Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch64- Recycle

It was a sunny day in the Meteor Kingdom. Birds sang, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the well-tended trees. Haruto strolled purposefully down the well-maintained pathway that led to his Recycling Factory, Komugi gently holding onto his outstretched arm, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. Canary walked confidently on his other side, her posture reflecting her pride in the innovative institution they approached.

Though she might not see the environment, Komugi sensed the hustle and felt a tad out of place. She hesitated for a moment, her voice uncertain. "The Great King, is this place...noisy?"

"It can be," Canary interjected gently, understanding the woman's apprehensions. "But every sound you'll hear is a testament to the kingdom's progress."

A tall, lean man with spectacles perched precariously on his nose rushed forward, bowing deeply before Haruto. "Your Highness," he began, his voice shaky, "it's an honor to have you here."

Haruto, his majestic aura palpable, responded, "I trust the operations are proceeding efficiently?"

The manager, sensing the underlying expectation in Haruto's voice, replied, "Absolutely. We have been maintaining a recycling efficiency of nearly 100% and have been successful in transforming garbage into usable raw materials."

Canary stepped forward, taking the initiative, "This establishment," she began, "is the culmination of Haruto's vision. When we first claimed this land, it was nothing more than a dumping ground. Now, we've turned trash into treasure."

Komugi tilted her head, curiosity evident. "How did you achieve this?"

The manager, visibly eager to showcase the innovations, gestured towards the expansive factory. "Your Highness, if you would follow me, I'd be honored to guide you through our operations."

They moved forward, with Komugi feeling slightly overwhelmed but determined to understand. As they approached the Intake and Sorting Station, the hum of machinery grew louder.

"This is the Intake and Sorting Station," the manager began, pointing at the labyrinth of conveyor belts crisscrossing overhead. "Using AI-powered cameras combined with a specialist Hatsu ability named 'Garbage Grader,' we can identify and segregate each piece of waste."

Komugi's brow furrowed in confusion, trying to piece together the unfamiliar terms. Sensing her confusion, Canary gently explained, "Imagine a system that can instantly tell the difference between every item, sorting them into different categories with near-perfect accuracy."

As they continued, they reached the Organic Waste Processing section. Large cylindrical containers buzzed with activity. "Here," the manager indicated, "we use 'Decomposer Bugs' to speed up the process, turning organic waste into methane gas."

"Haruto's vision led to this innovation," Canary added with evident pride. "He wanted waste to be more than just discarded. He saw potential."

The subsequent station, dedicated to Metal & Electronic Waste Refinement, was alight with the glow of molten metal. "Transmuters help purify the metals here," the manager elaborated, "and a 'Metal Magnet' manipulator ensures that every tiny piece of metal is extracted."

Komugi's fingers lightly traced the smooth metal railing beside her, trying to visualize the scene. "It's like giving life back to discarded things," she murmured.

They then entered the Plastic Processing section. Machines whirred, shredding and molding plastics. "With 'Plastic Melter' and 'Polymer Parser,' we can reshape and reuse almost all the plastic that comes our way," the manager said.

The journey continued with a visit to the Glass and Ceramics Treatment station. The air was tinged with heat as they witnessed crushed materials being reshaped. Canary, with a hint of admiration, mentioned, "This station ensures that the final products are strong and durable, with no waste left behind."

The mood turned solemn as they approached the Toxic and Hazardous Waste Handling station. The manager's tone was careful, "Safety is paramount here. 'Toxin Tamer' and 'Safety Sphere' abilities help neutralize and manage these materials."

Following that, the Residual Processing station displayed a combination of machines and the unique 'Elemental Extractor' ability handling the mixed waste.

Komugi's awe deepened, and she voiced her admiration, "Everything here... it's so intricate. The kingdom truly is moving towards a better future."

Canary smiled gently, "All thanks to Haruto's vision."

The Energy Production and Consumption area came next. The manager, with a hint of pride, stated, "We harness the methane from organic waste to generate power, further enhanced by the 'Eco Energizer.'"

The group finally arrived at the Quality Control section, where the 'Pure Sight' ability ensured recycled products' superior quality.

"We ensure that everything that leaves this facility is of the highest standard," the manager concluded.

Lastly, the sound of flowing water greeted them as they reached the Waste Water Treatment section. "Using both technological processes and the 'Aqua Purifier' emitter ability, we make certain the water released is as pure as can be," the manager explained.

Canary, standing tall beside Haruto, nodded appreciatively. "Every drop returned to the environment is clean, every action taken here is sustainable. This is the future, and it's a testament to Haruto's vision."

As they began their exit, Komugi whispered, "I may not fully grasp the technicalities, but I'm genuinely in awe. This place, this vision, it's astounding."

Komugi's fingers delicately traced the environment as they walked, searching for a semblance of familiarity. The symphony of industrial processes surrounding them seemed alien, making her heart race faster than usual.

"My siblings would always say Meteor City is where there are mountains of dumps and I, too, one day will be thrown here," Komugi whispered, her voice breaking the rhythmic symphony of machines around them. She paused, taking a moment to steady her breath, "I was... useless. But seeing, no, feeling how you turned even the most unwanted refuse into something meaningful... Can I, too, hope for such a transformation? Can I see the rise of this Kingdom?"

Haruto halted in his stride, the weight of Komugi's words settling into the atmosphere. A quiet tension filled the air. He turned slowly, his aura radiating an imposing energy, with the subtlest hint of warmth.

"You are not waste." His words were deliberate, measured. The chill in his voice was evident, but beneath that layer of frost, a genuine concern resided. His eyes, though not meeting hers, bore into the very essence of her insecurities. "Those who fail to see your value... they are."

Komugi's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her ears. In that instant, she felt an overwhelming gratitude, but words escaped her. The quiet strength in Haruto's words was enough to plant a seed of confidence within her. A simple statement, but it spoke volumes about his perspective on worth and potential.

Canary stepped in, sensing the depth of the moment, "Your presence here, amidst us, is not by mere chance. Each of us has our path, our destiny, and our worth. Remember that, Komugi."

Komugi nodded, her fingers gently squeezing Haruto's arm, "Thank you, Great King... and Canary."

Haruto's gaze turned forward once more. "Canary," he began, a hint of admonishment in his tone, "how many times have I insisted that you call me by my name?"

Canary chuckled softly, "Forgive me, Ha—" She stopped herself, correcting with a smile, "Haruto."

He nodded approvingly, though his face remained stoic. His demeanor exuded the silent confidence of someone who was unshaken by the world, an unwavering spirit. With Komugi by his side and Canary accompanying them, they proceeded out of the factory grounds.

Komugi, gathering courage from the depth of Haruto's assurance, asked hesitantly, "Canary, how did you come to be with the Great K— I mean, Haruto?"

Canary glanced at Haruto, noting the subtle shift in his posture, indicating his attentiveness to the story she'd share. "I was but a baby when he found me, kidnapped and abandoned. He took me in, cared for me as his own. Haruto is not just a ruler, he's family."

There was a pause, and then Komugi responded, her voice quivering with emotion, "It's not just about waste, then. It's about seeing potential where others don't. It's about offering a second chance."

Haruto didn't respond, but the slight tilt of his head, listening intently to their conversation, spoke more than words ever could. The walk back from the factory was filled with a mixture of reflection and newfound understanding.

As they approached the kingdom's palace, Komugi, with newfound determination in her voice, declared, "I wish to be of use here. To play a part in this grand vision. I may not have much to offer, but my heart and my loyalty are unwavering."

Haruto paused, turning to face her. There was no warmth in his eyes, no soft smile to ease her nervousness. But when he spoke, his words held the weight of a promise, "Very well. We will find a place for you here."

Komugi bowed, gratitude evident in her posture, "Thank you, Great King."


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