Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch63- Ruined

Seated in the resplendent throne room, Haruto's presence dominated the space, his austere countenance reflecting the weight of his position. Canary, loyal and ever attentive, gently massaged his shoulders, her fingers deftly working to ease the tension that continuously built up within him.

Pakunoda, a trusted ally, stood before him, her voice deliberate as she informed Haruto about a potential recruit. "She may appear somewhat aloof, maybe even a tad callous," Pakunoda began, her tone conveying the conviction that this new addition was of significance. "But she is a good soul deep down. Moreover, her capabilities should prove valuable to us."

Haruto's gaze, unwavering and sharp, met Pakunoda's as he inquired, "Her name was Shizuku?"

Pakunoda nodded affirmatively. "Yes, Haruto. She's remarkably strong, already awakened in the use of Nen, and is on the cusp of formulating her Hatsu."

Emitting a soft, thoughtful hum, Haruto motioned with a slight tilt of his chin. "Bring her forth."

Following his command, Pakunoda exited momentarily and returned with a petite young woman at her side. Shizuku, her short, layered black hair accentuating her pale complexion, stood there with an air of nonchalance. She was undeniably attractive, with an hourglass figure, emphasized by her form-fitting black turtleneck and jeans. The black-framed glasses she wore gave her an intelligent, albeit distant, look.

Standing at a respectful distance from Haruto's throne, she raised her head to meet his gaze. Her brown eyes, though appearing slightly absent-minded, held an intensity that spoke of her power.

"Shizuku," Haruto began, his voice firm yet devoid of overt emotion, "Pakunoda speaks highly of you. Tell me, what can you bring to our Kingdom?"

Shizuku adjusted her glasses slightly, her voice reflecting her straightforward nature, "Strength, skill, and loyalty. My Nen abilities are unique and will be advantageous. But beyond that, I seek purpose, and if you provide that, you will have my unwavering loyalty."

A contemplative silence filled the room. The gravity of the conversation was palpable. Canary momentarily paused her ministrations, observing the interaction with quiet interest.

Haruto's tone, when he finally spoke, carried the assurance of a king evaluating his assets. "Loyalty is valuable, but I expect results, not just words. Prove your worth, and you shall find a place here."

Shizuku's lips curled into a faint smile. "I expect nothing less, Your Highness. Offer me a challenge, and you will see my capabilities."

Pakunoda, sensing the weight of the conversation, interjected, "She has the potential, Haruto. I believe she can be an asset."

"Very well," Haruto nodded, his voice echoing throughout the vast chamber. The regal aura that surrounded him made the atmosphere tense. "She can work with you in the Ministry of Culture or Public Relations. You can find her a fitting position, but remember, I detest nepotism. Ensure she truly merits her placement."

Pakunoda, her face reflecting relief, bowed gracefully. "Thank you, Haruto." She signaled for Shizuku to follow, and both women left the chamber, their footsteps fading gradually.

Haruto reclined slightly on his throne, allowing Canary, his loyal confidante, to continue massaging his tense muscles. The softness of her touch was a stark contrast to the stern aura he emanated.

"She seems...intriguing," Canary murmured, her voice holding a mix of admiration and concern. "Though perhaps a bit of an airhead."

A momentary smile graced Haruto's lips, making him seem momentarily more accessible than his royal facade usually permitted. "Her Hatsu is on the verge of awakening. If Pakunoda sees something in her, then it's worth our consideration."

Canary's delicate hands stilled momentarily. "Do you trust Pakunoda to such an extent?" Her voice was not one of jealousy but one of caution. Canary, having been with Haruto since her infancy, was fiercely protective of him.

His dark eyes met hers. "Pakunoda is loyal to the core. She would lay down her life for her allies without a second thought. Her word carries weight."

Canary exhaled softly, feeling a mixture of reassurance and lingering unease. "It's just... trust can be a double-edged sword, Your High—"

"Haruto," he corrected gently, a brief smile passing his face.

"Sorry...Haruto." Canary's eyes were warm but searching. "It's just hard to watch you place so much trust in others. The world is not always as it seems."

A thoughtful look passed Haruto's face. "It's a balance, Canary. One cannot rule by suspicion alone. Trust, when given to the right people, can be a powerful asset."

Canary frowned slightly. "But how do you know? How do you know whom to trust when so many would see you fall?"

He contemplated her question for a moment, then answered, "It's instinct, intuition, and, to some extent, experience. Mistakes have been made in the past, but they've also been lessons. Pakunoda has earned her place, just as you have."

She nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I just fear the consequences of misplaced trust."

His gaze turned more tender, the stern facade softening for a moment. "That's why I have you by my side. To ground me. To remind me."

She offered a faint smile, eyes gleaming. "Always, Haruto."

In the lingering silence that filled the opulent room, the only sound was that of Canary's soft breathing and the faint rustling of Haruto's regal robes.

Haruto, noticing the weight of her gaze, tilted his head, capturing her eyes. "Why do you look at me like that?"

Canary's fingers hesitated, the warmth of his skin seeping into hers. She tried to muster a response, but words failed her. Instead, she shifted closer, her hands moving to cup his face, her fingers grazing his strong jawline.

He did not pull away. Instead, his eyes, intense and probing, searched hers. It was as if he was trying to decode a secret message, one that Canary wasn't even fully aware she was transmitting.

She could feel the unmistakable warmth that radiated from him, a heat that was more than just the result of physical proximity. It was a magnetic pull, drawing her closer, urging her to bridge the distance between them.

Lingering just inches apart, their breaths intermingled, warm and enticing. A palpable tension built, and the room's vastness seemed to shrink to just the space they occupied. The energy around them became charged, electric.

"You've always been by my side," Haruto murmured, his voice lower than usual, taking on a gravelly quality that sent a shiver down Canary's spine.

Canary's heart raced. She wasn't naive. She knew the depth of what was happening, the silent confession that was about to spill forth. "Haruto," she whispered, her voice wavering with the weight of her emotions.

He leaned closer, so close she could feel the subtle curve of his lips against her skin. Time seemed to slow. Every detail was heightened – the warmth of his breath, the gentle touch of his fingers brushing her wrist.

It was then that a sharp knock echoed through the chamber, breaking the trance they found themselves in. The door swung open, revealing a guard, his face paled, eyes wide, recognizing the weight of his intrusion.

"Apologies," the guard hesitated, uncertainty clear in his eyes. "But there's an urgent matter requiring your attention, Haruto."

Canary's face flushed a deep shade of pink. She quickly pulled back, her eyes darting away. "I—uh, I need to check the guard rotations. Excuse me." Without another word, she rushed out of the room, leaving behind a trail of whispered conversations and unspoken confessions.

Haruto remained still, his expression unreadable. After a moment, he shifted his gaze to the guard. "Speak. What's the situation?" The softness of the moment now replaced by the steely demeanor of a king ready to address the needs of his kingdom.


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