Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch49- Minister of Intelligence Service Zeno Zoldyck

Zeno didn't press further, respecting the veiled secrecy of Meteor Kingdom's affairs. Yet, his sharp eyes bore an inkling of surprise, reflecting the vast implications of such a monumental task – teaching Nen to civilians. In Zeno's world, this meant amassing an unprecedented nation-wide fighting force, an army of Nen users. A thought that might send shivers down any seasoned warrior's spine.

His anticipation, however, fell short of the grand vision harbored by Haruto. For the young man leading the charge, Nen wasn't a weapon but a tool. A multifaceted apparatus with limitless applications that transcended beyond the realm of mere combat. Haruto saw the potential for it in agriculture, in medicine, in industry, in technology. An ace that could catalyze an era of prosperity the likes of which the world had never seen. But this remained a secret, a cherished vision locked within the confines of his ambitious mind.

For a moment, the air remained quiet, as the suggestion hung heavily between them. Haruto was unmoving, a statue in the afternoon sunlight, his violet eyes unwavering as he met Zeno’s gaze. His proposition was simple yet momentous, a call for alliance that carried the weight of the world.

“Join me, Zeno.” The command echoed in the stillness of the air. “Your family is powerful, but you're walking on a tightrope. Forced to accept contracts, to maintain ties for survival, even when it doesn't suit you.”

Zeno didn't break eye contact, his sharp gaze studying Haruto with newfound curiosity. It was as if he were seeing him in a new light, as not just a young upstart with lofty ideals but as a force to be reckoned with. He had a point. The Zoldycks had to always juggle their interests with those of the nations they served. The balance was often precarious, and the freedom they supposedly enjoyed was more an illusion, bound by the chains of necessity and diplomacy. They did have their secret weapons, but their use came with strings attached.

“What can you offer us?” Zeno questioned, his tone betraying no emotion. His eyes, however, reflected a spark of intrigue, an acknowledgment of the truth in Haruto’s words.

“Freedom,” came the reply. It was a word that promised so much, and for a moment, Zeno seemed to consider it. But he knew better. Everything had a price. “In exchange for?”

“Be my blade,” Haruto’s voice was firm, not a request but a declaration of intent. His gaze remained steady, locking onto Zeno’s with an unspoken challenge. The air was thick with anticipation as they waited for a response.

"How is that any different than our current position then?" Zeno asked, his gaze unflinching as he challenged Haruto's proposal.

A light chuckle escaped Haruto's lips, the corners of his mouth curling into a knowing smile. "I don't want you to kill aimlessly, Zeno. I want you to intimidate with the lethality of your edge," he clarified. His tone was firm, embodying the audacity of his words.

Zeno paused for a moment, contemplating the proposition. "You want to use us as a means of intimidation," he stated, not a question but a confirmation. There was a certain distaste on his tongue, a bitter reminder of the countless lives they had ended in the shadows. Yet, there was no mistaking the allure of the proposal.

Haruto merely nodded, unfazed by the implications of his demand. "True," he admitted, "but a blade left in its sheath will dull."

Zeno's gaze hardened, the wisdom of decades reflected in his steely stare. There was truth to Haruto's words, an undeniable reality he'd grappled with over the years. If they were to ease into comfort, they would forget their art, their edge, their purpose. The danger lay in complacency.

"What is your solution then?" Zeno asked, his curiosity piqued. His eyes scrutinized the young man before him, intrigued by the audacity of his vision.

A satisfied smile graced Haruto's features. He was enjoying this, the intellectual fencing, the challenge of persuading the unyielding Zeno Zoldyck. "Minister of Intelligence Service Zeno Zoldyck," Haruto began, placing an overt emphasis on the new title, "It will be your discretion to how you train and keep your agents sharp."

Zeno arched an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected offer. But Haruto wasn’t done. "So long as you don't aimlessly kill and hunt, I will give you the freedom you seek."

For a moment, the only sound was the gentle whisper of the breeze, the air filled with unspoken tension. Zeno considered Haruto, his silence deliberate, his gaze thoughtful. The young man remained as he was, his violet eyes unyielding under the old assassin's gaze, his posture relaxed yet regal in the sunlight.

Finally, Zeno broke the silence, his voice low and contemplative, "And if we refuse?"

It was a valid question, one that Haruto had anticipated. He leaned back in his chair, his violet gaze unwavering as he met Zeno's challenging stare. "Then you continue walking on your tightrope, dancing to the tunes of others," he answered, his tone devoid of any malice or threat. It was a statement of fact, an observation, and Zeno couldn't deny the truth in his words.

"But remember this, Zeno," Haruto continued, his voice a touch softer, "the world is changing. Power is shifting. Meteor Kingdom is rising. You can either join us at the top, or watch from the shadows."

The conversation hung in the air, the words lingering like a tangible challenge. Haruto remained silent, his gaze never leaving Zeno, his command echoing in the stillness. The balcony overlooked the vast expanse of the city, the view a silent testament to the kingdom's growing might. The ball was in Zeno's court now, his decision would shape the future of the Zoldycks and perhaps, that of the Meteor Kingdom as well.


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