Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch62- Then Welcome!

Haruto's intense gaze fixed on Bonolenov, who shivered slightly under its scrutiny. The air in the room grew heavy, filled with a sense of profound importance. The very future of the Gyudondond Tribe, and perhaps even the Meteor Kingdom itself, seemed to hinge on this conversation.

"What is it that you ask of me, Bonolenov?" Haruto asked, his voice calm and controlled. His manner was regal, carrying an innate majesty that could not be ignored. There was no hint of sympathy or concern in his voice, only a calculated interest in what the tribe could offer.

Bonolenov's eyes widened briefly, and he took a deep breath, steadying himself. He seemed to understand that he was speaking not just to a king but to a force of nature, a being of pure ambition and power.

"Our cultural ability not only allows us to use sound as music, but also for sonar expeditions," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "Our ancestral lands were built on rich mines, and that is why we are being chased out. We can offer our service to you, Your Highness."

Haruto's eyes narrowed thoughtfully, his mind already working on the possibilities and potential benefits of such an arrangement. The idea of a tribe capable of finding valuable resources through sound was intriguing and unique.

"You speak of mining," Haruto said, leaning back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Bonolenov. "What minerals and gems have you found in the past? How accurate is your sonar ability?"

Bonolenov's chest swelled with pride as he answered, "Your Highness, our abilities have allowed us to locate and extract precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, as well as rare gems like diamonds and emeralds. Our sonar expeditions are precise and our methods environmentally friendly, preserving the land's natural beauty."

Haruto's lips curved into a small, enigmatic smile. The potential wealth and power that the Gyudondond Tribe could bring to his kingdom were tantalizing. But he was not one to be swayed by mere promises.

"I do not seek personal gains," Haruto said, his voice steady, every syllable carrying the weight of his conviction. His eyes, intense and unyielding, never left Bonolenov's. "Every citizen of my Kingdom is tasked to strive forward every day. Laziness is unacceptable. Every one of my citizens works hard for themselves firstly, for their families secondly, and for the Kingdom lastly. If your tribe can achieve this, you are welcomed."

He paused, letting the words sink in, allowing the silence to fill the room with its gravity. His expression remained unchanging, but his eyes held a glimmer of anticipation.

"But do remember," he added, his voice lowering, acquiring a razor-sharp edge, "once you accept this, you will be loyal to me."

Bonolenov's body trembled slightly, but he met Haruto's gaze without flinching. The challenge had been laid out, the terms clear. It was a matter of pride and survival for his tribe, and he understood the gravity of what he was about to accept.

"Your Highness," he began, his voice laced with determination, "our tribe has always valued loyalty and honor above all else. We have been driven from our land, betrayed by those we trusted. We seek a place where our culture, our art, our very essence can thrive. We seek a leader who understands strength, ambition, and the will to forge a destiny."

He paused, taking a deep breath, his eyes locked with Haruto's. "We see that in you, Your Highness. We will be loyal, not out of fear or obligation, but out of respect for what you stand for."

Haruto's expression remained impassive, but the hint of a smile played at the corners of his lips. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering, contemplating Bonolenov's words.

"You speak well, Bonolenov," Haruto said, his voice carrying a hint of approval. "But words are easily spoken. It is action that defines us."

Bonolenov bowed his head, his voice resolute. "We will prove our loyalty through our actions, Your Highness. Our tribe will contribute to the Kingdom with our unique abilities. We will honor your trust and work tirelessly for the betterment of ourselves, our families, and the Kingdom."

A silence fell over the room, filled only with the soft rustling of Bonolenov's robes and the distant echoes of activity beyond the closed door. Haruto's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, evaluating, calculating, considering every angle. The potential benefits were immense, but he was not a man to be swayed by potential alone.

"You will be provided land," Haruto finally said, his voice firm and decisive. "You will build your homes, cultivate your traditions, and contribute to the Kingdom. But let there be no misunderstanding, Bonolenov. Loyalty is not a word to be spoken lightly in my presence. It is a binding oath, a commitment that will be tested, scrutinized, and held to the highest standard."

Bonolenov's chest swelled with pride, and he knelt, his head bowed low. "We understand, Your Highness, and we accept your terms. The Gyudondond Tribe will stand by you, unwavering, unyielding. We will prove our worth and our loyalty."

Haruto nodded, a subtle acknowledgment of the solemnity of the moment. "See to it that you do. I will not suffer betrayal, and I will not tolerate failure. Rise to the occasion, Bonolenov, and your tribe will find prosperity and respect within my Kingdom."

"We will not disappoint you, Your Highness," Bonolenov said, his voice filled with a fervor that resonated in the silent room.

Haruto stood, a fluid motion that carried an innate grace and authority. "Then go, Bonolenov. Begin the journey of your tribe's new life. Work with my people, integrate with our society, learn our ways, and enrich our Kingdom with your unique culture. Show me that your words are more than mere promises."

Bonolenov stood, his body trembling with a mixture of excitement, fear, and determination. He bowed deeply, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you, Your Highness. We will make you proud."

Haruto's eyes softened for a fleeting moment, a rare glimpse of the human behind the monarch. "I expect nothing less," he said quietly, his voice carrying a hint of warmth.

With a final bow, Bonolenov left the room, the door closing silently behind him. Haruto stood alone, his mind already moving forward, considering the future, evaluating the opportunities, plotting the course of his Kingdom.

His fingers brushed against the delicate tea cup, still warm to the touch. He took a slow sip, savoring the flavor, a small indulgence in a world of relentless ambition and power.


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