Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch50- Future of a Kingdom!

Two years had passed and the world had changed beyond recognition. Meteor Kingdom, once a forgotten dumpsite, had grown into an unyielding nation, an indomitable force that reshaped the world's politics. At first, the world refused to acknowledge Meteor Kingdom and Haruto's sovereignty. Yet, their defiance crumbled when the Zoldyck family made their move - an astonishing feat of relocating their entire mountain to Meteor Kingdom. It was a blatant show of allegiance that rocked the political landscape, forcing even the most stubborn nations to recognize the new player on the field.

The world watched in awe and disbelief as Meteor Kingdom flourished under Haruto's guidance. Nations that had once dumped their refuse in Meteor City, and later had been compelled to pay exorbitant amounts just for waste disposal, were incredulous. Despite their attempts to stifle the Kingdom's growth through embargoes and refusals to sell materials, the kingdom thrived, growing like a defiant tree in the harshest desert.

Technology in Meteor Kingdom underwent a revolution. The innovations that sprouted from their research labs were nothing short of miraculous, rivaling even the most advanced nations.

Medicine was another field that had seen incredible strides. Unconventional treatments and innovative practices pushed the boundaries of what was previously deemed possible. The health sector's growth was symbiotic with the rise in quality of life, resulting in a populace that was not only healthier but also happier.

In the realm of agriculture, the Kingdom's leaps were unprecedented. Where others saw a dump, Haruto saw potential. Using Nen-infused techniques, the barren lands were transformed into lush fields. The city that had once been buried under mountains of waste was now adorned with verdant farms, providing an abundance of food and even allowing for export.

Science, like the rest of the kingdom, had not been left behind. Research institutions became powerhouses of innovation, churning out groundbreaking discoveries that significantly advanced Meteor Kingdom's infrastructure and military capabilities.

Despite all the advancements in the Kingdom, Haruto never let the comfort dilute the spirit of its people. On the contrary, he strived to mold his citizens into warriors in their own right – not necessarily for combat, but to face life and its adversities with unwavering resolve.

Gone were the days where survival meant competing over a morsel of bread. Yet, Haruto was determined not to let his citizens become complacent in their newfound prosperity. In this new era, education was still a trial by fire, but instead of battling for scraps, the citizens of Meteor Kingdom wrestled with knowledge. Classrooms were bustling arenas of inquisitiveness, where young minds were forged in the crucible of discipline, philosophy, and critical thinking. Concepts and innovation were the bread they now fought over, every fresh idea a precious commodity.

From a young age, every citizen of Meteor Kingdom was enrolled in an educational program – a syllabus designed by Haruto himself. It was not just about reading, writing, or arithmetic. It was about grooming a mindset, ingraining the tenets of discipline, philosophy, critical thinking, and innovation. Physical fitness was a non-negotiable part of this regimen. No one in Haruto's kingdom was allowed to wallow in laziness or unhealthy habits.

The essence of this education lied in the basic tenets of Nen. Haruto envisioned a nation bound by Nen's miracle, not as a tool of destruction, but as an apparatus for growth, prosperity, and well-being.

One day, every single citizen of the Meteor Kingdom would learn Nen, that was Haruto's vision. Yet, Nen, in his kingdom, would not be used as a tool of violence and power but a tool of growth and progress. As an apparatus to push the boundaries of human capabilities, in agriculture, in medicine, in industry, in technology. He saw it as a way to bring about a new era of prosperity the likes of which the world had never seen.

On a crisp morning, Haruto was walking down one of the bustling city streets, watching as the people went about their daily tasks. The air was vibrant, filled with the energy of a city thriving and a people striving. He saw children on their way to schools, their eyes filled with the spark of ambition. He saw adults, going to their jobs, the set of their jaws speaking volumes about their determination. His gaze swept over the thriving marketplace, the bustling restaurants, and the flourishing farms that lay in what was once a barren waste dump.

As he strolled, he noticed a group of children running and playing in a park, their laughter ringing through the air. Stopping to observe, he watched as one of the boys, not more than eight, fell down. His knees scraped and bleeding, the boy’s face contorted in pain. For a moment, everyone paused, waiting to see what the boy would do.

The child grit his teeth, using his small hands to push himself up from the ground. Ignoring the tears streaming down his face, he quickly rejoined the game. His determination, as raw and as real as the city that housed him, drew a nod of approval from Haruto.

Haruto’s gaze, which had been focused on the park, shifted as he turned to resume his walk. Canary, who had been a silent shadow following him, stepped forward, “My King-”

"Call me by my name, Canary," Haruto interrupted, a gentle reprimand in his voice. "You're my sister in all but blood."

Canary swallowed. It was a declaration that filled her heart with warmth, but she still hesitated, a long-ingrained habit of respect clashing with his casual decree. "The Masters are here. They've heard of you and have come to challenge you in their games."

A spark ignited in Haruto's eyes. He had been seeking challenges of late, yearning to pit his mind against the grandmasters of various games. It was an impulse he couldn't ignore, a deep-rooted urge that seemed to echo from his soul. Nodding, he said, "Good, let's go."


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