak either, silver ranked adventurers would be a fair fight for most of them and most of the guard should pose no threat either. He pointed his slender finger towards the crowd of captains anschaltest out to them.

"The ten strongest of you will go out there and scout out the place, you will get 2% more for every foe you might kill during this!"

If his thought up scenarios were correct, he possibly send these ten people to their deaths, but money was always a strong motivator and so ten of his captains got up, most of them brandishing crude swords and rapiers, but on of them brandished a wooden staff of Oak wood, he was the only Mage amongst their ranks and their most valuable asset in terms of fighting powers, now compared to a trained Mage he was laughable, but against enemy’s with no Mage themselves, he still was a deadly weapon.

So the ten of them set out, a bloodlust in their eyes as the possibility of even more profit swirled in their minds, they advanced towards the whore cage, but soon ran into a different group.

Surrounded by mutilated corpses, cut off limbs, gauged out eyes and in a sea of blood stood a group of three girls, one looked like a typical beggar on the streets above, her pointy ears marked her clearly an elf, next to her stood a human girl wearing simple leather armour and boots.

The human girl had a gentle smile on her lips and loving eyes, while the elf had a glint of insanity and arousal in her eyes, as they both watched the third member of the group, a small girl wearing a red shirt and black skirt, rip the arm of a man, lying on the ground, cleanly off adding more blood to the sea below and another limb for the pile.

Her crimson eyes shined like Rubys in the sun as she held a hand over the mans mouth to muffle his bloodcurdling scream of pain. Her eyes shined for a moment, before she began to giggle silently, her hand reached for the mans ear, his eyes were bloodshot and tears streamed freely he constantly struggled but to no avail, giving it a quick twist the girl ripped the ear from its rightful place, a new scream muffled by the hand came from the throat of the man.

"You sure like to use your voice a lot, how about I rip out your throat so you can experience more parts of your body without being tempted to use your voice again~? I know I know no need to thank me~."

More muffled screams followed suit, only to be silenced as the girl rammed her hand into the throat of the man, blood splattering against her face in the process. The captains could only look on in horror at this extreme demonstration of violence and gore. As criminals they weren’t unfamiliar with blood and violence, but seeing one of your coworkers being mutilated on the spot, by a little girl no less, was far more shocking then the acts of violence done by most of these criminals.

Slowly, the girl turned away from the now dead man and towards the now not moving group of criminals, most had dropped their weapons already, due to the immense shock of the situation before them, those who held on dropped them after meeting the eye of the girl before them. And a smirk formed on her lips.

"Ah, you must be the escorts to guid us to your leader right? You should work on your information network if you only now show up to get us, we have been waiting for at least, also please check up on your employees more, they were unreasonably rude, it’s not good for business you know."

None of the criminals reacted or moved, they all started to shack and in the far back one had started to vomit. The only sound was the flowing of the sewage, as They all just watched the Girl in front of them, who smiled at them a bright smile which absolutely didn’t fit her current looks, as she was drenched from top to bottom in blood and pieces of flesh.

Suddenly the bright smile turned into a look of displeasure and her eyes narrowed at the group of criminals in a low voice the girl spoke again.

"If you don’t bring us to your boss right this instance you will look far worse then the guy I was just finished with, so you better get a move on if you don’t want your intestines be used as wall decorations."

Multiple thuds could be heard all of the sudden, as some of the criminals fainted out of fear, it was a sight to behold, a group of the most powerful and brutal criminal organisations the kingdom has seen in over 70 years was being scared shitless by a little girl, now of course we know that this little girl is in reality a bloodthirsty sadistic psychopathic monster.

And so one of the criminals made a big, audible gulp before asking the three girls to accompany them. However as Hanna walked past the three unconscious criminals, which fainted out of fear, she stopped at one of them and looked at the mans face for a very long time, in confusion the criminal who was the furthest back of the group turned to see what Hanna was up to and he shrieked in terror as Hanna raised her foot and stomped on the mans face, blood and pieces of flesh and brain flying every where.

"I‘m sorry, but his face pissed me off. Tehe~."

The man tried his very best not to puke from the scene and he failed miserably, the real problem however was when a bit of his vomit it the base of Hanna‘s skirt. Before the man even realised what happened, a fist was sticking out of his back, Hanna‘s face was completely indifferent and as the man fell to the floor she simply shacked her head.

"So uncivilised. And people call me the monster." Hanna said, as she joined the caravan of people next to Adeline and Luisa walking relaxed and a pleased smile on her face, the criminals in the front simply tried their hardest to ignore and forget the sound of gore they had just listened to not even 15 seconds ago.


As Koal was starting to give the last of his captains their share of the profit a small bang ran around the the meeting hall, turning around Koal saw the group he had send out to find and solve the puzzle behind the man screaming not to long ago, as he looked the group over however, he saw something rather peculiar.

First off the group had lost two of their old members but had gained three girls, an eleven girl that looked like a beggar, a human girl who was wearing basic leather armour and a young looking girl wearing a red shirt and a black skirt, this girl was also drenched from top to bottom in blood.

The second thing he found odd was the fact that his captains, people he had found intelligent and strong enough to be HIS captains, were shacking harder then a beggar in the harshest of winters, naked.

He raised a eyebrow at the group, the three girls were fine the two humans had bright smiles while the elf looked more bored then anything. Are HIS captains SCARED of these girls?!

"Dear Mr. Farnding, I‘ve seen you kill multiple old granny’s and mothers for not having their debt paid in time, but seeing a young girl having her period for the first time makes you this freaked out?"

All people around the room started to laugh, make fun of Mr. Farnding for such an attitude, however, when the other captains and Koal noticed that Mr. Farnding didn’t scream for the accusation to be a lie, or scream in embarrassment his laugh stopped and slowly all laughter faded, as they simply watched the criminal rocking back and fortkonnte his place he was standing, together with her others of his group.

Soon all laughter was gone, well almost all of it, as there was a single person still laughing and she was laughing like a maniac and that this was the best joke she had or will ever hear. Her head was reared back and a single tear rolled down Hanna’s eye as she laughed and laughed and laughed.

"Hahaaaa… Oh I can assure you my good man, this isn’t my first time letting the blood flow."

Silence ensnared the room, the statement hanging in the air and the tension was palpable as Hanna grinned a toothy grin at the both confused and somewhat scared onlookers. None of the people present weren’t used to gruesome violence and gore and blood, they were criminals after all, violence was their best ally most of the time.

But seeing this small young looking girl, she seemed 10 years old at best, saying these words so nonchalantly, almost bragging about it was having a sort of impact on them, leaving them stunned and unable to do anything.

"Now I would assume you are the boss here right? If so I would like to start a small business talk with you if that’s alright, I know your primary source of income is not what I am seeking, but I’m sure a man of your greatness, would have more then just a few whores right?"

Utterly stunned by this kids behaviour and attitude none of Koals captains did anything, not even his personal bodyguard Hawke dared o move a muscle, blinking a few times in disbelief Koal finally stuttered something out.

"What do sounded then, I mean you are a goddam child, of high status to boot, most likely a merchants daughter. What on earth would you need from me?"

Hanna smirked in response.

"Now now, don’t let my appearance fool you. As the kingdoms national enemy number one I have to use a disguise to not fall into their hands immediately right?"

In a Flash of red light The Girl in front of them started to change, a long pointy black tail sprouted from her back, cat like ears formed on her head and long and sharp claws sprouted from her hands, her teeth also became sharp, as the one of a predator. Her red eyes glowed for a moment, as she grinned a toothy grin and the light faded.

"Shall we start the talking now, I have something truly special I just know you want. There’s no way you would leave such an opportunity behind right?"

Today was supposed to be a simple day for Koal and yet this was the third time he was completely dumbstruck and by the same person no less. This little girl, not only claims to have something he would need, but also that she is a Demi in disguise and the number one enemy of the whole kingdom!?

He did not know what to make of this completely ridiculous situation, it all seemed way to surreal and strange, yet the evidence was right in front of them, grinning at him with an sparkle of insanity in her eye. He was entranced by the stare, in able to move or to speak, until suddenly a single shout rang from the captains behind him.

"What the actual fuck is this bitch talking about?! Is she completely delusional or something?!"

Sounds of agreement and similar statements started to be heard across the room, Hanna‘s eyes snapped from Koal‘s to the captains behind him a deathly glare being send to them, which went completely unnoticed by everyone and Koal regained his senses and the words of his captains boosted his confidence. Of course this girl was talking nonsense, she simply tried to intimidate him that he actually fell for it, he was ashamed of himself.

 He raised his hand to signal his captains that now it’s his turn to start speaking. As the room grew silent however a sharp voice pierced the silence once more and it was colder then any blizzard or any ice mages magic.

"If you dare to speak ill of my beloved again, I will pluck your eyebrows from your faces, cut off your fingers and disgusting rotten dicks and feed them to the pigs right in front of your eyes!"

The human girl next to Hanna shot The captains a glare and a shiver ran down all their spines, however a loud smack could suddenly be heard, as Hanna smacked Adeline at the back of her head.

"Shut it Adeline, I‘m trying to make business here!" Adeline whimper in response.

“Bu-but Hannaaaaa! They said such me-" A cough from Koal interrupted the twos antics, he just really wants to be done with all of this.

"Yes I want to end this business as soon as possible, so let us talk. What do you want from me and what will you provide me in return?"

Hanna smiled at Koal, a Fake smile, a business smile, one that Kaol himself had worn most of his days, he now knew that Hanna truly wanted to make business.

"I want you to get us access to as many books, scrolls and the like that teach any of the following types of magic: Fire, Poison, Wind, Earth, Dark and Death."

Koal raised an eyebrow at that, but understanding dawned on his face. Death and Dark Magic were highly restricted by the royal family and poison Magic was only ever allowed with the presence of at least one Light Mage or Priest present. Considering they claimed they were the kingdom’s number one enemy, he understood why they came to him for such things.

"I could provide all of those things, but you should know just how hard it is to actually acquire Death and Dark Magic items right? The price is not going to be small for such an request."

Hanna, in typical Hanna fashion, simply grinned before responding.

"I already told you, I offer you something that you could never pass up, it’s practically priceless!"

"Well how about you tell me the offer so I can be the judge of its value?" Koal responded, he was the richest man in kingdom, after the the royal family, there was nothing he couldn’t get with his wealth and yet this Demi was walking into his base and claimed she had something he couldn’t get anywhere else? He truly was intrigued.

"If you get us all of the things I had mentioned, I will promise you, to not kidnap and torture you to death! Isn’t this such a great Deal? You would be one of the few humans to have officially survived an Dark Margenko attack!"

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