Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch61- Gyudondond Tribe

As Haruto settled in front of the Gungi board, his mind focused on the complex strategies of the game. Across from him sat Komugi, her blind eyes giving nothing away, but her mind working in ways that constantly amazed him. Although he was far from mastering the game, the challenges it posed intrigued him, and the interaction with Komugi was a curious dance of intellect.

Canary entered the room, carrying two cups of tea with an elegant grace. Her eyes were filled with purpose as she approached the Gungi table, placing the cups next to Haruto and Komugi. "There is a young man from the Gyudondond Tribe. His story seems interesting. I thought you would like to hear it," she announced, her tone respectful yet familiar.

At the same time, Komugi's hand moved a piece on the board, her face serene as she announced, "Checkmate."

Haruto looked down at the board, his brow furrowing in both admiration and frustration. Komugi had won again. Sighing, he waved at Komugi's maid, who stood nearby, to take her back to her room.

The blind girl rose, her face still placid. "Thank you for the game, Your Highness," she said, bowing her head slightly.

"The pleasure was mine," Haruto replied, his voice betraying no emotion, though the constant defeat was an itch he couldn't quite scratch.

With Komugi gone, he turned his attention to Canary, his gaze sharpening. "What is special about them?" he asked, his words slow and deliberate. "Since you bring it to my attention."

"In the Gyudondond Tribe, both males and females play vital roles as spiritual leaders and performers," Canary began, her voice clear and resonant in the silence of the room. "At the age of three, they undergo unique ceremonial rites of passage; males become 'Bap', the Dancing Warriors, and females become 'Purin', the Enchanting Sirens."

Haruto leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled, his gaze fixed on Canary. The detail and intricacy of the tribe's customs intrigued him, and he listened intently, his mind already analyzing the potential.

"Males receive needle insertions, replaced with thicker sticks, and stabilize the holes with bamboo or stones, enabling them to create battle songs," Canary continued, her eyes reflecting her knowledge and respect for the tribe's practices. "Females undergo delicate piercings adorned with shells, stones, and feathers, empowering them to produce mesmerizing melodies."

Haruto's interest was visibly piqued, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "An intriguing blend of aesthetics and warfare," he murmured. "Go on."

"Their Tribe is being chased out due to development, and they seek refuge in our Kingdom," Canary's voice took on a more serious tone, reflecting the urgency of the matter. Her eyes met Haruto's, holding a spark of anticipation.

The room was filled with silence for a long moment as Haruto considered the information. His mind was a maze of calculations, evaluating the value and potential risks of the tribe's integration into the Meteor Kingdom.

"Let him in," Haruto finally commanded, his voice carrying the weight of a king. "But make sure to gauge his intentions, Canary. I want to know if he merely wants a safe place or if he strives for opportunity. The Meteor Kingdom does not accommodate those who fail to work for it."

"I understand, Your Highness," Canary replied, bowing her head. Though she noted Haruto's insistence on her using his name, the formal setting required her to maintain a semblance of protocol.

With a nod of dismissal from Haruto, Canary turned to leave, her steps echoing softly in the room. But she paused at the door, glancing over her shoulder. "Your Highness," she called, a hint of warmth in her voice, "You should try the tea. I made it with the herbs you like."

Haruto's eyes softened for a brief moment, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, Canary," he responded, his tone gentle.

As the door closed behind Canary, Haruto's thoughts returned to the Gyudondond Tribe. Their unique practices and artistry were fascinating, but what truly intrigued him was the opportunity they presented. They could be a valuable asset to the kingdom, a fresh infusion of culture and strength.

His fingers wrapped around the delicate handle of the tea cup, bringing it to his lips. The aroma of the herbs filled his senses, and he took a careful sip, appreciating the subtle blend of flavors. Canary had indeed made it just the way he liked.

A knock at the door interrupted his musings, and a servant entered, announcing the arrival of the representative from the Gyudondond Tribe.

"Bring him in," Haruto commanded, his voice firm, his eyes glittering with anticipation.

A man covered from head-to-toe in white bandages underneath his tribal robe walked in. Only his eyes and tip of his nose could be seen. From what Haruto saw, the man had dark skin. As he walked in, the man knelt on the ground, bowing deeply, his entire body radiating a sense of reverence.

"Your Highness. I am eternally blissed to be in your presence," he said, his voice resonating with a melodious quality, reflecting the unique cultural characteristics of his tribe.

Haruto's eyes assessed the man, the bandages, the robe, the posture. Everything about him exuded a distinct cultural heritage. He waved his hand dismissively, cutting through the formalities. "Speak," he said, his voice firm but not unkind.

The teen's body tensed slightly at the command but quickly relaxed as he began to introduce himself, "My name is Bonolenov Ndongo, Your Highness."

Haruto's eyes flickered with interest as he leaned forward slightly, resting his chin on his steepled fingers. "Tell me, Bonolenov, why have you come to my Kingdom? Why seek refuge here?"

Bonolenov's eyes, the only visible part of his face, held a depth of earnestness as he replied, "Your Highness, the Gyudondond Tribe has been chased from our ancestral lands. Development and greed have driven us to the brink of extinction."


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